Please go to their website for any UPDATES that may come in or to find our which States are OK.
Salmonellosis Outbreak in Certain Types of Tomatoes
The Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers nationwide that a salmonellosis outbreak appears to be linked to consumption of certain types of raw red tomatoes and products containing raw red tomatoes. The bacteria causing the illnesses are Salmonella serotype Saintpaul, an uncommon type of Salmonella.
The specific type and source of tomatoes are under investigation. However, preliminary data suggest that raw red plum, raw red Roma, or raw round red tomatoes are the cause. At this time, consumers should limit their tomato consumption to tomatoes that have not been implicated in the outbreak.
At this time, FDA is advising consumers to limit their consumption of tomatoes to the following types of tomatoes.
The following types of tomatoes listed below are NOT likely to be the source of this outbreak.
cherry tomatoes
grape tomatoes
tomatoes sold with the vine still attached
tomatoes grown at home
Consumers who are unsure of where the tomatoes are from that they have in their home are encouraged to contact the store or place of purchase for that information.
Since mid April, there have been 145 reported cases of salmonellosis nationwide caused by Salmonella Saintpaul, an uncommon form of Salmonella. At least 23 hospitalizations have been reported.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I used to grow my own and this has been the second year I have not. Yum they were delicious and having them right there to pick was wonderful.
It is weird that the website doesn’t tell where the tomatoes are coming in from…Mexico maybe, just wondering. I guess it isn’t politically correct to tell where the problem starts from.
Not to be an alarmist, but has it occured to anyone that these “small” , unrelated, Uncommon Sam. food problems are intentional.
Is it possible that all these contaminations since 911 are carefully orchestrated and controlled tests of our food distribution systems?
You may be right Steve. Or it may be some of La Raza’s folks capping on food they know is for gringos.
Kinda like groups of muslims testing our legal system, security and tolerance in little ways all the time.
Steve, as far as these contaminations being carefully orchestrated, remember that saying that just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean that people aren’t out to get you.
The same outbreak happened a few years with the Lettuce. Apparently, when you have Illegal Aliens you don’t need to buy First Class Farm Machinery. Hence, disease and pestulence abound. First point, …the contaminated Tomatoes come from New Mexico and Texas. Common to both States, Migrant Farm Workers, “Viola” Illegal Aliens.
Second point, the hygene habbits of illegal aliens runs parallel to that of Chimpanzees and second only to the French and Muslems.
I see this as a clash of cultures, good versus evil or Mr. Clean meets Senor’ Salmonella and his wife Senor’ita Botchalism, homebrew diseases to go, coming to a market near you or unless they are deported first.
SSgt Steve, NBC Warfare Instructor, we have had more since 9-11 then in my lifetime. Very werid for sure.
Tom yes something like that could happen.
Les, yes I agree too.
Mark, good one,”Mr. Clean meets Senor’ Salmonella and his wife Senor’ita Botchalism”.