Another Phony War Hero Convicted
Prosecutor Argued Moneymaker’s Supposed Battle Scars Match Those From Liposuction Procedure
abc news
A North Carolina man, who claimed he saw years of combat and earned medals, including the Purple Heart, was found guilty this week of peddling a false military record in order to collect thousands in soldier disability payments.
Randall Moneymaker, of Clayton, N.C., claimed he had served as an Army Ranger on tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Panama and Grenada and had earned medals and badges of honor.
But, according to federal investigators, Moneymaker was a fraud who spent only a short time in the Army, was given a less than honorable discharge and never saw any combat.
“This defendant attempted to defraud the men and women who serve and protect our freedom,” U.S. Attorney John Brownlee said, following the guilty verdict. Moneymaker was found guilty of making false statements, submitting false documents and theft of government funds.
Moneymaker’s claims to collect more than $18,000 in disability payments were numerous. In a Veterans Affairs compensation and pension medical exam, he claimed he “had been involved in numerous combat situations, including RPG attacks and firefights,” according to the federal indictment against him.
Moneymaker also said “he had sustained various service-connected injuries and illnesses, including shell fragment wound and post traumatic stress syndrome,” according to his indictment.
Topping his claims, Moneymaker said he had the scars from combat service, but federal authorities say the scars match a liposuction procedure he had done.
“We hope this case will send a message,” Brownlee told ABC News. “Through deceit and fraud, he took away money needed for our true American heroes.”
Moneymaker faces a maximum sentence of 35 years in prison and a fine of $1,505,000.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank God for the the “Stolen Valor Act” so people like this can be prosecuted in Federal courts. This is so horrible how a person could do such a thing.
I think they should go to jail for LIFE. They have preteneded to be a HERO, some have never even served that have done this kind of thing.
….Thank you Tom so much for sending this to me.
Funny how his last name is Moneymaker.
What a mean spirited person.
Probably mentally ill, too.
These phonies have been thick since the 80’s when it became OK to be a veteran again. Most of them claim heroic war stories and service with elite units. Then when pressed for details, they claim it is all classified info.
I hope the peison sentances for those convicted are as extreme as their stories.
Lynn, yes isn’t that weird what his last name is, sooo weird. There have been a lot of these jerks, more then one is too many. But I forget how many so far, the numbger is high.
Phony Soldiers popping up
I picked this up from Wild Thing at PC Free Zone. Apparently, the war has spawned a spate of phony soldiers according to ABC News. Like I said earlier today, everyone wants to pretend they’re Rangers.
The fellow on your left is Louis Lowell McG…
Phony Soldiers popping up
I picked this up from Wild Thing at PC Free Zone. Apparently, the war has spawned a spate of phony soldiers according to ABC News. Like I said earlier today, everyone wants to pretend they’re Rangers.
The fellow on your left is Louis Lowell McG…
Tom isn’t it something how they always have stories of huge heroic things they did or were involved with.
This is all so horrible and I want all of them that do this punished.
One down Kerry to go!!! Too bad we can’t view this puke’s 201 file. Hope he gets the grand suite at the crowbar hotel in Ft. Leavenworth and a long sentence at hard labor.
From what I know about the Army, that CIB would be a huge complaint, especially if not earned, from Army veterans and I am sure the Airborne would take exception too.
Tom you are right, since the 80’s, before that we were dirt. And I guess thats where the phrase came from , I was a Vietnam Vet before it became popular.
My biggest complaint is the money he stole, from deserving Veterans, who probably had to wait because this dirtbag took the money.
Mark’s right. The CIB is restrictive, and says a lot about the guy who’s authorized to wear it. They now have the CAB for non-infantry combat arms guys, but it doesn’t have the same weight.
This dork has a whole lot of foreign jump wings, too, but no Air Assault, which would have been required in Ranger School. There are other ribbons I can’t identify although I think I see the PH.
Interesting staged photo also, because we can’t see his right shoulder. A unit patch there would tell the viewer which unit he was in combat with, and that could raise specific questions from others.
I don’t get it. These dipwads almost never get away with it. How do you forge a DD-214? It indicates service assignments, units, and commendations and dates and other things. How do you apply for Vet compensation without one?
Liposuctions scars? What combat wound would resemble a liposuction scar? Drop this guy off at a local VFW and let the guys there deal with him.
Mark, thanks for the information. I hate how he got money too.
Hi Rhod, thank you so much. Yes this is the only photo there was with the article. Thanks for explaining what he has on him too. It is such a small and very fuzzy photo.
That is a great idea about dropping him off at a VFW, heh heh.
Phony ‘War Hero Wannabe’ … Randall Moneymaker?
Gunny Dad Vader and his USMC DAV’s caught a similar LOSER at one of our Memorial Day Ceremonies. This African American supposed USMC Vietnam War Heroes age and ribbon rack gave him away… He’s being prosecuted in the legal system right now. Don’t BS a ‘real’ US MARINE GUNNY…. ever! I’m sure the NAACP and ACLU and DNC will defend this scumbag. If I were the judge I’d order him to clean every grave at Arlington National Ceremony… every one, or PRISON.
Darth thank you for sharing about that guy, they sure are everywhere. It is so awful that people are like that!!
A few more phonies are in NC today… Bubba Clinton and Chelsea Clinton! Enjoy and savor the blood fest between Zebra Obama & Hitlery! This is PRICELESS!