
Controversial minister leaves Obama campaign
Presidential candidate condemns words but not ministry of former pastor
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., condemned racially charged sermons by his former pastor Friday and urged Americans not to reject his presidential campaign because of “guilt by association.”
Obama’s campaign announced that the minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., had left its spiritual advisory committee after videotapes of his sermons again ignited fierce debate in news accounts and political blogs.
Obama did not clarify whether Wright volunteered to leave his African American Religious Leadership Committee, a loose group of supporters associated with the campaign, or whether the campaign asked him to leave.
“I think there was recognition that he’s obviously on the verge of retirement, [that] he’s taking a sabbatatical and that it was important for him to step out of the spotlight in this situation,” Obama said.
Wright was the latest in a series of advisers to Obama and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., who have stepped aside as supporters of both candidates trade racially charged accusations.
Obama rejects comments
Obama spoke warmly of Wright, who retired last month as pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Wright is a man “I’ve known for 17 years, who helped bring me to Jesus, helped bring me to church,” he said.
“I strongly condemn” Wright’s statements, but “I would not repudiate the man,” Obama said. “He’s been preaching for 30 years. He’s a man who was a former Marine, a biblical scholar, someone who’s spoken at theological schools all over the country.
“That’s the man I know,” Obama said. “That’s the man who was the pastor of this church.”
But Obama acknowledged that “there’s no doubt this is going to be used as political fodder, as it has been in the past.”
“What I hope is that what the American people will trust is what I believe,” he said, that “my values, my ideas, what I’ve spoke about in terms of bringing the country together will override a guilt by association.”
But the sermons, at least one of which was delivered long before Wright retired last month, revived uncomfortable questions about Obama’s ties to the minister, whom conservative critics have accused of advocating black separatism.
A videotape of one sermon captures Wright using a harsh racial epithet to argue that Clinton could not understand the struggles of African Americans.
“Barack knows what it means, living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people,” Wright said on Christmas Day of last year. “Hillary can never know that. Hillary ain’t never been called a [N-word]!”
In another sermon, delivered five days after the 9/11 attacks, Wright seems to imply that the United States had brought the terrorist violence on itself.
“We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York, and we never batted an eye,” Wright says. “We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is brought right back in our own front yards.”
In a later sermon, Wright revisits the theme, declaring: “No, no, no, not God bless America — God damn America!”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
B.Hussein Obama was questioned last night on various news channels about his hate monger rascist preacher and church.
Too little , too late. Obama has known this guy is a racist America-hater for 20 years. Obama wrote that Wright was his mentor. And this church is also probably part of what has fed Obama’s wife, Michelle, the hate she abounds with and speaks about.
They went because they agreed with what was said in the church simple as that. And this is lilke getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. The Obama’s relationship with Wright and this Church has a long history, and is completely voluntary on his part. He joined this Church, and if he attended it even infrequently he must have heard at least some of those sermons.
… Less than 48-hours ago, there were 200 Pennsylvania black churches that endorsed Barack Obama for the Defeatocrat presidential candidate. After FOX and CNN acquired and played the bigoted hate sermons by Rev. Jeremiah Wright yesterday and today…there is no doubt that Obama is finished and that it will be McCain versus Hellary versus Nader in November! THANK-YOU Pastor WRIGHT / WRONG ‘STUFF’!
How can Obama condemn his sermons when he willingly sat under them for 20 years? He supported them with his attendance and money.
Obma made an appearance on Fox News, and when it came to the Pastor Racist Wright, Obama claims he never -HEARD- those statements. One of those transcripts was the Christmas Message, Obama missed the most important service of the Year ?
On Fox news they nailed his ass to the wall and Obama danced all around the questions, and I might add did not do a very good job.
As far as I am concerned Obama either has the attention span of a gnat or is a bald faced liar. He went to some of the most prestigious Schools in the country so the gnat analogy is out, ergo I am left to assume he is a liar.
Well, I am relieved Wright the Schmuck is out, but it still doesn’t excuse the fact of how he led Obamanation to Jesus. If Wright is that filled with HATE, then he didn’t led him to Jesus, he led him to Satan. Jesus would NEVER condemn a nation. He asked that we LOVE one another as he first loved us.
And what about the ten commandments? The Bible is our BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE LEAVING EARTH. It is our guidebook for how to live our lives and well, men like Wright, don’t know the first thing about the Bible and what it truly means.
The minister shouldn’t be the wealthiest (monetarily) man in town. I don’t trust wealthy ministers. To me it means the collection plate money went right in his pocket.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. and Michelle Obama have done more to open the eyes of the constituency than the media ever could on their own, in fact the Spitzer affair took them out of the limelight.
So, what’s behind door number one, or door number two, or behind that closet door? Will the real Hussein ‘come on down’!!! Hussein is what he am!!!
In the words of Dr. Seuss. I am Sam I am Sam Sam I am That Sam-I-am! Than Sam-I-am! I do not like that Sam-I-am! Do you like green eggs and ham?
Shout it from the rooftops.
Hussein!!! Hussein!!! Hussein!!! Hussein!!! Hussein!!! Hussein!!! Hussein!!!
I wonder how quickly this will be dropped by the MSM. Like Jack states, the Spitzer deal took some of the heat off the Wright/Obama news. This could be a back breaker for Obama, or in short time other news events could relegate it to old news. Hopefully the blogs will keep referencing it and there will be further errors made by the Obama camp. Of course, their side will counter everything with cries of racism. Yet everybody forgets, Obama is half White.
Darth wow so many, I keep forgetting how many churches there are. I would be curious to know how many will be saying no to Obama now.
Bob, Obama is a total liar. He knew very well what his preacher was saying he agreed with it and I will never believe otherwise. It makes me sick to even know people like this exist in this world it is so disgusting. Hate promoters and rasists like that are so horrible.
Mark I saw that too, I was so glad Fox did not kiss up to him.
Lynn I agree, itis good that Wright is out now, but it still does not change the fact of the connection. Also we all know the only reason he did it now (Obama) is because he knew he had to and not because it even bothered him in the least. Obama is a total liar when he says he did not know what Wright taught.
Jack, good one. LOL
Tom I agree so much, I hope people keep hammering about this. Because the media will probably slow down or stop talking about it.
PS: The media left keep saying “But Rev. Wright was a Marine….” but so was Lee Harvey Oswald and Scum-Bag PA. Defeatocrat Jack Murtha! I love Gunny Dad Vader and the other 99% of REAL U.S. MARINES! This Rev. Wright militant bigot must have been denied reenlistment or Sectioned 8 out of the Corps?
Darth, thank you and your so right. He was a Marine, but even that cannot help him as a character builder when he is such an awful person.
FYI / SCOOP: Look for the Clintonista MEDIA MACHINE to now conduct PHASE II in reference Obama’s pastor of hate – Jeremiah Wright – shortly. They’ll go after his militancy and USMC records and discharge. With Pennsylvania’s Primary only four weeks away, this INFO will help sway the UNDECIDED superdelegates to vote for Hillary. If not, Hillary is finished. WRIGHT will be Obama’s downfall and Achilles Heal – big time!
Darth, I agree, Nick said something similar too about Wright being the downfall. Even if the media does not stick with it, the word is out now about all of this.