26 Mar

America’s Enemy Within Afraid Of Real Heroes

Minneapolis high school cancels former student’s and Iraq vets’ talk
911 Families for America

The veteran’s bus tour featuring decorated veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is stopping in the Twin Cities today. But controversy at Forest Lake High School forced the tour to make a change in plans. Capt. Pete Hegeseth founded the group Vets for Freedom. He is an Iraq War vet and a Forest Lake High School graduate. He received word yesterday that the school did not want the bus rolling through, calling the talk too political for a public school. He said parents and an outside group threatened to protest if they came. Instead, the group spoke at the Forest Lake American Legion. Dozens of students at Forest Lake High School were so upset that they skipped school to go see the speech


Students Skip School To See Iraq Speech
A veteran’s bus tour featuring decorated veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is stopping in the Twin Cities today.
But controversy at Forest Lake High School forced the tour to make a change in plans.
Capt. Pete Hegeseth founded the group Vets for Freedom. He is an Iraq War vet and a Forest Lake High School graduate. He received word yesterday that the school did not want the bus rolling through, calling the talk too political for a public school.
He said parents and an outside group threatened to protest if they came.
Instead, the group spoke at the Forest Lake American Legion.
Dozens of students at Forest Lake High School were so upset that they skipped school to go see the speech.

“My brother’s in the armed forces…it’s a slap in the face for people with family members in the armed forces,” said student Elijah Miller.

The non-profit, non-partisan group does talk about staying in Iraq, but Hegeseth said the current speech has been adjusted for public school students. He said it’s about sharing experience.

“I was out there for three days outside the neighborhood outside the green zone and I didn’t hear a single shot fired or a single explosion,” Heggeseth told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. “Markets were open, the Iraqi Army was out on the street corner–that’s not political, that’s what I saw first hand,” Hegeseth told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS.

School officials repeatedly denied our requests for comment on the situation.
Coast-to-Coast Bus Tour by War Heroes

Wild Thing’s comment………
“He said parents and an outside group threatened to protest if they came”
Can you imagine, it is not only the school saying no but it says…… parents too, sure the outside groups are probably CODE PINK’s and ANSWER ETC. But parents?!!
OK so here we go, parents like this are teaching their kids the steps in being a good liberal, a good American hating communist military loathing citizen. Now kids this is how mom and dad want you to feel about our military, this is how we want you to disrespect and show zero support to those that fought for your being able to live in the land of the free.
No thank soldier is not on our side he is the enemy. We don’t like people like that. And we certainly don’t encourage the things they do by going to hear them speak or applauding them and cheering for them.
Yep nice huh, my guess is that is exactly the conversation that goes on in the house of liberals with their mush brained kids.
God bless these soldiers. And God bless the students and families that were not like the leftie’s that wanted no part of this very special time in their lives.

* Blackfive ….thank you for the video

Lynn says:

This is so sad! I think the principal has something wrong with him–he’s scared that something MIGHT happen. All those kids skipping school to see a former classmate speak is fantastic and he should have allowed him to do the speech at his old alma mater.
This is what we get–people who are scared that something MIGHT happen and they bury their heads in the sand and say no. They are just giving in to Code Pink, the Westboro Baptist church, etc., because it’s easier to give in than fight.

Jack says:

The left doesn’t want anyone influencing the upcoming generations except their own hand picked indoctrinators, the school boards don’t mind the children getting a dose of Islamofascist indoctrination there either.
Maybe a selective review of our buying practices are in order, similar to our wants and needs from Minneapolis like those from Berkeley Cal.
Kellogs, General Mills
Target Corporation HQ
Best Buy Co , Inc HQ
Nash-Finch Company HQ
Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Inc HQ
Lakes Gas Co HQ
Regis Corporation HQ
Supercuts, Inc HQ
Holiday Companies HQ
Jostens, Inc HQ
Select Comfort Corporation HQ
Apogee Enterprises, Inc HQ
Holiday Stationstores, Inc HQ
Christopher & Banks, Inc HQ
Lund Food Holdings, Inc HQ
Jerry’s Enterprises Inc HQ
Starlight Randix Corporation Inc
Select Comfort Retail Corporation HQ
Wilsons The Leather Experts Inc HQ
The Luther Holding Company HQ

Steve, Sniper Wannabee says:

OT: Forgive me…I missed this one; I was busy helping, counseling and having lunch with wounded Iraq and Afghan Heroes. ie., REAL people
Hillary Clinton’s “Bosnia Sniper fire” Lie
Does this woman have no shame? She is a lying sack of Shiite…pure and simple…just like John Kerry! False heroism…it disgusts me.
My regret is that there were no snipers, to take out her sorry @$$ … and her ugly biological mishap. Dear GAWG…I hope Chelsea keeps her knees together and does NOT produce any more Arkansas Anomalies

TomR says:

Thanks for your work with wounded soldiers Steve. You and the Dallas Marine Corps League are to be commended.
Minnesota has become a liberal bastion like Massachusetts. Especially the Twin Cities area. They also have a large population of muslims and Somalis. At one time Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota defined liberalism, but his was a mild brand compared to todays liberalism. In Minnesota the roots of liberalism go back to strong farmers unions.
Now many liberals in that state act much like the Berkeley bunch, radical and unrealistic.

BobF says:

It’s going on eight years since 9/11 took place and most Americans have basically forgotten what happened and who attacked us. Unfortunately they don’t realize that the people we’re fighting in Iraq are the same ones that attacked us.

Tincan Sailor says:

I was in Saint Paul this past Summer infact we
drove over “that Bridge” 2 days before it fell.
I was shocked to see the large number of Muslims
from Somalia in the area..I don’t think you could
pay me to live in Minneapolis…

BobF says:

Tincan, speaking of Somaliles. Have you had any Tyson Chicken lately?

Mark says:

What has happened to the backbone of our leaders, especially the ones who lead Schools where our children are supposed to learn alot of lifes important lessons.
Before 9-11 the Moslems were never heard from all of a sudden they have a voice in everything that happens in Our Country ? Since when have their opinions have any more weight than they did before. Now they might protest and the Principal cowers in the face of a protest. So much for keeping the home fires burning for our soldiers.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, yes anyone not wanting this is my enemy big time.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, thank you for the list.
Your right, the left is terrified to allow the young to hear from our heroes, and they show also how they feel about free speech too.

Wild Thing says:

Steve, applause! I agree 100%.
Steve, thank you for what your doing with the wounded soldiers. I can just imagine too how much they are so glad for your input and sharing too.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you for that I have always wondered why they are soooo liberal there. I would have thought farmers would be conservative or at least Repuclican’s, but they aren’t as a general rule.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, yes they sure do forget and then add in how self involved a lot of people are too. Remembering just does not fit into their hair appointments, luncheon dates etc.

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, yikes I am so glad you were not on that bridge the day it collapsed. Very scary.
I agree Tincan Sailor, I would not live around the areas heavy with Muslims for any amount of money.

Wild Thing says:

Bob thank you so much for that link, oh my gosh how horrible.

Wild Thing says:

Mark I agree sooooo much, what on earth has happened. It has been escalating, lilke you said they are getting a voice in so many things that happen now in our country.
“So much for keeping the home fires burning for our soldiers.”…..and this breaks my heart because that is what should be happening from every single person in America.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Typical socialist Muslimsota! Keith Ellison and his newby Ali Baba in office, Ethiopian cab drivers that won’t transport you at the airport with alcohol, Muslim footbaths in Minn U at taxpayer expense, etc…. and Al Franken to be their next senator? Muslimsota and blue state incorporated.

Wild Thing says:

Darth that is what they should rename their State…. Muslimsota. Good one.

2bornot2b? says:

Any truth that the NFL is being presssured to rename the Minnesota Vikings the Muslimsota
Muzzies? Minnesota Muslims?? Minnesota Mujahadeen???
TGIF = TAIF Thank Allah It’s Friday????