After seeing the first one I also saw this one…….. This is another one that is good too.

MA Senate candidate REP. Jim Ogonowski heartily congratulates the man he’s trying to unseat, John Kerry, on his ineffectiveness. The print ad asks people to send it to Kerry’s HQ!
“Congratulations John! It’s been 9 years since you passed a bill on your own! Great job on being so ineffective!” The web ad shows a picture of a mansion on Nantucket (one of Kerry’s five) along with Kerry windsurfing. A Heinz ketchup bottle marks the passage of time.
Republican Jim Ogonowski ran against the widow of Paul Tsongas for Martin Meehan’s congressional seat. He didn’t win but did pretty well in his first race. Jim is the brother of one of the pilots who got killed on 9/11.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I don’t live in MA, but this guy looks good from what I have read about him and I love this idea he has done about Hanoi Kerry.
His own website LOL is awesome and it also has an ad by Ogonowski where he points out all the perks Senators get, and guess who pays for them.
Some more information from Republican Jim Ogonowski’s website take a peek at it too if you like. It is so well done!!!
Jim Ogonowski is a farmer and small businessman from Dracut who recently retired as a lieutenant colonel after serving 28 years in the Air Force and Air National Guard. Jim first came to national attention on September 11, 2001 when the plane his brother was piloting was hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center. In the words of ABC News, Jim “stepped forward when others could only cry.”
After his brother’s death on 9/11, Jim came to the rescue of his brother’s family by working the farm and saving it from being sold.
Jim Ogonowski was born and raised in the Merrimack Valley where his family roots lie for over 100 years.
It all began in 1904 when Jim’s great-grandmother, a widow, and her 4 children left Poland to begin their pursuit of the American dream. For nearly 2 weeks they sailed across the Atlantic and like so many before them, they greeted Ellis Island with great hope and optimism.
After settling in the Merrimack Valley, her oldest son – just a few years out of his teens – started Holy Trinity church on High Street in Lowell, which is still the family parish. The rest of the family settled on a farm in Dracut, a farm still in the Ogonowski family today.
Jim Ogonowski was born in Lowell, the 4th of 5 children. Jim grew up on a family farm that his dad purchased in 1948 when he returned to Dracut after serving in the army air corps which he worked as a second job so that he could send his 5 children to college.
Jim Ogonowski attended UMass Lowell and followed in his older brothers John’s footstep by joining the AF, ROTC. Upon graduating, Jim Ogonowski was commissioned into the United States Air Force.
For the past 28 years, Jim Ogonowski served in the Air Force and Air National Guard. When the Air Force transferred its Tanker Task Force Mission, a global air refueling mission, to the Air National Guard in 1995, Jim readily accepted the leadership role as the Commander, responsible for planning, coordinating and executing the transatlantic movement of Air Combat Command fighter aircraft into and out of all of Southwest Asia and Europe. This role became increasingly mission-critical during operations following September 11, 2001.
Through Jim’s leadership, the office became the role model of the air command’s rapid response team. His outstanding performance led to his promotion to lieutenant colonel in 2000, as he deployed to virtually every corner of the globe during peacetime and war. In 2005, Jim was one of the organizers of the largest airlift in New Hampshire National Guard history, deploying 1,000 soldiers and airmen to provide relief during Hurricane Katrina. Upon his retirement, Jim was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his outstanding service to his country, marking the third time he received this prestigious award.
Service to country has been an Ogonowski family tradition. Jim’s two grandfathers were in the military. All his uncles, his father, brother and sister all served in the service. Jim’s son Charlie, a junior at UMASS – Lowell, is in ROTC and he too will one day be a military officer.
Jim Ogonowski believes that Washington has become too big, too corrupt and too partisan. Washington is broken and that the time has come to end the partisanship that is hurting our nation. Jim wants to return the government to the people. It is time we send someone to Washington who will stand up to the Washington insiders and special interests. Jim Ogonowski wants to go Washington to work with BOTH Republicans and Democrats to fix the mess, bring new ideas to the table, and make helping Massachusetts his top priority.
Jim has two children, Charlie and Catherine, and lives in Dracut, Massachusetts with his wife Kathy.
….Thank you so much RAC for sending the link to me.
This guy is funny! I like him a lot. Too bad I can’t vote for him since I don’t live in his district.
At least he’s an honest man.
A tanker pilot…NKAWTG.
What a great day it would be if Jim Ogonowski could beat Kerry. Probably no chance though. The Liberal mentality in New England is too deeply ingrained. Kerry/Kennedy/Barney Frank are their bread and butter. Too many Consevatives left for warmer climes.
The bio on Jim is fantastic. I wish him luck.
His ad – so simple, yet so effective – was priceless!
Bottle of ketchup $4.00
Wind Surf Board $375.00
Mansion $5,000,000.00
Ad detailing John Kerry’s Zero Achievements in 9 years: Priceless
It would be great to see the cheesehead gone, but I don’t think we’ll see it. Seriously, liberals grow sweaty about “change”, but they’re conformists and security-seekers. When they’re squealing about change, what they envision is a world where they’re even MORE comfortable, a world which provides more of the shit that makes them feel good about themselves and not a real adventure in the future. Voting against Kerry would be a form of suicide for these simpletons.
Massachusetts is a neighboring state for me. Unless you live close to, or in, a lib pest colony, you have no idea how deep the mental disorders go. What the Kennedy family did was burn off the last, thin tissue of dignity and self-respect that working-class MA voters held, They grew accustomed to filth and lies and degradation. It didn’t take much for them to grow used to a revolting worm like Kerry.
There might be something else. Convinced by liberals that your social station is permanent and fixed in the lower classes, you end up kissing the asses of people who seem to be better than you are. A variation on the Stockholm Syndrome.
Lynn, I feel the same way. I would love to be able to have someone like this or this man to vote for.
Bob, Fantastic! Thank you for the link!!!!
Tom, if he wins and we get rid of Kerry I will be so thrilled. sigh nice even thinking about it.
I agree about the reality is not good with so many liberals that will keep voting for horrible Kerry.
BT in SA, LOL yes it is great. hahaha
Rhod thank you for your input it means a lot. GREAT comment, thank you.
I agree …..”live close to, or in, a lib pest colony, you have no idea how deep the mental disorders go.”……. I sure do, I had that same thing when we lived in California. We were surrounded, at work, and in the area we lived all our neighbors, when out shopping anytime we left the house actually. haha It was like being a foreign in our own country.
Yes when people are around this all the time, it takes all one has to fend off getting used to the things you mentioned. I guess that is why Nick and I have always pretty much just worked and went home and socialized as little as possible with most of the people we knew in the business we were in.
By all logic kerry should have been fired a long time ago but then again even with a ‘For Real Climate’ catastrophe, hell would have to freeze over and the Browns would have to win the Super Bowl for that to happen. For someone other that a Kennedy or a clone to possibly win in Massoftwosh&ts.
Now I hate to say it, but someone with the name of Ogonowski is going to have a hard time in Irish Boston. Especially with all the snakes, kennedys crawling around.
Mark, don’t hate to say it, it is true. It is not a name that will be accepted well that’s for sure. I know what you mean.
God love those KC Tankers… they kept our C-5 Galaxy fuel tanks full during those 16 hour flights to the Gulf. $emper Per Diem KC crew dogs!
Darth, love your comment, thank you.
Whoa! Hold on everyone — there’s another candidate running for the Republican nomination against Jim Ogonowski. He’s Jeff Beatty who is too busy listening and discussing the issues with Massachusetts voters than to make silly videos attacking John Kerry. (If you need to commission a video pointing that out — well congratulations on stating the obvious.)
Jeff is a former Delta Force commando who was commended for valor in the rescue of American medical students in Grendada during Operation Urgent Fury. (He was able to accomplish the mission despite the fact that his helicopter was shot down.) He also served with the FBI and later was an officer in the CIA’s Counterterrorism Office conducting operations in Europe and the Middle East. For the past 15 years he has run TotalSecurity.US a security consulting company. Moreover, he has appeared hundreds of times on Fox, CNN, and MSNBC discussing foreign policy, national security and defense issues. Most telling — for every three dollars raised by Mr. Ogonowski — Jeff has raised ten!
Compare the two candidates yourself! Check out http://www.powerpoliticstv.com/html/Featured2.html
and you’ll quickly see who is the better candidate. More importantly, visit Jeff’s website and http://www.jeffbeatty.com. It will be time well spent. (BTW, Jim Ogonowski was a navigator, not a pilot. Jeff Beatty is actually a pilot — of Cobra gunships!)
There is another candidate out there, and his name is Jeff Beatty. Check out his website at http://www.jeffbeatty.com to see a candidate who has a real shot at retiring John Kerry.