Geert Wilders, the MP who made the film, is under police protection because of his anti-Islamic views
Fitna the film
Israel National News
The long-awaited and controversial movie Fitna, which graphically portrays Islam as a religion seeking to dominate the world and slaughter non-believers, finally debuted on the internet on Thursday night.
Within two hours of the film’s release on Britain’s LiveLeak.com video site, close to two million people had seen it. More than half of them were from Holland, home to the film’s producer, Dutch politician Geert Wilders.
Moslem terror attacks around the world, including beheadings, disfigured bodies, destroyed buses, and the like. The scenes are accompanied by the relevant verses in the Koran, such as, “Prepare for them whatever force and cavalry ye are able of gathering to strike terror, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies.” This particular verse is followed by clips of a plane slamming into the World Trade Center and setting the building afire, and imams calling for the annihilation of all infidels.
One Moslem cleric is seen calling for the murder of Jews; he unsheathes a sword and cries out in nearly uncontrollable frenzy, “By Allah, we shall cut off the Jew’s head! Allah is great! Allah is great! Jihad for the sake of Allah!” The audience, in a similar frenzy, cheers him on.
The film ends with the sound of a page being torn out of a book, followed by stark sentences on the screen reading, “It is not up to me, but up to Moslems themselves to tear out the hateful verses from the Koran. Muslims want you to make way for Islam, but Islam does not make way for you. The government insists that you respect Islam, but Islam has no respect for you. Islam wants to rule, submit, and seeks to destroy our Western civilization. In 1945, Nazism was defeated in Europe. In 1989, Communism was defeated in Europe. Now, the Islamic ideology has to be defeated.”
Located at YouTube till they take it off over there too.
And this is at LIVE Leak where they state why they have taken the film down.
“Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, Liveleak.com has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.
This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realised LiveLeak.com is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.
Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one anothers culture.
We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.”
And this from Timeonline
“Britain was dragged into the controversy over an anti-Islam film made by a far-Right Dutch MP after Iran condemned its appearance on a UK-based video-sharing website today.
“This heinous measure by a Dutch lawmaker and a British establishment… is indicative of the continuation of the evilness and deep vengeance such Western nationals have against Islam and Muslims,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said.
Mohammad Ali Hosseini, called on the Dutch, British and other EU governments to block any further showing of “this blasphemous, anti-Islamic and anti-cultural film”.
…Mr Wilders’s film, which intersperses images of the September 11 attacks and other Islamist bombings with quotations from the Koran, was first posted on the website of his small right-wing Freedom Party on Thursday night.
It disappeared after a few minutes because of “technical difficulties” before becoming available in Dutch and English on LiveLeak, a Manchester-based website, raising fears that extremists could also target British interests. Some 4,000 British troops are serving in Iraq and a further 7,800 in Afghanistan.
The company running LiveLeak defended its decision to host the film. “Liveleak.com has a strict stance on remaining unbiased and allowing freedom of speech so far as the law and our rules allow,” it said in a statement posted online.
David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, said “we hold fast and firm to European values of freedom of speech”. However, speaking in Slovenia where he was attending talks with his EU counterparts, he added that “in each of our countries there are legal and judicial systems to ensure that freedom is not used to incite religious or racial hatred”.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Ah, those moderate, peace-loving muslims. I love the way they continue to prove out the stereotype that they protest.
“This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else.”
I agree I understand how they feel being threated. The more I think about this the more it makes me angry.
Something to think about though, are we as a society, unwilling to even put ourselves at risk for our rights. If push comes to shove we’ll just give them up without a fight! That should tell us something about how easy it will be for islamic extremists to take over. I know the people here are different, but liveleak and other popular websites are the reflection of our modern degraded society. The masses will cave and the rest of us will have to carry their dead weight in our fight to maintain our rights. When are we going to learn to value our freedom of speech? When we’re all dhimmi? Men fought and died so we could have that freedom. They placed the freedom of speech for OTHERS above their own lives!
Religion of peace my ass (sorry!)!
They don’t like the truth being shown, do they?
Oh yeah, retaliation makes you look real intelligent.
You started this, we’re going to finish it.
This is a very sad commentary of our times. Barack Obama wants to sit down and talk unconditionally as equals with one of the Islamofascist terrorists, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in the video. What other Islamic terrorists will he talk to and bestow the good will of the United States of America? What compromises will he make to them to try and appease their hatred of infidels and, in particular, the people of the United States, Europe, and Israel?
The world used to depend on the great power and good will of the democratic and freedom loving United States of America to protect it from evil. Who will provide the leadership and protect the world from this Islamic terrorist evil and who will the countries of the world count on to protect them and not go back on their word and cut and run? Barack Obama? Hillary Clinton? John McCain? The U.S. Congress?
I can’t help but re read that speech by McCain and think to myself, we are going to bed tonight in enemy territory and he has been selected for guard duty.
Then I look out at the nations of Europe that have staved off the Nazi’s and at the former Soviet Union that has shook the yoke of Communism and see that a milder form of Communism has taken their place and that they all have rolled out the welcome mat for their new religious citizens.
“Muslim students at the University of Miami have organized for the Islamic call to prayer, broadcasted each Friday afternoon this month from Richter Library’s clock tower in commemoration of Islamic Awareness Month. The call to prayer, or Adhan, is spoken in Arabic and is meant to resonate throughout the area.”
Hey, it’s only for a month, right!!!
Sleep tight.
Has anyone noticed that we (non-muslim) are already losing? They (islamo-retards) are sitting around laughing at us because they can conquer us without firing another shot….all they have to do is “threaten us” and we get on our knees and beg for forgiveness. This is total BS!!!!
How about next time they whine and complain and threaten violence, we call them on it! Let them come to protest but lets have some Police/National Guard etc. waiting for them with orders to do whatever is necessary to put them in their place!!!!
Well not in this Liberal Society I’m afraid…. but one can dream, can’t one.
One more thing, this whole mess with accommodating them by rearranging living quarter, rooms in public institutions, etc. so that can be facing East….. How about next time they ask (I mean demand) this, instead of wasting time and money on their whims, we just give them a compass (like the ones we used to get in Cracker Jack, it’s a lot cheaper) and if they still can’t figure which way East is, then we have them arrested for stupidity.
Sorry…. still dreaming I guess!!
The first thing folks don’t want to do is sell
America short…For one thing if they are stupid
enough to hit us again I wouldn’t give ten cents
for the saftey of the Muslims living here.There
are a lot of good ol Boys Armed to the teeth if
you get my drift.you know just your typical
white boy or Cracker if you prefer!!!
Lynn, I agree,Oh yesssss, and I really believe we can finish it too. If the left would leave our military alone and we had some leaders that had the guts to take it dead on seriously.
“The world used to depend on the great power and good will of the democratic and freedom loving United States of America to protect it from evil.”…..
That is so true and I pray with all my heart that never changes, that we would be a strong Nation and strong leaders with lots of guts to do what has to be done. No lefties interferring with our military and sigh I wish I wish I wish.
This needs to be taken dead on serious who our enemy is and what they are about. Sadly too few do.
GOD – not allah – BLESS this man! The TRUTH hurts, like the boxcutters and mace that 19 islamofascist hijackers used to butcher and murder the aircrews of ~AA11~ ~UF175~ ~AA77~ and ~UF93~ on 9-11-01…Finally a producer with gonads!! ISLAMOFASCISM = NAZISM = COMMUNISM = TOTALITARIANISM … and only a few of US get it, eh?
Jack that really hits home to our country like you said.
That Islam thing happening in Miami is also happening in other States throughout the year. I thought it was only this month which outraged me, but I was wrong. It is insane that this is allowed.
RAC, I agree 1000%. I love it! I will ‘dream’ along with you. At least you and the rest of us on here and others we know feel like this too.
Tincan Sailor, I think too there would be more of an outrage then before. Plus people might finally get wise to what the left has been, weak on fighting back and weak on everything.
Darth, yes he is and I pray he stays safe and alive. He was brave to make this film and I have a lot of respect for him for doing that.