17 Apr

B. Hussein Obama Gives Hillary The Finger Yep That One!

Barack talks about last night’s debate in a town hall meeting in Raleigh, NC on April 17, 2008
It is located at 1:18 on the clock into the video right hand flip off.
I have watched a lot of this jerk and he uses his index finger constantly not his middle finger , so this made it even more obvious when he did this.
UM,. is thie ths NEW politics he wants to bring to Washington D.C. ? LOL

Jack says:

Oh Lard!!! Dr. Barry’s proctology training is subconsciously being exhibited, as a muzzie that’s his eatin’ hand too. It’s finger lickin’ good Hillary, gnaw on it you rat.

Les says:

Can you just imagine a President Obama giving the finger to leaders who both like and hate the United States? A gesture by the President could cause WWIII.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Hitlery takes Pennsy and Zebra takes NC … This blood fest continues until mid-summer… THANK GOD!

Wild Thing says:

Jack, LOL I forgot about how the muzzie eat their food.

Wild Thing says:

Les, I was thinking that too. This kind of behavior just because he was put on the spot in the debate is stupid and shows a total lack of what someone needs to be as a President of the USA.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, haha yes, it sure is like no other election.

GAgirl says:

Is everyone also forgetting the “she gave it to me” movement in this same speech? He is childish and completely unpresidential to act like this after a DEBATE.