National Days of Student Action to Protest the Iraq War – All out for March 20, 2008
“Every year, there have been protests marking the anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that was launched on the basis of lies and deceit. Students have historically had an especially important role in the struggles against racism and war, and we continue to do so today. Last March, over 80 high schools and colleges answered the call by chapters of Students for a Democratic Society to come together to send one loud resounding NO to the Bush administration and the Republican agenda, to the Democrats who refuse to carry out the mandate of their constituents, and to the University administrations that so often support war efforts.
This March, SDS is urging all students, as part of the broader community of people of conscience, to voice our opposition to the war in Iraq. As the presidential election nears, candidates need to be sent a clear message: we will not stand for vague time lines and empty promises, we will not tolerate sanctions, threats, and aggression against Iran, and that we will stand in solidarity with the Iraqi people who are struggling to liberate their country.
We want as many people as possible to join us in this protest; the larger the protest the stronger the impact we have, and the sooner we can help end this war. We are calling on any and all student and youth based organizations that are opposed to the war in Iraq to mobilize their memberships, their campus, their community and hit the streets for the week of March 17-21, with March 20 as the focal point.* We are calling on students to take action on their own campuses, where we have the power to reach the entire student body with our message and build resistance on our own campuses. We are calling on our fellow students and youth to take the lead and do whatever it takes–from rallies, marches, walk-outs, civil disobedience, and direct action–to send a clear message to the U.S. government: Get out of Iraq Now!”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
That’s the New SDS (you know the group the Weathermen bombers were part of) site. They are doing their thing tomorrow. There is a list of “participating schools”, including high schools at the link.
Who is teaching these children?
God, teachers are the worst anymore!
Math class is NOT the place to let loose your
political views. You should have taught
Government if you wanted to do that.
Telling the kids to be disobedient and damage
We had a math teacher a few years back get fired for telling his math class about Jesus, because he was a Christian, but they won’t fire teachers who try to indoctrinate kids into this messy world of protesting the war and don’t teach the class they’re suppose to be teaching.
Another generation of spoiled, privileged kiddos who hate America and think they know it all. If they are like their predessesors, they will be trouble makers all ther lives.
Lynn, thanks for sharing about that. It is such a mess, and it ticks me off too because their insisting on their agenda is messing with young minds. And if they don’t have a good teaching at home they will be turning out tons more of these lefties. grrrrr
Tom your right they are creating monsters and they won’t change just because they got a little older.