Holocaust Remembrance Day is a day that has been set aside for remembering the victims of the Holocaust and for reminding Americans of what can happen to civilized people when bigotry, hatred and indifference reign.
The Holocaust is not merely a story of destruction and loss; it is a story of an apathetic world and a few rare individuals of extraordinary courage. It is a remarkable story of the human spirit and the life that flourished before the Holocaust, struggled during its darkest hours, and ultimately prevailed as survivors rebuilt their lives.
It has been over 60 years since the Holocaust. To survivors, the Holocaust remains real and ever-present, but for some others, sixty years makes the Holocaust seem part of ancient history. Year-round we try to teach and inform others about the horrors of the Holocaust. We confront the questions of what happened? How did it happen? How could it happen? Could it happen again?
On April 12, 1951, the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) proclaimed Yom Hashoah U’Mered HaGetaot (Holocaust and Ghetto Revolt Remembrance Day) to be the 27th of Nissan. The name later became known as Yom Hashoah Ve Hagevurah (Devastation and Heroism Day) and even later simplified to Yom Hashoah.
This year, the Yom Hashoah will be on May 1, 2008.

“And to them will I give in my house and within my walls a memorial… an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.” ( Isaiah 56:5)
The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial is the Jewish people’s memorial to the murdered six million and symbolizes the ongoing confrontation with the rupture engendered by the Holocaust. Most of the art were created in ghettos, hideouts, camps, on the run, in forests, and in places where one would consider artistic endeavor impossible. While some works of art were lost, thousands more were preserved, against all the odds.

Approximately 1.5 million Jewish children perished in the Holocaust. They are specially remembered in the Children’s Memorial, an underground cavern in which the flickering flames of memorial candles are reflected in an infinity of tiny lights within the prevailing darkness. Next to the Museum of Holocaust Art lies an auditorium. Inside are shoes… empty shoes of women, men, and children whose lives were destroyed simply because they were Jews. There’s a similar exhibit at the U.S. holocaust memorial museum in D.C.
This is the Holocaust Memorial in Miami, Florida. I saw this one the last time I was in Miami and it is something that stays in your soul.

….Thank you SSgt. Steve for letting me know the date for Holocaust Remembrance Day.
How anyone could hate so much another race of people is beyond my comprehension and for people to say it didn’t happen is even more beyond that.
The Jewish people did nothing wrong, but a certain very hateful person hated them, Catholics, gays, anyone who wasn’t white anglo saxon protestant and sent them to their untimely deaths, either in bake ovens, gas chambers,starvation or at the hands of merciless doctors.
Yes, they deserve this day. We have to remember all the innocents who died during this awfully black time in history.
Another group today wants to annihilate the Jews. Israel lives on the edge against great odds, but this time the Jews are armed. America must always support Israel.
It has almost been 63 years since the end of world war 2. The Holocaust, seems to be fading quickly into the past. As with every passing day more and more of the survivors are dying and with them goes their testamony as to what really happend.
The deniers, the Moslems top the list of people who want to bury the past in hopes that it will be repeated but the moslems are not alone there are plenty of other deniers out there who don’t want to believe what happened, for whatever reason.
There must be a day set aside to pause and remember what happens when the Power of the state supercedes the will of the people.
Now the open borders crowd is likening the Holocaust to the Plight of the Illegal Mexican. Calling it the ‘Mexican Question’ taken of course from the German, ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question’.
Good question, how can anyone hate one race of people so bad they’ll annihilate them all? First we have to remember that any attack against the Jews is an attack against the Christians too, there doesn’t seem to be any way to separate the fact that there is a link in the Judeo-Christian society, after all Christ was a Jew. It’s easy to form a hatred, just demonise the enemy, pick a trait and dehumanize that trait, start that hatred early on, from the cradle to the grave like the mohhamedans, reinforce it all the way up to adulthood and you’ll have a racist of a religious nature. Combine that with a culture of death and you have unbridled murder, the mohhammedan way of getting along. We witnesessed it on the local news in the campaigns and sermons here, we see it in Palestine, Iran and Syria, the daily butchering in Iraq and Afghanistan. From all around the world from the places that we get news from, it’s there. Unfortunately that same hatred is alive and well today right here in the USA. The Miami Beach, Fl. Chabad synagogue burned to the ground and the Chabad Synagogue in Parkland, Fl. was defaced with swastikas. It gets a pass from the authorities. It’s just juveniles and vandalism, so were the school murders, it’s a black thing, so were the riots of Detroit, Cleveland and Los Angeles. The problem is we tolerate and excuse the behavior of the criminal, crime pays, just look at Chicago.
Lynn, yes I am they keep this going every year to remind people and also to pay respect to those that went through it and those that were killed.
Tom yes I sure hope and pray our country always supports Israel.
Mark wow that is really something. How horrible to compare the two like that. The left sure likes to destroy the history of things that happened or lessen it somehow.
Jack your right, thanks for the links and information.
There has been a rally after the first one in Miami, not sure if they have another one planned at Parkland. I know Linda went to the first one.
This is so horrible and the FBI would only call the second one ( Parkland) a hate crime.
Unfortunately, too many people have forgotten, or never learned, the lessons of the Holocaust. And, yes, it can happen again to not just Jews but all infidels.
The large number of people who remain indifferent to, or tacitly support, the Jihadists and Islamofascist terrorists is disturbing. I can just image when in the heat of the general election battle Barack Hussein Obama is grilled about his plan to meet unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Obama will be reminded of Ahmadinejad’s numerous threats to destroy Israel, threats against the United States including “Death to America”, and threats against Europe including a brigade of 40,000 suicide bombers. Barack Hussein Obama will probably say that he wasn’t in church, in the Senate, or listening to the radio, watching television, reading the newspaper, or on the Internet when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made those statements.
Thank you Wild Thing, that was very moving. Those shoes always make me want to weep, all those children, all those lives!
Les we have to pray that our country will always be a friend to Israel and even a better one then we have been during Bush. But yes I know the reality too, we have two dems that could care less about Israel and McCain is not that big on it either.
Lindaaaa hi Linda, thank you. I cherish the day you took me to the Memorial. It stays with a person forever. I wish the world could see it.
I still get teary-eyed when I watch the History Channel’s FINAL SOLUTION films. The socialist secularists have forgotten 9-11-01, and The Holocaust! Simply the sickening time of the times we live in. When I visited Nuremberg and the Nazi parade grounds and stadium in 1981, I could still feel Hitler’s presence! Eeeerie!!
Darth wow that had to be really something to visit there. Something that few get a chance to do. Yes your so right too about the History Channel’s Final Solution films.