McCain topper to allies: Stay on message
The Politico
“After being forced to respond to three separate incidents in recent weeks of conservatives alluding to Barack Obama’s middle name, John McCain’s campaign manager today sent a memo to top supporters urging them to stick to the campaign’s preferred message — and to avoid taking gratuitous shots at their Democratic rivals. ‘Overheated rhetoric and personal attacks on our opponents distract from the big differences between John McCain’s vision for the future of our nation and the Democrats,’ wrote Rick Davis in a document the campaign e-mailed to Republican officials and staffers this afternoon. ‘This campaign is about John McCain: his vision, leadership, experience, courage, service to his country and ability to lead as commander in chief from day one.’ McCain, Davis added, ‘has held himself to the highest standards and he will continue to run a respectful campaign based on the issues. We expect that all supporters, surrogates and staff will hold themselves to similarly high standards when they are representing the campaign. To help guide you, please find talking points below.'”
So the McCain campaign has sent out talking points to supporters, surrogates, and staff telling them what to say. “Those talking points focus entirely on McCain’s biography and positions on key issues.”
And from Rush Limbaugh because he said exactly how I feel about this:
” I have to tell you, this doesn’t apply to me, folks. No, it doesn’t. I’m not trying to be provocative here. This does not apply to me. I’m not a surrogate. I am a liberated American who will discuss the candidates as I see fit, without the help of the McCain campaign and their talking points. Can you believe this? Talking points? This is going to extend beyond just surrogates and staff and anybody that speaks for McCain, is going to be asked to stick to these talking points. I’ve never heard of a candidate issuing talking points to supporters, telling them to stick to those points and not to express their own views their own ways.”
“This is still pandering to the lib media, folks. Just stick to this, if you would, please. Just say that McCain has the experience, the judgment, the character to lead America in a dangerous world. That’s one of the primary talking points. This is not the way we Republicans do things. We don’t do this. You’re — you’re asking us to compromise our principles. This is something the Democrats do. You remember the calls. “Where is your integrity on this? “
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Um what happened to freedom of speech? Just asking of course but it seems to be talking points, memo’s and forget about speaking the truth. I agree with Rush, this will never apply to me, nor to this blog. I would not waste my time doing one post if I had to be under some kind of American version of Islamic law or something. No thank you.
And oh just one more thing, I will never do what this jerk Rick Davis of all people requests.
Past post about Rick Davis:
McCain and Connections To Soros ~ Ugly Stuff
I guess they just want us to go off quietly, in silence and not mention anything we learn about. Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Sorry I did not come from a monkey. LOL
Now McCain doesn’t want to hear the bad stuff?
Oh come on now! This isn’t cradle school–you’re running for the highest office in the land. You’re going to get some guff. Thickened up your skin and take it like a big boy.
But remember, he co-authored the McCain-Feingold act and didn’t it have something about Freedom of Speech in it?
And I ain’t gonna shut up. I’m gonna say what I like because America is STILL a free country until we elect the wrong person. My kids and descendants aren’t going to have any rights until we stand up and fight for them.
Hussein, Hussein, Hussein. I will keep refering to that middle name because I consider him a muslim.
McCain is nuts. He seems to hate the First Amendment.
Lynn, McCain doesn’t want to hear the truth, for him it is the bad stuff.
I have a few unanswered questions that have been brought up in the past.
Who is the “high-ranking naval officer,” held in Hanoi that KGB Gen. Kalugin stated was one of the POWs worked on by the KGB who, according to Kalugin, agreed to work with the Soviets upon his repatriation to the United States and has frequently appeared on U.S. television?
Why did John McCain embrace North Vietnamese Army Colonel Bui Tin, one of his former interrogators, like a long lost brother while exhibiting an utterly vile behavior toward those who disagree with him, including POW/MIA family members?
Why, during the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs hearings, did McCain oppose all efforts by the POW/MIA families and activists to have the Select Committee expand its investigation to study how successful the Vietnamese, Soviet, Chinese and Cuban interrogation apparatuses were at exploiting American prisoners of war, where during the Korean War, one out of every three U.S. POWs collaborated?
Why is John McCain such a strong advocate for bringing Bosnian and Yugoslavian war criminals before a war crimes tribunal, but is opposed to any kind of war crimes investigation of the Vietnamese?
Investigations and subsequent trials could bring to justice the Vietnamese torturers known by the American POWs as “the Bug, Slopehead, the Prick, the Soft Soap Fairy, Rabbit, the Cat, Zorba” and many others that were responsible for the murder of at least 55 U.S. POWs and the brutal torture of hundreds of others, why is McCain blocking these investigations?
Why did Candidate John McCain and former POW Pete Peterson during a May 1993 meeting with Vietnamese officials in Hanoi asked the Vietnamese to keep “Vietnamese files in their possession pertaining to American POWs who were released in 1973 available ONLY to Defense Intelligence Agency researchers.”, why does Candidate McCain want those files kept secret.?
Why did McCain so readily leap to the defense of that traitor John Kerry, was he afraid that opening the files on Kerry would lead to the opening of his own files?
What was the purpose of the McCain-Feingold bill that curtailed free spech and did little else?
Just a few questions that have gone unanswered by both political parties, both houses of congress and John McCain. Something to gnaw on between now, Hussein and November.
“Perhaps some in our number learned the value of propaganda a little too well during our captivity. ”
By Major Mark A. Smith United States Army Retired
Former POW (Vietnam)
Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry.
–Oliver Cromwell
Lynn, your so right, it is something McCain just does not get. I doubt he ever will.
Tom, yes me too. I won’t let them tell me I can’t use it. If he wants it gone then he can do it legally or something I am sure.
Jack I would LOVE for those questions to be asked.
As aviator and pilot crewdogs say, “Sorry but this sh*t doesn’t FLY!” Put up that steal cage and lets get ready to RUMBLE!
Darth, love it.
“Sorry but this sh*t doesn’t FLY”