Putin: US, frightening monster
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has urged France to distance itself from America, comparing the US to a ‘frightening monster’.
“How can one be such a shining example of democracy at home and a frightening monster abroad?” Putin said in an interview with French newspaper Le Monde in Paris released on Saturday.
“France, I hope, will continue to conduct an independent foreign policy,” said Putin.
He said the US was creating a new Berlin Wall in Europe by pushing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to expand into ex-Soviet states Georgia and Ukraine.
The former Russian President also voiced concern over the fact that the West’s “military infrastructure is coming closer to our borders,” and denounced the US for seeking a “monopoly in world affairs.”
Under Putin’s eight-year presidency, Russia clashed with the US and the European Union over matters such as NATO expansion and a plan to station a US missile-defense system in Eastern Europe.
And this:
May 31, 2008 – “I don’t think the Iranians are looking to make a nuclear bomb. We have no reason to believe this. The Iranian people are very proud and independent. They are trying to implement their legal right to develop peaceful nuclear technologies.” – Vladimir Putin
Russia Today
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Take heart Putin, if B. Hussein Obama wins the Presidency the U.S. will no longer be a monster superpower, and you will probably be invited to the big surrender party.
So we’re a big monster under his bed? AWWW. Maybe he just don’t like cowboys, pickup trucks, boots, country music and bbq’s! Maybe he’s got his head shoved up his butt so far he’s afraid to say he likes something.
Freedom is a big ole Monster? So what?
As they said in Galaxy Quest–Never Give up, Never Surrender.
I’m praying that if a dummy wins, they get a Republican house and senate so they can’t do what they want to do to us. Open your eyes, America–we’re being sold down the river. Obamanation reminds me of Benny from the Mummy movie with Brendan Fraser. Nerdy, evil little man who will turn on a moment’s notice in the way it suits him best.
Vladimir sure has changed his eschatological stance since 2002 in his quest to restore the former Soviet Union. It looks like he fears losing his influence on France and the EU, maybe he has taken his own advice and joined.
Another problem with Bush’s compassionate conservatism…he seems unable to make moral judgements about people. His defense policy asserts natural rights, but he cuddles up to weirdos like Putin, and keeps slugs like McClellan on the payroll long after their low value is known to everyone. Harriet Miers and Gonzales are two more. When he SHOULD intervene, such as in the Libby case, he caves. Go figure.
Rhod stole my thunder.
When Bush had such an upbeat press conference with Putin in Crawford, I thought Bush knew something that most of us did not. I was optimistic that maybe Putin was putting his strong commie history behind him and changing stripes. Well, he wasn’t. He played Bush for a fool.
Bush would foolishly shake hands with the devil if the devil smiled. Hell, Bush held hands with the Saudi Prince, the same guy who funds wahabbism.
Lynn, LOL yes “So we’re a big monster under his bed? great way to put it. Your right about how they change on a moment’s notice too.
Jack, yes and that quote from long ago how Bush looked into Putin’s eyes and saw his soul. I forget was that a real quote or not. But if it was Bush must have had blurry vision that day when he liked the soul of Putin.
Rhod, that is all so right on target about Bush. That good ole boy theory he uses and the way you described it better them I could is a weakness of his and it has effected some huge things that never should have happned or should be stopped once things got started.
Tom, me too. I had such a good feeling like well Bush must know he better then I think about Putin so he must be OK. Bush seemed so happy when they visited each other like a good buddy feel to his smile.
Remind W at his birthday party that KGB agents don’t have any souls, nor conscience, nor GOD!
Did he sleep through the COLD WAR? Unreal and alzheimers MUST be setting in, seriously! Just like Ronnie Reagan began showing in his last year!!
Darth, yes, if I was Bush I would stay as far away from Putin as possible.
“Oh those were the GOOD old days Darth & WT… B-52 alpha-bravo alerts and H20 and bodily fluids and nukes over Moscow 24-7 reminding the RED Bolsheviks if you hit US we’ll NUKE YOU…
Failsafe and detente and underground bunkers that all led to RESPECT…both ways! We had John Wayne, the Brits had 007 and Dr. Zhivago was a great flick…” – Goldfinger 1964 / Oilfinger 2008!