Pakistani Police Say Teacher Beat, Killed Blind Boy for Not Learning Koran
Fox News
A young blind boy has died after a teacher at his Islamic school in Pakistan hung him upside down and beat him for not learning the Koran, Agence France-Presse reported Friday.
Teacher Qari Ziauddin allegedly hung Muhammad Atif, 7, from a ceiling fan at Qari Latif Islamic school near Lahore, Pakistan, on Thursday.
Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has ordered an investigation into the boy’s death, AFP reported.
“The Prime Minister has expressed his deep sorrow and concern over the tragic death of Muhammad Atif, who reportedly died as a result of corporal punishment by his teacher,” an official government statement said.
Pakistani police said Ziauddin has been arrested and charged in Atif’s murder. The police also report Ziauddin did not take the boy to the hospital after his condition deteriorated following the beating.
Local police official Akram Niazi told AFP an autopsy report confirmed that physical torture caused Atif’s death.
“Qari Ziauddin hanged Atif upside down with a ceiling fan in the school after beating him with sticks, which caused his death,” Niazi told AFP.
And this one:
Honor Killing Horror In Hamburg
A young female form lying crumpled on a sidewalk. Blood flowing from multiple stab wounds. Police cars. Ambulances. Flashing lights. Emergency personnel working frantically to save an innocent life that had barely begun.
It is a scene that is becoming all too common in Western Europe with its growing Muslim population, as the northern German city of Hamburg experienced in May yet another horrifying honor murder of a young female.
Morsal Obeidi, barely 16, arrived in Hamburg from the war-torn country of Afghanistan when she was three, probably barely remembering her country of origin in her new homeland. The German Muslim student, who had won a prize in her multicultural school for tolerance and peaceful co-existence with others, was stabbed 20 times by her 23-year old brother, Ahmed, who ambushed her at a commuter train station.
The reason for Morsal’s murder is a common one for female Muslim victims of honor killings who emigrate to the West with their families and grow up between two cultures: she was living too western a lifestyle.
“She had a different life than the family wished,” admitted Ahmed, who assaulted his sister so severely that he wounded himself and had to be treated in hospital.
And this…….
Rape Jihad direct from the pages of the Koran
Islam Watch
During a question answer session in East London Mosque, preacher Imam Abdul Makin was asked by a niqabi muslima about recent fatwa from a well known Imam .
Naqabi Woman: “One eyed hooked Imam Hamza Mesri said muslims can kill British infidels and have sex with their wives and daughters, Do you agree with him?”
Imam: “It is not what Imam Hamza said nor is there a question of my agreeing with him or not. It is in Quran thus those are Allah’s orders.”
N.W.: “But why would Allah tell muslims to kill and rape innocent non muslims?”
Imam: “Because Non-muslims are never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet. If you don’t believe me, here is the legal authority, the top muslim lawyer of Britain, Anjem Choudhary (Video below).”
N.W. “ But our Prophet was sent as a mercy for all the humanity; he never hurt any body in his life”
Imam: “Yes he never hurt a muslim in his life. But Allah said non-muslim are lowest beasts and worst creatures in ayas 8.22,8.55,95.5 and 98.6 and muslim are ordered to kill them.”
N.W.:” But did prophet approve of killing them and raping their wives?”
Imam: “Yes he did. He not only approved of such acts, he and his sahabas practiced it regularly under Allah’s orders. He was helpless in it… If you don’t believe me , you have to believe sahih hadiths. I will quote you two hadiths about his typical day after a raid. These hadiths are about the raid on jewish village Khaibar whose chief was Kinana who had gorgeous 17 year old wife Safia. Prophet tortured and beheaded Kinana in front of Safia and raped her all night afterwards.
A known British Mullah Mr. Anjum Chaudri describes the “Killing of Innocent” Non-Muslims civilians in the suicide bombing as “Legitimate”.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
There are many stories like this, one as horrible as the next. Our soldiers are fighting a truly evil enemy that wants to rule the world. This enemy is not one single country but all over the world.They have an agenda and it will happen if we don’t fight back. If Obama wins I fear we will not fight back, we will be seeing a President of the United States doing sit downs and having tea with these terrorists.
It is the so called religion that is a death cult and if people do not realize this, wake up and see how it has it’s own laws NOT our USA laws in our land. It has it’s own government so to speak that will always be their first concern no matter what country the followers live in. Then if we don’t realize these things and wake up we will not see the America we have loved and want for future generations.
America is the best country in the entire world. It is still a baby compared to others and yet we have been the one to help all the others, to defend and fight to help the others, to come to the rescue of other countries when they have a need. The USA has done these things more then any other country and we need to know that if we get in trouble and we go by what history tells us, we will be in our own fight to fend off Islam’s rule and destruction of our nation. So if we wait till the last minute it just might be too late.
Look at the UK practically handing over their country to Islam, inch by inch but now they are saying that Islam is bigger then the Christian church there. That there are places in the UK that non Muslims cannot go out of fear for their lives.
English speaking Muslims living in America protesting against America
…Thank you Lynn for sending me the story and link about the murder of the innocent blind boy.
I thought they didn’t approve of violence.
Why do the American people have blinders on?
Why do we want this over here? Sharia laws are
an excuse to get away with torture, rape, murder.
The story of the brother killing his sister. Who knows what she might have become in the future? Maybe she was the one to find the cure for a deadly strain of cancer or to be a political leader with a heart of gold? We won’t know anymore. And the blind child–how truly, truly tragic. Didn’t they have a braille Koran for him?
And that guy talking about raping infidels wives. Sounds like he’s making it up as he goes along. Sounds like Prima Noctae from Braveheart. If we can’t starve them out, we’ll breed them out. Problem for them is if any children are created, they are raised in the infidels religion, not Muslim. God they are so stupid.
… But but but GITMO is torture? And WE are the Great Satan, eh? How dare infidel ‘occupiers’ waterboard? Listen to the left now… shhhhhh….you can hear a pin drop!
Islam should not be referred to as a religion. Islam is a culture of hatred, torture and death. It should be labeled a terrorist organization and treated as a hostile entity. Unless we wake up we will be witnessing the last days of Rome revisited. Our politicians will fiddle as America burns.
Very recently locally an Egyptian killed his two teenaged daughters for “acting too Western”. The father has disappeared, probably hidden by fellow muslims in America.
We are allowing muslims in at an alarming rate. Others are entering America illegally. They want to dominate us under Sharia law like they are atempting to do in Europe and Asia.
Buy ammo.
Meanwhile, our so-called leaders are spouting Newspeak. See this posting I put up today.
These people are sick. What happened to the religion of peace.
Like one of WT’s posters says, Jihad works both ways.
Maybe we should start our own version of Cowboys and Muzzies.
I agree with Tom, buy Ammo.
Always on watch, will hit yours and hit mine. Going there now.
Lynn they sure are stupid I agree. They fall for this stuff, I know part of those raised in it fear leaving Islam. BUT what about how stupid people are they join up to this horrible vile cult of Islam. sheesh
Darth, good one, yes silence from the lefties for sure. They won’t even tell about this in the nightly news. OH how awful it would be for them if they had to admit Islam is a bad thing. grrr
Bob, that would be much better llike you said to label it a ….”terrorist organization”.
Tom, your right that is just what is happening. I pray that our leaders wake up and learn from the mistakes of Europe and Asia. I feel funny anymore referring to our politicians in as leaders. How sad is that. sigh
Hi Always, yes that is beyond outrageous. And they keep adding to the list of what words can be used too. Thanks so much for the link to your post about it.
Mark, “Cowboys and Muzzies” is what it would be. Thanks Mark.
For current stories on “islam: the Religion of Peace” go to:
Share these stories with others as we go through this current PC election season. And, remember the words of Barack Hussein Obama….
Les, thank you so much for the link and the information .
I SLAM? or Islime? Why is HAM in Muhamad? You mean the Eurabian Union or Europeon Union? Islam = Islamofascism = Caliphate… period!
CRUSADE UP 2008 + px Px px + !
drstrangeloveb52isok, LOL hahhaha
Now see and I bet he never even tasted ham and it is good. heh heh