From Fox News
Army Vet to Challenge House Defense Appropriations Chairman John Murtha
Pennsylvania’s 22nd District
I have posted this before but I want to put this part of it here again.
This is from his website:
This is his statement:
“I am a Conservative.
I believe in the sovereignty and security of this one nation, under God. I believe the primary role of government is to provide for the common defense and a legal framework to protect families and individual liberty. I believe in rugged individualism because individuals can make far better choices than any government entity in providing for families, protecting households, choosing doctors and health care plans, and deciding which teachers and schools are best for children. I believe prosperity is best ensured by what Adam Smith called the “invisible hand” of a natural, price driven economy.
I believe that we have the responsibility and obligation to control our borders and determine who is allowed to live and work in our country.
I believe that families are the foundation stone upon which all truly great societies are built. I believe that imposed systems of wealth redistribution destroy families, produce a culture of dependence, and hurt everyone. I believe in the sanctity of life and that life begins at conception. I believe in marriage between one man and one woman and that children should always be loved and sometimes spanked. I believe that all children in our school systems should be educated in English and taught the civic duties and responsibilities of citizenship and patriotism.
I believe in private property rights and that the death tax should be killed. I believe the Consumption or Fair Tax is the best and most equitable means to ensure all persons who participate in our economy, legally or illegally, pay their fair share and to reward those who build businesses or save and invest their money.
I believe in the right to bear arms and the right of self defense. Gun control and gun free zones only ensure that victims are unarmed.
I believe that no one owes me anything just because I live and breathe. I believe we should all practice charity in some form or fashion, especially to those who are suffering and least fortunate, but it must be voluntary and spring from a spirit of altruism and love for our neighbors.
Finally, I believe there is room to acknowledge the role of our Creator in public life as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. The mention of God in the Pledge, and asking his blessings for our nation and our safety before ball games, classes, and public meetings does not constitute the establishment of a state religion and does not discriminate against anyone.”
Lt. Col. Wm Russell ( BIO)
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is an important update as well …..
Russell, the GOP candidate attempting to unseat Democratic U.S. Rep. John Murtha of Johnstown, participated Monday in a Washington, D.C., press conference with other Iraq War veterans who are running for Congress.
They gathered to show their support for U.S. troops and for Gen. David Petraeus, the nation’s top commander in Iraq.
Russell, who is trying to gain 1,000 write-in votes in the primary to become his party’s nominee, said the veterans’ message stands in contrast to Democratic congressional leaders’ calls for a troop withdrawal.
“We’re all about supporting the troops,” Russell said. “It’s a chance for us to get together, because we feel we have a story to tell.”
Murtha has argued that the war has been mismanaged and cannot be won militarily.
Russell, an Army veteran of both wars in Iraq, was joined Monday by five other Republican candidates who issued a statement saying they are “willing to stake our lives on General Petraeus’ integrity.”
Russell said conditions in Iraq are improving, adding that calls for withdrawal send the wrong message.
“As long as we don’t encourage the enemy and allow them to think they can achieve a political victory with terror, things will get better,” he said.
Russell must vie for write-in votes because a judge ruled that he did not have enough valid petition signatures to appear on the ballot.
Another good man. Wonder if the judge did that to him on purpose because Murtha the Hut is such an overpowering dictator that everyone is afraid NOT to vote for him.
I love his speech.
Does he have another 400 friends that would like to run for congress ?
With McCain as the Republican nominee for President, we might as well have a moderate Democrat running because that’s what he is. Our only hope is strong Conservatives in Congress that will hold to Conservative principals and stand against a liberal President on matter what letter (R-D)follows his name.
I sure hope he gets those write-in votes. Murtha is very well entrenched with a lot of people in debt to him for all the earmarks he has brought home. It is not impossible to beat a powerful entrenched Cogressman, Tom Foley cmes to mind, but it is a very difficult job. Now we will see how conservative the 22nd District of Pennsylvania may really be. They had an excellent lady Republican candidate last election, but she lost to Murtha by a wide margin.
A but off subject but I though you might enjoy reading about what this sailor did and his acceptance of responsibility.
Navy Corpsman Moore stops to help a heart attack victum, parking his truck in a hazardous area. Sheriff’s Department has his vehicle towed away. Moore understands reason why his vehicle was towed and doesn’t whine, cry, complain, or demand restitution. Sheriff sends him a check for the towing expenses anyways and citizens who hear of his story also send him money. Navy Corpsman Moore says he’s going to donate the money sent him to veterans charities. It makes one proud to hear of men like him in our Armed Forces. Too bad John Kerry and John Murtha don’t think too highly of those like him.
Lynn, I bet your right, the Judge is probably a Murtha suppoter. grrrrrrrr
Mark, that gave me goosebumps. Gosh I would love that. Just think if tons of people like this man would step up to the plate and get this country fired up again. You and I and all of us on here already are for people like this fine man. But to fire up those with apathy and they could do it too.
Bob, that is so important to get Conservatives in Congress. I think more and more people see this too as something to really get working on and support those we get to run.
Tom me too I was shocked to see what that Judge did. I sure hope he can get the write ins he needs.
Yes I remember that nice lady running. We were all pulling for her, it was so sad when she lost.
Bob wow what a great story, thank you so much.
Murtha = Lee Harvey Oswald!
Darth he sure does. Gosh I wish this man could win this and we could be rid of Murtha.