Khalid Yasin (also known as Abu Muhammad, Abu Muhammad Khalid Yasin, and Abu Muhammad, Khalid Yasin’ [ 3, born in the 1950’s 4 in Brooklyn, New York.
Yasin now lives and operates his Da’wah organisation in Sheffield, England.
He founded, directs and runs the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation and The Purpose of Life Centre on Shirecliffe Lane, Sheffield. The organization was formerly known as the Islamic Teaching Institute (ITI) and the Islamic Information Network Ltd where it is believed in the past ten years, the ITI has converted more than 5,000 persons to Islam and an additional 1,700 since the September 11 attacks.
Khalid Yasin is one of the most notorious Islamic hate sheikhs in the world today. He had been widely condemned from the US to Britain to Australia for his violent Wahhabism, his extreme anti-Americanism (despite the fact that he is an American-born convert
Khalid Yasin will be lecturing at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio on May 16th, sponsored by Dayton’s Masjid-at-Taqwa.

For example, consider some of his stated positions:
* Yasin says that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks.
* Yasin claims that AIDS was invented at a US government lab and spread by Western governments through UN agencies and Christian missionaries.
* Yasin advocates for the death penalty for homosexuality.
* Yasin justified the terrorist bombings in Bali because of years of Western oppression.
* Yasin says that the Quran permits wife-beating and that equal rights for women is a “delusion” and “foolishness”.
* Yasin calls the beliefs of Christians and Jews “filth”.
* Yasin says that Muslims cannot have non-Muslim friends.
* Yasin rejects any separation between Islam and the state and openly advocates for the reestablishment of the caliphate.
* Yasin visited Jemaah Islamiah terrorist leader Abu Bakar Bashir in prison.
* Yasin has lectured with Hizb-ut-Tahrir hatemonger Omar Bakri Mohammed, who was banned from the UK in 2006.
* Yasin was in Saudi Arabia on 9/11 soliciting support from the Al-Qaeda front Al-Haramain Foundation, which was designated a terrorist organization in 2004 by the US government, to help finance his Islamic Broadcasting Company.
22 people accept Islam After Brother Khalid Yasin lecture
He didn’t shake hands with the ladies because in Islam men and women who are not related or married are not allowed to touch each other.
…..” 22 new Australian brothers and sisters enter Islam after hearing the truth while at a lecture given by brother sheikh Khalid Yasin. They came up to the stage and took their Shahada (testimony of faith) which goes like this. I that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is his last prophet and messenger. The minute a person says those 2 declarations they are considered Muslims and they are on their way to a new and beautiful way of life, and gain about 1.5 BILLION new brothers and sister. May Allah make their conversion easy on them in every way, and keep them strong in their new faith. Ameen”……
Wild Thing’s comment……..
What surprised me in the video was how many looked like Mom’s. I wonder if like the one woman that said her son told her to go to the meeting, I wonder if these women have sons that have taken up Islam. VERY WEIRD!!!!
I wonder if this guy is hoping Obama will win. Probably!
First Iran’s President Amanutjob is invited to Columbia University, now this. How many more? Academia along with the liberal west are trying their best to destroy what is giving them the freedom to be a-holes. I will post a little humor that has been around` in different forms for quite a while but it makes the point.
This is getting out of hand! I can’t go speak on my viewpoints (and I’m an American citizen!) but this nutjob can speak such hate and fabrications and they love him for it?
When did we lose our common sense?
Why do we want so badly to hear a pack of lies and deceit and workings of the devil than to hear the truth?
Weak wills attracted to a silver tongued devil selling a cult. I’ve seen the same thing on some of the Christian evangelicals on tv. The big difference is that the evangelical “clergy” are selling faith to make money and the muslims are selling hate. These 22 “converts” are like drug addicts taking their first hit.
Sick, Sick Sick!
What is needed is the precise application of the Charles Whitman method of achieving Inshallah.
How did he get a visa to visit the US? What’s the point of a state department and department of homeland security if they can not keep practioners of the evil religion out?
Khalid Yasin’s lecture at Sinclair Community College is billed as “Survival of the Community” & ‘Means Change’. This must be the “change” B. Hussein Obama preaches about. I wonder if the presidential wannabe and his not proud of her country wife will be there taking notes.
This lecture should be broadcast nationwide on prime time so parents can see where their tuition money is going.
As the saying goes, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” These 22 convert suckers prove the point.
Bob, yes it is amaing they keep letting these people have these things. It is just so obvious what their intentions are and they conncections too.
Lynn you nailed it our counrtry has lost it’s common sense. This is just totally stupid to allow this.
Tom that is a great description……”Weak wills attracted to a silver tongued devil selling a cult”.
Jack, yes oh yes!
Odin, I guess it was ok’d by the touchie feelie dept. oh wait most of them are that are in charge. waaaaa
Les Yes! I am beginning to think the word CHANGE is a code word with these mussize.