Clinton Appears on “The Tonight Show”
Hillary Rodham Clinton made fun of herself Thursday, telling “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno she almost didn’t make it to his studio.
“It is so great to be here, I was so worried I wasn’t going to make it. I was pinned down by sniper fire,” Clinton said after joining him onstage, referring to her claims – since disputed – that she dodged sniper bullets while arriving in Bosnia as first lady. Clinton later said she had “misspoke.”
As she entered, Leno’s band played the “Rocky” theme, jumping off her statement this week that she is the underdog in the Democratic nominating contest against Barack Obama, just like the fictitious boxer was against his opponent in the Oscar-winning movie.
“This has been such a mismatch of words and action,” Clinton continued. “Obviously I’ve been so privileged to represent our country in more than 80 other countries, lots of war zones. I wrote about it in my book and obviously had a lapse. But here I am, safe and sound.”
Leno asked how much sleep Clinton was getting. “Answering the phone at 3:00, that’s gotta be tough,” he joked, referring to her campaign commercials that ask which candidate would be the best prepared as president for middle-of-the-night emergencies.
“It happens every single night. Someone calls up and they have something to say. You’ve got to stop calling me,” Clinton told Leno.
Clinton said she was proud of her daughter, Chelsea, 28, who has been campaigning for her. But she said her “stomach is in knots” most days thinking about what she might encounter each day. Chelsea Clinton has fielded some tough questions in recent appearances, particularly about her father’s relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Her response has been that it’s none of the questioner’s business.
Asked about her daughter telling a voter that her mother might make a better president than her father, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton grinned and said: “She is such a smart young woman.”
Leno also asked about moments during the campaign in which the former president has blown up at reporters and others.
“When you’re supporting someone you love, you really do take it very much to heart,” she said. “I said ‘OK, honey, that’s all right, we don’t have to go get excited about it.’ He’s doing a great job for me but he does get a little carried away sometimes.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
“It is so great to be here, I was so worried I wasn’t going to make it. I was pinned down by sniper fire,” Clinton said after joining him onstage, referring to her claims – since disputed – that she dodged sniper bullets while arriving in Bosnia as first lady. Clinton later said she had “misspoke.”
Obviously telling lies does not interfere with their lives! There life is a big lie! She has absolutely NO shame at all and to joke about what she said like that makes it even more disgusting then it was in the first place.
To make a joke out of running from sniper fire, really is a slap in the face to our military, who do this daily, and I have yet to hear any of them make a joke of it..
No wonder our kids fib! They see it every day on the news and they think it’s okay to lie.
A 5 year old, yeah, they’re going to fib–a lot, but teens shouldn’t be.
Our next leader should NOT be a lying sack of crap. Ethics should be at the very tip top of their list! But I guess Americans don’t want to hear the truth.
Hellary and Bubba are … pathological liars and meglomaniacs and sociopaths – period! Call them the Lying King & Lying Queen!! “Pale faces speak with forked tongues – big wampum.”
I am depressed that there was not real sniper fire in her direction.
“Pale faces speak with forked tongues – big wampum.” Darth, what is a big wampum? Disproportionate sized butt or grotesque ankles and legs?
Prime time damage control where even a lie is twisted into a joke, this is something I’d have expected on Larry King’s not Jay Leno’s show. Thankfully I don’t watch either. It still doesn’t give her lies legitimacy.
“I’m a politician, and as a politician I have the prerogative to lie whenever I want.” ~ Charles Peacock
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a national disgrace. Those that support her act as a national disgrace too. The Clinton administration represented the lowest common denominator presidency. Supporters of Hillary Clinton are a sad product of those times.
Lynn, yes I never felt like this but I now think most Americans don’t want the truth about things happening. It is hard enough to get them to even see what Islam is all about with the terrorists.
Darth that is a very true description of Bill and Hillary.
Steve, Gag Me A River, LOL love your add on to your name. hahahha
Jack thanks for the quote.
I have not see Leno or Lettermen in years. Nick watches them while I am in the other room doing posts for the following day. When he told me about this he was furious at Hillary so I looked for it in Google. LOL I found it right away. He was so cute, he said you have got to tell our friends about this at your blog Chrissie.
She is just truly sooooo horrible. I keep saying that I know, but she is. haha
Les, yes that really is true. The people that support her are a lot like her. Liars, and the kind of people I sure don’t want to know.
Steve: ” My smile isn’t as phony as Hellarys, and my hips aren’t as wide as Hitlerys either….Wilburrrrrr!!” – Mr. Ed (1960)
NOTE: Not ED in ref to Erectile Dysfunction…
PS: The beast from the east is sooooo wide from her navel down that HER THIGHNESS …. suits her? Dig her East German wool / polyester pantsuits, eh? Hillary, Janet Reno and Madeline Albright? YUK, big time!
Darth giggle good ole Mr.Ed. heh heh