McClellan whacks Bush, White House
Politico for complete article
Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a surprisingly scathing memoir to be published next week that President Bush “veered terribly off course,” was not “open and forthright on Iraq,” and took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.
Among the most explosive revelations in the 341-page book, titled “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception” (Public Affairs, $27.95):
• McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.
• He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.
• He admits that some of his own assertions from the briefing room podium turned out to be “badly misguided.”
• The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.
• McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.
Before he wrote his own memoir, White House press secretary Scott McClellan was rather critical of those who did the same.
And this………….
from Marxist socialist Wexler
and member of the Democratic Socialists of America
Wexler: : McClellan Must Testify Under Oath Before House Judiciary
Washington, DC) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) called for former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to appear before the House Judiciary Committee to testify under oath regarding the devastating revelations made in his new book on the Bush Administration’s deliberate efforts to mislead the American people into the Iraq War.
“The admissions made by Scott McClellan in his new book are earth-shattering and allege facts to establish that Karl Rove and Scooter Libby – and possibly Vice President Cheney – conspired to obstruct justice by lying about their role in the Plame Wilson matter and that the Bush Administration deliberately lied to the American people in order to take us to war in Iraq. Scott McClellan must now appear before the House Judiciary Committee under oath to tell Congress and the American people how President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and White House officials deliberately orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the American people.”
“The allegations by this former top White House aide – that Rove and Libby deliberately coordinated their stories in order to obstruct justice in the Plame case, that the President deliberately disregarded contradictory evidence related to Iraq, should outrage every American and Congress must respond by initiating immediate aggressive oversight starting with an appearance by McClellan before the House Judiciary Committee. Any continued obstruction by this Administration to prevent White House officials from appearing before Congress cannot be tolerated by this Congress in the face of these shocking revelations.”
Congressman Wexler has led a nationwide campaign in favor of holding impeachment hearings for Vice-President Dick Cheney. Congressman Wexler is Chairman of the Europe Subcommittee and a senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the House Judiciary Committee.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
McClellan is going to spend all his book profits on lawyers. LOL Scottie lies for money and walks into a minefield!
These people will never learn what a big mistake it is to side in any way with the left and the rino’s and the enemy within.
Rove has already debunked this little bit of paranoia. He met with Libby routinely as part of his job, it was not a secret .
Scott is a PUTZ! He always has been and always will be. McClellan will find out you can’t buy, beg or steal friendship and loyalty from Demorats, Socialists, radicals and Bush/America-haters.
McClellan was hired by rino Karen Hughes.
This is also good that Rush said yesterday about all of this:
Folks, if I may be candid, this is what so frustrated me about McCain for all these last six years. McCain was trying to do the same thing. He was trying to be treated as an elite by the liberals, and how did he do it? By trashing his own party; by trashing his own president; by being more critical of his own party than he ever was our enemies; by making deals with them. He almost quit the Republican Party in 2004, whatever it was. It was he who approached John Kerry. People ask me, “Why do you have problems with McCain?” Why do I have problems with Scott McClellan? It’s not quite the same thing, but the liberals seek these people out. Now, if McCain had decided not to run for president, he would be most-favored person status, he would be one of the wisest wise men on all these cable network shows but now they gotta take him out ’cause he’s jumped back. He hasn’t jumped back, they just think he has. This is a clear illustration here of how this all works. McClellan can sit there, “Okay, fine, the left’s going to take care of me fine now. George Bush fired me and left me out to dry, replaced me with Tony Snow, but the left is going to take care of me. For the rest of my life I am a credible expert on the Republican Party and the Bush administration. The left will never criticize me anymore.” Some people will trade their souls for that.
And this from Glenn Beck:
As Glenn Beck said today, WHY didn’t he just quit when he “found out that Bush was misleading us into the war?” Heck, IF you found out that your boss was sending people to fight and die for a lie, would YOU stay with him for 2 years?? Wouldn’t that make YOU as bad as your boss???! So, what does that make McClellan? McClellan is as bad as Bush if that’s what was happening, and I know it wasn’t. This guy (McClellan) is a REAL PUKE!!!
I call this loser Scott Paper (Toilet Paper)… In 2003 Arie Fleischer bailed and Karen Hughes followed… So did Andy Card and I knew W was in big time trouble then. Scott Paper Mac sucked as Arie’s replacement… and WHY this douchebag was in W’s administration puzzled me at that time. Perhaps there are blackmail photos of Scott and Helen Thomas in bed?
Even The New Republic is reviling this lardass.
White House journalists routinely described Andy as a fat, clueless bugwit…maybe not in those words, and now they have to take him seriously?
One problem I see here – sorry – is Bush’s habit of seeing merit in cronies from Texas, and being much too tolerant of traitors, liberals, and morons like Andy. Everyone knew that McClellan had to have his mittens pinned to his cuff in snowy weather, and he ends up press secretary? Amazing.
He keeps these people around, even after they screw him.
And what if this POS wrote a fantasy book of lies? He probably did. Probably couldn’t find decent work so he wrote a book condemning his former boss. You know, we aren’t meant to know everything about the government and for him to be blasting everyone it seems on the Bush team is just plain mean. Maybe he got a bad evaluation before he left and wanted to get even. What an immature act.
And that is Bush’s Achilles Heel–to keep pukes like McClellan around because he’s that type of guy. He has, at least, a heart in his chest and it’s beating.
I always thought McClellan was a stumbling pussy.
I also have wondered why Bush picks incompetent untrustworthy cronies over better qualified people. It does reflect back on Bush. Rhod hit the nail with his comment.
Perhaps the public would be better served without a White House Press Spokesman and White House Press Corps. They are both nothing more than a dueling match. Both are liars, truth spinners and biased propaganda machines. As far as I am concerned, Sam Donaldson and Helen Thomas set the low standards for the White House bullshit news.
Et tu, Brute? ‘And you, Brutus?’.
Maybe Scott only wants the glow of the spotlight, the notoriety of Valerie Plame the wife of U.S. Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV and the ‘expose’ in the media to sell his book, or maybe he only wants to be “Wilson’s wife”.
A book with that much hate and venom says more about the author than the people that he talks about. If what McCleelan says is true then he is a political coward for not standing up sooner. If what he wrote is false then he is a political traitor. Either way, he is the problem and not the solution. SCUM!
Darth. LOL hahahahahahaahaha good one.
“Perhaps there are blackmail photos of Scott and Helen Thomas in bed? ”
Rhod, yes, exactly and also I think when Bush surrounds himself with rino’s it will or could backfire, they have no loyalty in their bones to anyone but themselves.
Your so right Rhod.
Lynn yes, too bad Bush does not realize that keeping these people in his life like he does is only going to bite him.
He ( Bush) is even saying now about Scott that one day they will probably sit down and have a nice talk together. LOL Good grief…. and Scott’s reply was he did not see that in their future.
Tom, I agree…..” also have wondered why Bush picks incompetent untrustworthy cronies over better qualified people”….. isn’t that lawyer he has regarding the Border Agents an old cronie too. He is horrible that lawyer and he too could one day write a book. That lawyer is a really horrible person.
Jack…..”or maybe he only wants to be “Wilson’s wife”.”………LOL
Les, well said and so true.
” book with that much hate and venom says more about the author than the people that he talks about.”
Even a Helen Hag Thomas in lingerie would make me consider to beat foot to a YMCA in San Fransicko….? NOT!
Darth, LOL