New book out:
American Heroes: In the Fight against Radical Islam
Author Oliver North and editor Chuck Holton
Pub. Date: May 2008

Sgt. 1st Class John Duggins (left), a platoon sergeant with B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, and Loneoak, Texas-native Pfc. Tommy Shumpert, a S.A.W. gunner, patrol through the streets of the Graya’at neighborhood in Baghdad’s Adhamiyah District
Paratrooper Makes the Cover of Best-selling Author’s New Book
By Staff Sgt. Mike Pryor
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Public Affairs
Even though he is a decorated veteran of the war in Iraq, Sgt. 1st Class John Duggins doesn’t think of himself as an “American Hero.”
So it came as quite a surprise when Duggins saw his face on the cover of a new book with that name written by best-selling author Oliver North.
“People started calling me up as soon as they saw it saying, ‘Hey, you’re on the cover of a book!’ I was like, ‘Yeah, right. Shut up,” recounted Duggins, 37, a platoon sergeant with Battery B of the 82nd Airborne Division’s 2nd Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment.
At first, Duggins thought his buddies were playing a prank on him, but they were telling the truth – it is indeed his face staring out from the front cover of North’s just-released book, “American Heroes.”
The book is a tribute to U.S. military personnel serving on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan.
” We were looking for a Captain America photo, and that one just jumped out at us,” said Chuck Holton, the book’s co-author, who ended up selecting Duggins’ photo from a pool of hundreds of other possibilities.
The photo has already made Duggins famous in his hometown of Madison, N.C. His picture is hanging up on the wall at the local tavern.
On the other hand, Duggins’ newfound celebrity has also earned him some ribbing from his fellow paratroopers.
“We all say, ‘Hey, what’s up, American Hero?” said Capt. Josh Richardson, Duggins’ battery commander.
Duggins, a humble man of few words, said he prefers to avoid the spotlight. He said he didn’t do anything worthy of a spot on the front cover, even suggesting that a different photo on the back of the book of a Soldier carrying a wounded comrade would have been a better choice.
“That should be the one on the cover. That’s the real hero,” Duggins said modestly.
But if Duggins wasn’t exactly thrilled to be in the limelight, his two sons, Taylor, 15, and Cody, 13, were more enthusiastic about the book. Taylor even gave it the ultimate teenage endorsement.
“It’s cool. I put it up on my MySpace page,” he said.
Duggins’ appearance on the book’s cover even earned him a chance to meet with Oliver North personally. As fate would have it, North was passing through Fayetteville on a book signing tour and arranged to meet Duggins after a signing at a local Barnes & Noble book store May 6.
At the store, a line of customers clutching copies of “American Heroes” for North to sign snaked out the door. Some of them did double takes when they saw Duggins waiting outside with his family. One man recognized Duggins from the cover photo.
“Wow, he even looks mean in real life,” the man noted.
“No he doesn’t,” Ruth Duggins said protectively.

Marine Oliver North (left) autographs a copy of his new book “American Heroes,” for Sgt. 1st Class John Duggins (right), of Madison, N.C. at a book store in Fayetteville, N.C., May 6. A photograph of Duggins, a platoon sergeant with Battery B, 2nd Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, appears on the book’s cover.
After the signing was over, Duggins and his family were taken into a back area of the store to meet with Oliver North privately. When North entered the room, he gave Duggins a giant bear hug.
North, a former lieutenant colonel in the Marines and a war hero in his own right, said he has nothing but admiration for Duggins and all the other Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines serving in today’s Armed Forces. He said Duggins was the perfect choice to appear on the cover of his book.
“He represents a generation of American heroes that the American people need to know,” North said.
North presented Duggins and his sons with free, signed copies of “American Heroes,” and then asked Duggins to autograph a few copies for him. Like a seasoned pro Duggins began scrawling his name across the front covers of a stack of books.
I heard Oliver North interviewed about this book on Neal Boortz’s show last week. It was so nice to hear someone talk about our troops in such an appreciative and positive light. No bashing. No half hearted attempts at respect. No apologizing.
No “I support the troops but not the mission” BS.
Definitely next on my book buying list!
I may have to get it, too. These kids don’t think about being heroes by joining up. They just do what needs to be done. But in my eyes, they are. Thank you Olly North for writing this book. I wish it to be on everyone’s reading list, especially those who do not understand what is going on.
SFC Duggins represents well the spirit of Our Troops. Dignified and brave, competent and loyal. AIRBORNE!
Small world. His SAW gunner, Pfc Shumpert is from Lone Oak, Texas.That is a tiny town of only a couple hundred people adjacent to the small town where I used to own a ranch. I bought a lot of cattle in Lone Oak.
The United States is blessed to have so many heroes defending the country and what it stands for. Hopefully, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the Defeatocrats, and RINOs in Congress won’t pass legislation defining heroes as un-American requiring retraining by the liberal PC police.
This is so wonderful WT.
Oliver North stands for something that is sorely missing in our nation, only exemplified by a very few who are presently actively serving and are supported by their past “comrades in arms”. None of the troops I’ve ever been around thought of themselves as heroes, it was the farthest thing from their minds. You know, Linda has a post up about a great man that defines what being an American and being an American soldier is all about, there is a link there to the text of the address by General of the Army Douglas MacArthur to the cadets of the U.S. Military Academy in accepting the Sylvanus Thayer Award on 12 May 1962. A nice and timely review. It’s all about Duty, honor and country. Traits that are sadly missing from Congress.
yankeemom,that is so neat!! Thanks for sharing about it.
Lynn yes it should be a really good book to read and even as a gift too. I was thinking of getting it for two of our nephews.
Tom oh wow that is sooo neat, thank you so much for sharing about that.
Les,I would love to have a law that people like Pelosi,Reid, Murtha and others cannot come within 5,000 miles of our troops. heh heh
Jack, yes that is a wonderful post. Thanks for the link to it Jack. Linda has some other ones to she did over the years that are good too. I think the one she has up now is one of my favorites.
At least FDR let the dogs loose in World War II… NO rules of NON-engagement, eh?
!!!!!!!!!!!! GAME OVER!
Darth, yes I love that….” let the dogs out” heh heh