Andre Carson Becomes Second Muslim in Congress
transworld news
Andre Carson was elected in Indiana in a special election on Wednesday, becoming the second Muslim in Congress.
Carson was elected to fill the seat left vacant after his grandmother, Democratic Congresswoman Julia Carson, died last December.
Andre Carson, 33, is a member of the Indianapolis City Council who converted to Islam about a decade ago. The first and only other Muslim member of the US Congress is Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, also a Democrat, who is in his first term.
Unlike Ellison who sparked controversy for swearing his oath on a Koran instead of a Bible, Carson’s faith was not mentioned much during his campaign.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
If someone had told me in October of 2001 that there would be any muslims elected to federal office, and that the democrat front-runner would be named Barack Hussein Obama, I’d have fallen off my chair in laughter.
I can’t believe that people are that willing to turn their government over to people whose religion is the most intolerant on the face of the planet.
This was a post I made on Feb. 17, 2008 about this man Andre Carson running for office:
Islam Convert Seeks A Seat In Congress
And this one is a post I made on Feb 21st 2008
CAIR’s Guide to Muslims Running For Office
Increment by increment. Unbelievable. These guys are coming from minority districts where the attitude is, “get me some government benefits” and “get back at The Man”. America is being Balkanized and islamized.
It is almost as though 9-11 never happened. We are at war, but we are leaderless. We do not have a great leader or leaders reminding us every day we are at war. And it certainly seems to be politically incorrect to identify the enemy. No Frank Capra type movies like “Why We are Fighting” or “Who We are Fighting”. The average American is more concerned about road rage than war rage.
I have criticized Europe for allowing themselves to be islamized. We are doing the same cancerous thing, plus promoting a deculturalization via unsecured borders.
There’s an old saying, “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.”
It’s like no one cares that over 4,000 people died in one day within minutes of each other due to a so called “Religion of Peace.” It’s like their lives meant nothing.
They did to me. My mother’s cousin died in the plane that hit in the Pennsylvania field. You CAN NEVER understand until it hits you personally.
I can’t believe that we are allowing these terrorists take control like we are.
And this is how they plan to do it–one at a time.
Without firing a shot.
Are we all THAT “STUPID?”
And just because his mom did a good job, who’s to say he’s going to do a good job?
What’s it going to take for the “Sleeping Giant” to awaken again? Another attack? This time maybe a nuke? We have to band together now as never before and push out these offensive creatures of death.
To all Theodore’s World members I extend my sincerest apologies for the stupidity of the 7th District of Indiana voters. I am embarrassed to call myself a Hoosier.
Unfortunately, his opponents weren’t much better. The Libertarian Shepherd looks like a Putin wannabe and the Republican John Elrod could only come up with “Vote for me….I want to be your neighborhood Congressman”!!! Sheesh!!!!!
On the bright side, Carson will face seven challengers in the May 6 Democratic primary for a full two-year term. With a little bit of lick, he won’t be elected!!!! He is riding on his grandmother’s accomplishments!!!!
He sounds like another Obama, i.e. “We have to hit the ground running because the future is ours,” Carson said. This “Future is Ours” BS is really starting to get old!!!!
Tom you are so right about everything you said.
And this could even be a sticker for what we have come to ….”The average American is more concerned about road rage than war rage.”
Lynn you right, they are doing it without firing a shot.
I am so sorry about your mother’s cousin Lynn.
John, you are loved here my friend and this is not your fault at all.
I really believe this cannot be stopped. Something weird has happened to America, you and I and others like us on here and elsewhere are watching America run amuck (spelling) by the left.
” … One nation, under ALLAH, divisible, without liberty and justice by the sword for all!” Is he pro-stoning…pro-mercy killings… pro 4 wives
per sultan? Guess the Shia will hit the fan soon?
Darth….”Guess the Shia will hit the fan soon?”…..LMAO good one!