With the world awash in disaster, the United Nations is spending money to send a “special rapporteur” to look into racism in one of its member nations. The country? Why, the United States, of course.
Investors Business Daily
The rapporteur in question, Senegal’s Doudou Diene, will investigate “contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” in a number of American cities.
In fact, the U.S. is the least racist nation on Earth. Diene’s visit is a calculated insult to both the American people and President Bush, and an attempt to influence the upcoming U.S. election.
Sure we have our problems. But it’s hard to say a country where the leading candidate for president of one party is an African-American, while the other party has in the past eight years named highly accomplished blacks, Hispanic-Americans and Asian-Americans — Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Carlos Gutierrez, Alberto Gonzales and Elaine Chao — to the highest federal positions they’ve ever occupied, is actively racist.
The U.S. also has 40 million immigrants from virtually every nation on the globe, easily the largest such population of any nation. Will Diene look into that, too?
To see what a canard this idea is, one has only to look how America behaves globally. Each year, we spend billions of dollars, both public and private, to help less fortunate people around the globe — including people who don’t share our predominant skin color or our majority religion or our main ethnic heritage.
In the past two decades, the U.S. has intervened militarily on behalf of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo, none of which is exactly American — by race or religion.
When the tsunami hit Thailand in 2004, U.S. aid flooded the country — though some of the beneficiaries included those who applauded Osama bin Laden’s 9/11 attack on America. A U.S. Navy ship dutifully anchored off the coast to dispense badly needed emergency goods. U.S. aid workers are still there today.
In Burma, a country that bears virtually no cultural, racial or ethnic propinquity to the U.S., we have aggressively sought to save lives following Cyclone Nargis.
American planes and ships filled with emergency aid and workers have been forced to wait while the murderous Burmese regime lets its people die. Why no U.N. action on that?
The record is clear: Total public and private sector aid from the U.S. to others totaled $130 billion in 2006, the most recent year for which data are available. That’s a 6% increase from the year before, and four times what the next biggest giver delivered.
Add in $500 billion-plus in defense spending — much of which goes to protect other nations from the threat of war, terror or violent cutoffs of trade — and the U.S. is far and away the most generous nation on the planet. Not exactly a sign of rampant racism.
Meanwhile, the U.N. itself is no paragon. It’s directly responsible for holding Palestinians in camps for 60 years while passing inane resolution after resolution condemning the only peaceful, prosperous and completely democratic regime in the Mideast — Israel.
The U.N. should investigate other members’ rampant racism, which takes the form of extreme hatred for the West and its values.
Take South Africa, the country that hosted the U.N.’s Durban I Conference that, among other actions, equated Zionism with racism. Once the poster child for the left’s politically correct kumbayaism, South Africa is wracked with violent ethnic cleansing as armed thugs rampage against immigrants.
Where, we ask, is the special rapporteur for South Africa? Or the one for Zimbabwe, where Robert Mugabe has engaged in a brutal ethnic cleansing to remove white farmers and kill his foes?
How about one for the Arab world, which has spent the last half-century expelling and denying rights to Jews and Christians?
As we said, the timing of special rapporteur Diene’s visit is highly suspect. Could the U.N. be playing the Barack Obama card here, tweaking Americans’ consciences over alleged racism to influence the outcome of our upcoming election?
Keep in mind that Obama’s rival, John McCain, has proposed a new League of Democracies that would circumvent the U.N.
America no doubt will welcome Diene and engage in a Mao-like frenzy of self-criticism. But we shouldn’t. Instead, we should politely but firmly ask him to leave. Then we should ask the same thing of the organization that employs him.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Screw the UN and this asshole from Senegal. What a bunch of bull this is.
Yes, we should invite the UN to leave.
Here is another tidbit from B. Hussein at a speech in Oregon. I posted this on my site yesterday.
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.
“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.
What is he advocating, that we abdicate our home rule to other nations. Hillary wants us to give up for the common good, but at least she means in the US, I think. It sounds like this Obama guy wants us to sacrifice for every other country on earth. He is truly a scary and dangerous person. No this is unacceptable.
Why do we need another bureaucrap? Yes, racism is alive and well in every nation on this planet. But it’s not just blacks, jews, hispanics and orientals who are persecuted against. But it’s okay for a black person to call me a honkey because I’ll turn the other cheek. But if I use a racial slur against them, it turns into a riot! We’ve all been there and we’ll all be there all our lives. I’m sure we’ve all lost jobs because a manager thought they didn’t have enough of this kind or that kind of employee. I see more reverse discrimination and racism against whites than against any other race.
Lynn, you’re right on the money.
The UN needs to be off American soil. They need to build their new headquarters in some African nation. Then they can show the world just how much they care. And, it’ll be interesting to see how these third world leaders put up with their BS and trampling on its citizens…just ask the City of NY.
The UN (Useless Nations) sending a special rapporteur to look into racism in the United States may have an unexpected result. Barack Obama and the Dems have maliciously made the presidential election all about racism and electing the first black (African-American for the PC) President.
The predetermined findings of Doudou Diene will be that the United States is a racist country and that blacks are the victims of racism committed by non-blacks, but mostly by whites. Let this be a wake-up call to all non-blacks when they have an opportunity to vote next November. Do they really want four years of a racist witch hunt as the number one priority of an Obama White House and administration?
Barack Obama and the Dems have brought this destructive anti-American racial hatred distortion on the country. He would always be the “First Black President” or, if they wish, the hyphenated “First African-American President.” He will never be, as every president up to now, 100% American “President” Obama.
There was a play and movie about The Great White Hope. Unfortunately, come January 2009, the United States could be lead and represented by The Great Black Dope.
Everyone keeps forgetting that Obama is half White and has exhibited a racism against that side of his family. Maybe he should be investigated by the UN. And his wife, his pastor and some of his associates like Farrakhan. Maybe Doudou should look at America’s crime statistics and see the ratio of Black on White crime versus White on Black crime.
We will probably never do it, but America needs to get out of and rid of the UN.
Doudou, does that mean what I think it does?
And of course we are paying for the investigation by the UN. We are paying for a biased report that will put the U.S. in a bad light, but what else is new.
What we need is a leader to kick the UN out of the United States.
Bob thanks and yes Obama will be wanting a lot of control over all of our lives. Thanks for the quote by Obama.
Lynn your exactly right.
BobF, I agree and I pray somehow some way there will be a day the UN will leave our soil and never come back.
Les, yes “The Great Black Dope” is right.
Obama will have to start to acknowledge he is half white pretty soon instead of trying to sound like a black preacher from his hate filled church.
Tom I agree, he sure has and they will probably not even mention that. sheesh
Jack. LMAO it sure sounds like it. heh heh
Mark, sigh we alwasy have to pay for everything and so much of the time it is something that hurts our own country. waaaaa
Yes Mark we sure do need a strong leader to go up against the UN.
Doudou(Doo-Doo?) from Senegal needs to show up at my front door. When I am done, well you get the picture.
Someone needs to take a burning sack of Doudou and toss it at the UN’s front.
GM CASSEL AMH1(AW) USN RET….. (((((applause))))
Cuchieddie, that would be ok with me. I have had with these people telling us what to do. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR