Bin Laden’s ‘right-hand man’ set for life on British benefits after judges rule
Daily Mail .co.uk.
Terror suspect Abu Qatada cannot be deported to Jordan because he risks not getting a fair trial, judges ruled today.
They overturned a decision by a special panel last year that the extremist cleric, who is known as Osama bin Laden’s “right-hand man” in Europe, could be sent to his home country.
The Home Office may even have to free Qatada if the Law Lords and European judges uphold the decision of the Court of Appeal and he cannot be brought to trial.
Ministers would be very reluctant to order such a move which would spark uproar.
Qatada could be placed under a control order to monitor him but this system has proved ineffective in several cases where terror suspects have gone on the run.
The Court of Appeal also upheld the panel’s blocking of the deportations of two other suspected terrorists to Libya on the grounds that they may be tortured.
The rulings are a blow to the Government’s anti-terror laws as it had signed memorandums of understanding with Jordan and Libya that individuals expelled from the UK would get fair trials and not be tortured.
The pacts are key to removing around 20 terror suspects to countries which sanction torture or the death penalty.
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith launched an immediate appeal to the Law Lords against the Qatada judgment.
Right-hand man: Qatada is Osama bin Laden’s (pictured above) spiritual ambassador
The case could end up in the European Court of Human Rights leaving the British taxpayer with a bill expected to hit £500,000.
Ministers hailed a ruling by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission last February that Qatada, now in Belmarsh prison, could return to Jordan.
But a panel of three senior judges headed by the Master of the Rolls, Sir Anthony Clarke, today quashed this judgement on the grounds that the Jordanian national could face a trial in which evidence against him may have been extracted by torture.
However, the Government stressed Qatada’s deportation was blocked on just one ground, despite claims by his lawyers that he would face beatings, and is confident this obstacle can be resolved.
Home Office Minister Tony McNulty said: “We are seeking to overturn that point, and I believe that we will be able to secure his deportation to Jordan.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
I think the only way this subhuman pictured above would look good is through a telescopic sight.
And I see he’s got the same prayer scar on his forehead as “Bumps” Zawahiri. That’s the result of zillions of obsessive prostration prayers by moose limbs. It’s known colloquially as a “zabiba’” (raisin).
Devout moose limbs consider the presence of a zabiba to be a worthy sign of religious dedication and piety. We consider it an excellent biomarker for pulling these clowns out of airport boarding lines.
Of course these liberal useful idiot judges don’t care about the human rights of the people these scumbags have killed. How about the human rights of the fifty some odd Londoners that were killed by these terrorists back in July of 05 when they bombed the London subways? Or the human rights of the over 700 people that were wounded in the attacks? I guess they don’t matter because they don’t wear a stinking diaper on their head.
These people have no perspective or concept of reality.
Not all that long ago, a battered English people stood amidst the rubble of their land and defiantly sang “There Will ALWAYS be an England”. Listen, now, hark to the Sound of Silence. Sorry, Winston, you tried your best.
England is lost to anyone who isn’t English. Let’s hope Scotland and Ireland, with their tempers, can fight off these heathenly demons.
Most of Europe is gone. Too bad, it used to be a beautiful place. My cousin Nancy taught English in both Germany and Basil, Switzerland. She married a swiss banker. (yes, there are Swiss bankers!) My hubby has a friend from Belgium who spoke English, French, Latin and German. The girls just loved him!
But these heathens have ruined it for everyone.
And the Europeans let them do it.
I can’t say it better than Lynn. She hit it very accurately. Time is rapidly running out for Europe. Hardly a shot fired. We better wake up here in America.
Lynn, AMEN and ditto to all you said.
Tom I agree, I sure hope we will not let this happen and stop it in it’s tracks.
I’ve got one of those “raisins” on my forehead — got it from pounding my head against the wall because of …Obama, Clinton, ACLU, rhinos, liberal anti-war twits, Cindy what’s-her-name code Pinko, anti-American senators and reps polluting congress, on and on and on and on…
Oops…forgot to mention that “raisin” makes a great aiming point through a telescopic sight.
PeteSuj, ROTFLMAO you are so funny, I love it.
PeteSuj, that is a marvelous idea. heh heh
This islamofascist loser went south when he was rejected by ZZ TOP? Way to go Eurabian Union and Europeons… Now I know why the Jamestown settlers bolted, as did the Pilgrims! Forget waterboarding him, just give him the Craftsman pliers treatment… but slowly, eh?
Darth, yes slowly. heh heh