Barack Hussein Obama- racist, lying, anti American- is going to lecture us on race ….My title for this.
source for information below:
Washington Post The Trail
“I am going to be talking about not just Rev. Wright, but just the larger issue of race in this campaign, which has ramped up over the last couple of weeks,” Obama told reporters after a town hall meeting here. According to aides, he was up until 3 a.m. Monday working on his remarks.
He added that he would “talk about how some of these issues are perceived from within the black church issue for example,” he said.
He also briefly defended Wright from the image that has come through in a handful of repeatedly televised clips from recent Wright sermons.
“The caricature that’s being painted of him is not accurate,” he said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is major damage control, polls must look pretty bad. LOL
You watch, the libs will be singing a whole different tune about this joker then when a class act like Romney delivered his address when his religion was called into question.
Sierrahome, your right, it will be interesting to see what Obama says in his new speech. haha
It will be interesting to see if he supports his pastor of 20 years, or if he puts as much distance as possible between himself and Wright. I hope that his attempt at damage control just adds fuel to the fire. But, he is a smooth talker, especially when he can prep and has a teleprompter and no questions are allowed.