The logo for the commemoration of Israel’s 60th anniversary, illuminated at the top of the Foreign Ministry building in Jerusalem.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel (May 14) and the war that broke out immediately afterwards as Arab armies attempted to destroy the UN-sanctioned Jewish state at birth.
Palestinians will mark the following day as The Nakba — a day of mourning. The Nakba, or the catastrophe.
Ben Gurion – 1948
On May 14, 1948 Israel declared its independence.
A day later it was invaded on four fronts by the armies of Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan, Egypt and Iraq. They all promised, in the words of Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League, “a war of extermination and a momentous massacre”.
Against the well-equipped Arab armies stood poorly armed Jewish forces dedicated to protecting a country whose population totaled just 650,000 men, women and children. Not only did Israel’s young soldiers stop the Arab onslaught, but – with more bravery than bullets – they went on to create a military triumph that ensured the survival of the new Jewish State.
It is the story of courage and determination in the face of impossible odds. It is the saga of a people who finally returned to their homeland after 2,000 years.
Leaders among cities of Arabs enjoying Israeli citizenship have systematically rejected celebrations of the State of Israel’s 60th anniversary, with only one community agreeing to take part in recognition of Israel’s special day. Arabs refer to the creation of the Jewish state in 1948 as the “nakba” – catastrophe.
Israeli Public Security Minister Avi Dichter called on Arabs to reconsider, saying that they will celebrate Israel’s 70th and 80th anniversaries. He also told a crowd in Shfaram – the only town of Arabs with Israeli citizenship that will participate in the festivities – that “whoever speaks for 60 years about the ‘catastrophe’ befalling them will suffer a real catastrophe in the end.”

Israel will celebrate in style with laser shows, parades, other extravagant events. New bike paths, as well as 60 playgrounds, picnic sites to open in honor of country’s Independence Day.

I promise to give you my NAME, RANK, DATE OF BIRTH …. and most important, my PHONE Number!
These are the aero-port gals that helped us download the Patriot Missile Battery from our C-5 Galaxy at Tel-Aviv in the Gulf War! FOX hole duty without a doubt?
Am Yisrael Chai!
Great tribute to the current State of Israel on it’s 60th anniversary. However, it is also the Hebrew year of 5768 and a reminder of just how long Jews have been in their homeland of Israel from ancient times until now.
Happy Anniversary, Israel. Long may you reign.
This is very nice–my youngest is 6 today and she gets to share it with Israel, one of our greatest allies!
Israel is an example of what man can do at his best. The surrounding Arab lands are examples of man doing little that is progressive. The recent Gaza situation is an example of Arabs actually turning a gift into a slum of terror.
Happy Birthday Israel. May you continue to survive and thrive and give the world your gift of mankind’s ability to overcome adversity and provide the world with improved ways of living.
How can I enlist in the IDF?
NAKBA, Happy Birthday Israel.
Beer and Pizza for the IDF
Darth that is so neat.
Nicholas got to meet a lot of the IDF when he was in Israel for 7 months on a film. He loved Israel and said the IDF were awesome.
Linda, thank you.
Lynn how wonderful. Happy Birthday to your youngest today.
Tom that was beautiful.
BobF, giggle. They would love you!
Jack, that is great, and they do love their pizza.
Les, thank you for the information. Wow that is really interesting.
No doubt a LOVELY…. burqa free zone for 60 wonderful years! Happy Birthday!!
And Nick thought ‘Charlie’s Angels’ were hot stuff? Play the Exodus movie soundtrack … Happy 60th Israel! – Burka Free Zone!!!
Darth, LOL no IDF is much better and smarter too.
Yes Exodus isi an excellent sound track. I agree.