13 Mar

Protestors Intend To Shutdown The Tacoma Mall

Fort Lewis officials are alerting soldiers and their families to avoid the Tacoma Mall
the patriot files
The anti-war movement is ramping up their attacks with a call to harass military personnel and their families at the Tacoma Mall, this Saturday the 15th.
Recommend that DOD affiliated personnel, family members, retirees and civilians avoid the Tacoma Mall area on 15 March 2008 from 1200 to 1730 hours.
Local protest groups have announced their intention to shutdown the Tacoma Mall and the recruiting station located at the mall to call attention to the upcoming anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. They want to “Make it impossible for business as usual to continue as the Iraq War approaches its 5th year.”
Anticipated activities include distributing anti-war and anti-military literature, confront local recruiters or persons trying to enter their facilities, and attempts to interact with soldiers, family members and/or civilians who appear to be military or have DOD decals on their vehicles.
Recent protests against the war at the Port of Olympia have been marked by increased levels of violence. DOD personnel, family members and civilians should avoid contact, to include conversations or dialogue with protesters. Protesters may be filming activities for reporting in independent media or use in legal actions.
Commanders and supervisors should strongly encourage their soldiers, family members, and civilians to avoid the Tacoma Mall area during this time and to report incidents of violence to local police.
For incidents of violence, call 911
For non-critical information, contact Washington State Police at (253) 536-6210 or Tacoma Police Department at (253) 594-7800.
Conservative Talk radio KVI-570 has put out a call to all listeners to show up and support the troops. Bring a flag, a sign, a banner, and most of all a friend.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
There are about 20,000 Soldiers at Fort Lewis, 5,000 Airman (USAF) and about 15,000 Sailors and Marines in the Puget Sound area.
I am sick and tired of seeing people act malicious toward us soldiers and their families. And having to otell military families to stay away from the mall is not lilving under the precious FREEDOMS their loved one and our Veternas have fought for.
It is past time for leaders in the Senate and House to demand an investigation into the nationwide epidemic of attacks on recruiting stations. U.S. Attorneys should prosecute the agitators. The Constitution provides that the federal government be able to raise an Army during wartime. The escalation in attacks is not only costing taxpayers money, but they could cripple the country’s ability to defend herself.
If this isn’t treason, what is? What they want to do goes way beyond the First Amendment rights!

Lynn says:

And all the shopkeepers at the Tacoma Mall should be up in arms about this. It takes away from their business, too.
I don’t like being accosted by anyone when I go to a store or mall.
But this is treason, plain and simple.
And it makes me mad that my family is affected by this dirty trash.
Yes, we have a free country–isn’t that great? But who gave us this free country? The soldiers you morons! Not the government.

BobF says:

Check out these A-holes.
“On Wednesday, March 19, POG will be holding a torch-lit march to a modern day castle of abominations—our local military recruiting station. If the station remains open, we intend to evict it and everything inside of it, occupy the location, and transform it into something useful for the community. We’ll also be bringing a movable cage in which to confine military recruiters until they no longer pose a danger to our friends and neighbors. Of course, the station may be closed and recruiters may flee or hide behind the police apparatus that enables the war to continue”.
Wouldn’t it be great if when they showed up, their wasn’t a cop within 5 miles of the place, only a few recruiters wearing their BDU’s…battle dress uniforms. You can bet your paycheck these jerks wouldn’t make a move until the police showed up.

GM Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET says:

It may be time for a “Captain’s Liberty” in Tacoma. For the uninitiated, look it up. Old Seadogs know of what I refer to.
I suffered moonbattery even before I enlisted in 1973. A large number of my female classmates decided that I was “evil” when I made the decision to go to Sea with The United States Navy. It isn’t new by any stretch of the imagination.

Rick says:

Great idea! The military members and families SHOULD stay away from the Tacoma Mall… permanently.
Let the merchants try to live off what the Code Pinkers will buy.
“Of course, the station may be closed and recruiters may flee or hide behind the police apparatus that enables the war to continue”.
“They might bring their buddies and kick your ass.”
Going to be watching the news for reports of these events.

Jack says:

And these F’wits wonder why Boeing didn’t get that Air Force tanker contract awarded to them. Nearby Lakewood mall is all but dead and it is infinitely closer to both bases, before the war the anti-military attitude there was palpable. My neighbors, what a wormy bunch of bastards. The Southcenter mall near Seattle was under lockdown most of last night due to a shooting. I don’t shop the Tacoma Mall due to the atmosphere, preferring to travel further to Silverdale, a Naval community.

Wild Thing says:

Bob thanks for the link. And yes what you said would be great to have happen.

Wild Thing says:

GM Cassel, yes, good one, I agree.
And those female classmates missed out big time, if I had been there I would have told them off. giggle Yep I sure would have.

Wild Thing says:

Rick yes either one of those would be a great idea.

Wild Thing says:

Jack I understand completely, this is just so horrible what they are doing and it is getting to be all over the place.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Can Washington state change its state flag? These clueless and treasonous secular left-wingbats don’t deserve President George Wasgington’s image on their state flag! How about a new yellow flag with a rainbow on it?

Wild Thing says:

Darth, it is so horrible and unforgivable and to do this to families of our troops. oh my gosh!!!