“The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone In the ranks of death you will find him; His father’s sword he hath girded on, And his wild harp slung behind him; “Land of Song!” said the warrior bard, “Tho’ all the world betrays thee, One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee!” — Verse from the Minstrel Boy
by Thomas Moore
The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone
In the ranks of death you will find him;
His father’s sword he hath girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him;”
Land of Song!” said the warrior bard,
“Tho’ all the world betrays thee,
One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee!”
The Minstrel fell! But the foeman’s chain
Could not bring that proud soul under;
The harp he lov’d ne’er spoke again,
For he tore its chords asunder;
And said “No chains shall sully thee,
Thou soul of love and brav’ry!
Thy songs were made for the pure and free,
They shall never sound in slavery!”
An emotionally stirring and inspirational song, The Minstrel Boy was written by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) who set it to the melody of The Moreen, and old Irish aire. It is believed by many that Moore composed the song as a memorial to several of his friends he had met while a student at Trinity College and who had participated in the 1798 rebellion of the United Irishmen. One died in prison, another was wounded, and a third captured and hung. The song originally consisted of two verses. Due to its popularity, the song was a favorite of the many Irishmen who fought during the U.S. Civil War, primarily on the Union side. It was at this time that a third verse was added by unknown authors:
The Minstrel Boy will return we pray
When we hear the news we all will cheer it,
The minstrel boy will return one day,
Torn perhaps in body, not in spirit.
Then may he play on his harp in peace,
In a world such as Heaven intended,
For all the bitterness of man must cease.
This song plays over the closing credits of the 2001 movie ” Black Hawk Down”. It has appeared, in various recordings, in a surprising number of movies, including ‘The Informer’, ‘Untamed Heart’, ‘Gods & Generals’, ‘Gettysburg’, ‘The Departed’, ‘Rough Riders’, ‘The Man Who Would Be King’, as well as episodes of Star Trek:TNG and Star Trek:DS9.
HAPPY SAINT PATRICK’S DAY too! St. Thomas More was beheaded in England and the patron saint of LAWYERS? A SAINT and LAWYERS… oxymoron? Here’s to GREEN Berets and GREEN battle fatigues and our GREEN U.S. dollar that just fell below the … Swiss Franc? God bless this Bear Nation!! Off to my 900 calorie diet and small portions of corned beef, horseradish ‘n cabbage…?
John McDermott does a wonderful Minstrel Boy.
If you’ve ever seen the Irish Tenors, they are something else!!!
It’s going to be just like Irish weather here today–cold and rainy.
WT, I never heard this tune before. I like it, both the music and the lyrics.
Shugart and Gordon were both true American warriors and heroes. Green Berets all the way.
Thanks WT and likewise, Happy St.Patrick’s Day.
Thanks WT and likewise, Happy St.Patrick’s Day.
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
We’re out on the Paddy O’Furniture
Darth, yum that sounds good. Thank you Darth.
Lynn oh wow othat is perfect weather for today I agree.
Yes John McDermott is awesome and the three tenors too.
Tom thank you I ma so glad you like it too. Yes Shugart and Gordon sure were heroes.
Jack, thank you.
Sierrahome, giggle good one, that is great.