A crew member of a U.S. military Black Hawk helicopter wears a helmet painted with a skull at LZ Washington helipad in the fortified Green Zone in Baghdad May 26, 2008

Four of six Iraqi teenage boys purportedly being trained as suicide bombers stand next to a police official, inside the police headquarters of Mosul, 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, on Monday, May 26, 2008. Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Abdul-Karim Khalaf said that initial investigations show they were being trained by a Saudi militant who was killed in military operations.

That’s hilarious. Seems I had one of those conversations midspan of the one lane Quang Nhai river bridge, I was dragging a 40 footer loaded with ordinance with a 5 ton and I was on the bridge first, my opponent was an ARVN ‘leftennant’ in a 1/4 ton that wanted me to back that chain off the bridge, he tried to pull rank and it was a Mexican standoff until the MP’s arrived, he backed off. I was counseled, something about armed assault of an officer, when he pulled his popgun first. Not much has changed, not all our allies are our friends.
I bet Darth would love that “skull” helmet!
Glad they got those 4 boys before they became killers. So, their mentor was a Saudi. How surprising(sarc). The Saudi Prince just refused Bush’s request to increase oil production to bring down oil prices. Bet the Prince isn’t invited to the next BBQ at Crawford.
Unfortunately, I bet if anyone sees that skull helmet, the soldier will be forced to take it off before they “offend” some terrorist.
Jack, heh heh I got it from one of the publications they put out, they have good things that are OK to post once and awhile. I try to be careful not to post certain things they have.
Thank you for sharing about your experience liek this. I agree not all our allies are our friends.
Tom giggle I bet he would too. The pilot did a great job on that helmet.
Isn’t that something that their mentor is a saudi. grrrrr
Ogre,yes I bet that will happen too. I love the helmet though it is really cool.
Looks a lot like my high school graduation picture! I spent 11 years in high school!!
– Brother Bluto Animal House 1978
Darth, giggle… Miss you my friend!
I love this helmet I think it is really cool.