12 May

Ahkmeds Used Car Lot and A News Reel Special

Military Police Squad Leader
Baghdad, Iraq
46thMP CO/ 1775th MP CO
“We are hanging out back behind a iraqi police station we shot this video with all the shot up/blown up police cars. unfortunately mathe was shooting the video so you dont get to see the blown up front end of the last truck, but thankfully he also didnt catch some of the more morbid things inside the truck. enjoy! ”

LOL this is another video he made.

Military Police faux news video 08 Jan 07
He did this like the very old time news reels

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I LOVE our troops!!!

TomR says:

Somebody has a future in comedy films. Maybe another Mel Brooks??

Les says:

These guys are the best. The used car salesman has a future in politics.

Wild Thing says:

Tom hahahha maybe so, he is a natual isn’t he. hahha

Wild Thing says:

Les, heh heh yes he is good. hahaha

Delftsman3 says:

Just further proof that our guys are, indeed, multi-talented, and not the coldblooded murderers MoveOn.Org would have us believe!

Wild Thing says:

Hi Delftsman3, yes your so right.