Harley has gone the extra mile in the last week
Makes me glad I have stock in a company like HD.
Check out http://www.harley-davidson.com/screwit I almost
forgot, I have a dog Named Harley….
Harley is pure American! They always do
something good for the troops. They haven’t
forgotten what it means to be an American.
If I had a motorcycle, it would be a Harley Fat
Boy. My step aunt from Riverview, FL and her late
husband used to travel on Harleys! And she used to
be a nun! Barely 5 feet tall and full of spunk!
I love her to pieces!
God Bless Harley Davidson!
Lynn, that is so cool. I would love one, Nick had several over the years, from well gosh from a teenager till about 4 years ago. I would love one so much, but Nick is worried about my getting hurt. I know he is right but I still would love to have one someday. So meanwhile I ride my bicycle. haha
My daughter works for a Plastics company out of Chicago. Recently at a convention she won a full dress ‘Hog’ as a drawing prize.
She isn’t sure what she is going to do with it, but she sent us pictures of it and her on it. I got to say she looks good on the ‘thing’.
HOGS offend muzzies and I love it!
Harley has gone the extra mile in the last week
Makes me glad I have stock in a company like HD.
Check out http://www.harley-davidson.com/screwit I almost
forgot, I have a dog Named Harley….
Harley is pure American! They always do
something good for the troops. They haven’t
forgotten what it means to be an American.
If I had a motorcycle, it would be a Harley Fat
Boy. My step aunt from Riverview, FL and her late
husband used to travel on Harleys! And she used to
be a nun! Barely 5 feet tall and full of spunk!
I love her to pieces!
God Bless Harley Davidson!
Wonderful, BTW Rolling Thunder is in DC today. God bless Harley Davidson and Rolling Thunder.
Darth, heh heh good one!!
Tincan Sailor, that is neat hugs to your dog named Harley. giggle love the name.
Thanks for the link too.
Lynn, that is so cool. I would love one, Nick had several over the years, from well gosh from a teenager till about 4 years ago. I would love one so much, but Nick is worried about my getting hurt. I know he is right but I still would love to have one someday. So meanwhile I ride my bicycle. haha
Jack, thank you.
I have a dream that one day I will have a Harley, know how to ride it all by myself and take that trip on Memorial Day weekend.
My daughter works for a Plastics company out of Chicago. Recently at a convention she won a full dress ‘Hog’ as a drawing prize.
She isn’t sure what she is going to do with it, but she sent us pictures of it and her on it. I got to say she looks good on the ‘thing’.
… don’t forget about Miss Piggy and the Washington Redskin HOGETTES! PORK…the other white meat!!