26 Mar

Visiting With our Troops

Capt. Aaron Bowman, commanding officer of Naval Station Mayport, presents a command coin to 8-year-old sea cadet Jesse Carter for having the best uniform during a uniform inspection. (U.S. Navy photo)

With a little help from Command Senior Chief Don Abele, three children lead hundreds of invited guests in reciting the pledge of allegiance while aboard USS Constitution during the ship’s 2nd underway demonstration of the year. The three masted, wood-hulled frigate was towed about three miles to Castle Island area where she gave a 21-gun salute to the nation for USS Constitution Day. At 209 years old, USS Constitution is the oldest commissioned warship afloat in the world, manned by 64 active duty U.S. Navy Sailors and visited by nearly half a million tourists annually.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I loved seeing this, what wonderful children and they are being taught how special our military is which always makes me very happy.
God bless the children and our troops.

Lynn says:

How adorable are these kids?
This is great.
Thanks for sharing.

Jack says:

Awww!!! I just love it.

TomR says:

Great post! May this generation of kids grow up like we did in the 50’s/60’s.With a love and knowledge of what America really is.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, they sure are just sooo cute.

Wild Thing says:

Jack they are so full of appreciation, I am glad you got to see this.

Wild Thing says:

Tom I want that for them so much, exactly what you said.