Human Rights, Liberty Are Values Practiced by Most Muslims, Says Rice
CNS news
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the appointment of Washington’s first-ever special envoy to the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference will help to promote principles that Muslims and non-Muslims alike “hold dear,” such as human rights, liberty and the rule of law.
“These are not American values or Western values,” she told OIC ambassadors in Washington on Monday. “They are universal values, values that are lived and practiced by the majority of Muslims in the world, many of whom are citizens of democracies.”
Fourteen of the OIC’s 57 members qualify as “electoral democracies,” according to criteria applied by Freedom House in its latest report on freedom in the world. None are Arab states.
And only six of the 57 — Benin, Guyana, Indonesia, Mali, Senegal and Suriname — are deemed “free” according to a Freedom House evaluation that scores nations for both political rights and civil liberties, and classifies them as “free,” “partly free” or “not free.”
Sada Cumber, the man appointed by President Bush to serve as the first U.S. envoy to the OIC, acknowledged that he will have his work cut out for him.
“I will be advocating American interest on a range of hard issues from Iraq to Palestinian issue to nuclear issues,” he told the OIC ambassadors and others gathered at the State Department ceremony.
“While I do not expect to always reach consensus on ever issue, but I do hope and pray and desire that we can foster a climate of mutual respect and trust,” the Pakistani-born Texas businessman added.
Rice told the ceremony that the envoy’s appointment was part of a broader administration effort to increase its engagement with Muslims worldwide.
He would combat misperceptions about the U.S. that are spread by America’s enemies, she said.
“The notion that the United States is at war with Islam … is simply propagated by violent extremists who seek to divide Muslim communities against themselves, to judge who is and who is not a pious Muslim and to commit any atrocity, even against their fellow Muslims, to impose an intolerant ideology on their societies,” Rice said.
“The OIC plays a vital role in promoting moderation, dialogue and understanding and we welcome the statements that this organization has made in support of those values.”
Established in 1969, and with its secretariat based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the OIC groups 56 independent countries plus “Palestine.”
The Arab-Israeli conflict has been a top priority, and enhancing Islamic solidarity its stated goal, although over the decades it has also faced frequent crises within its ranks, such as during the Iran-Iraq War, a 10-year conflict between Libya and Chad, and the Persian Gulf War.
In the years since 9/11, the OIC’s focus has increasingly turned to relations between the West and Islam, the campaign against Islamist terrorism, and episodes of what it calls “Islamophobia,” such as the publication by Danish newspapers in 2005 of 12 cartoons satirizing Mohammed.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Her appeasing words that spit on the graves of all the victims of the death cult of Islam.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the appointment of Washington’s first-ever special envoy to the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference will help to promote principles that Muslims and non-Muslims alike “hold dear,” such as human rights, liberty and the rule of law.
Hey Condi, yeah, right. Show me one nation under Islamic Sharia Law that “holds dear” anything remotely resembling liberty, human rights and rule of law.
They “hold dear” the right to murder a daughters that won’t practice the Muslim religion. I am SO tired of the political two step that our State Department dances to. A skilled diplomat can speak tactfully and effectively without lowering themselves to the point of uttering blithering, false, stupidity. She is not up to the job. She seems unable to speak without pandering. But I cannot blame her entirely, President Bush has said more then once, that Islam is the religion of Peace.
An old quote by Condi that she should not have made as well:
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Remarks before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State,
Foreign Operations and Related Programs
May 12, 2005
“Mr. Chairman, before I begin my actual testimony, I want to speak directly to Muslims in America and throughout the world. Disrespect for the Holy Koran is not now, nor has it ever been, nor will it ever be, tolerated by the United States. We honor the sacred books of all the world’s great religions. Disrespect for the Holy Koran is abhorrent to us all.
There have been recent allegations about disrespect for the Holy Koran by interrogators at Guantanamo Bay and that has deeply offended many people. Our military authorities are investigating these allegations fully. If they are proven true, we will take appropriate action. Respect for the religious freedom of all individuals is one of the founding principles of the United States. The protection of a person’s right to worship freely and without harassment is a principle that the government and the people of the United States take very seriously. Guaranteeing religious rights is of great personal importance to the President and to me.
During the past few days, we have heard from our Muslim friends around the world about their concerns on this matter. We understand and we share their concerns. Sadly, some people have lost their lives in violent demonstrations. I am asking that all our friends around the world reject incitement to violence by those who would mischaracterize our intentions.”
At one time I thought Condi Rice would make a great presidential candidate. Now, I just wish she would retire. However, I doubt Bush would replace her with anyone better. This administration has become very alien to me, nothing like what I thought I voted for.
Now I get to worry about what Sada Cumber is going to concede or give away as envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. I am sure he is another crony of our president.
Condi is acting like a newbie who doesn’t know what she’s doing! Women are property over there and can be killed for any minor infraction by her spouse, her father, anyone.
She has no rights to anything, including good medical care, dental care, a job, an education.
Women are breeding stock, plain and simple–just like cattle.
And people want that here?
Hello? What part of “women back in kitchen and keep popping out those babies and don’t leave the house without me.” don’t you understand?
I could never live with anyone who would treat me so badly.
The Koran is a Holy Book and is not to be difiled but it is ok to put a Crucifix in a jar of urine and call it art.
Has the press reported anything on the recent ‘Honor killings in Texas’, done according to Sharia Law ?
This is the religion of peace ? They kill their children if they deviate from the tenets of their religion, they stone people to death if the violate a marriage vow, mostly women. If a woman is raped she needs witnesses to prove it was a rape and that she didn’t encourage it. This is a peaceful religion. The Ahmish are a peaceful religion, the moslems are nothing short of butchers and animals.
Where is all the feminist groups protesting this crap.
The Moslems are 500 years behind the times, they are backward, and totally corruptable. They teach their children to kill the ‘infidels’ from the age of understanding and call it a gift for their god.
The Madame Secretary, seems to have a very short memory, the Moslems were in a state of ecstasy when the twin towers were attacked and 3000+ Americans were slaughtered like cattle.
Where was this Secretary when the Jewish Seminary was attacked and innocent lives were taken, and the Arabs were celebrating ?
I think it is time to take our country back.. Our leaders are more concerned about getting a high priced piece of ass than doing the business of the people, which they were hired to do. Now this piece of garbage, Spitzer, is trying to cut a deal with the Justice Department. So where is the Justice.
George Wallace was right, he said, ‘there is not a dimes worth of difference between a democrat and a republican.’
And this is not going to change until we start voting for ‘None of the Above’.
Obamam’s whole premise is based on a ‘free lunch’, and what can I get from the Government. We conservatives are fast becoming a minority and I am afraid we will become an enslaved minority.
Maybe there are some true peace-loving Muslims out there but I haven’t seen any lately. I wish they would go back to the days of white horses and white hats…….then you could tell the bad from the good!!!!! Condi obviously can’t!!!! Or maybe she is only talking to the few good Muslims!!! I agree with Tom….this administration has all the appearances of a chameleon and is constantly changing colors just to please some bleeding heart politically correct ignoramus!!!!!
Mark…..it is way past time to start getting our Country back!!!!! I don’t know what it is going to take but cleaning out Congress may be a start!!! It is too late for the presidential race which has become a total joke!!!! Which Liberal do you want…..Hillary, Hussein, or McCain?
And Mark…..The way things are currently going, conservatives may be screaming past the “minority” status and heading straight for extinction!! Hey – Wait….maybe we can get on the “endangered species” list and then we will be protected by the stupid Liberals!!!!!
I have only one thing to say about Condi Rice and the UN that she is all about.
There probably are peace loving followers of mohomad. They are the ones who have not read the koran. Many followers of mohomad do not speak or read arabic. These could be labeled fair weather or sleeper followers. I would guess that most people who follow mohomad do so only outwardly due to fear. This was the case in Iran after 1979. To leave islam is punishable by death. As a matter of diplomacy, I would not talk too loudly about it. Talk softly and cary a big stick – comes to mind.
We have several choices for how to proceed in the war of survival against the evil followers of mohomad. On one extream is immediate violent confrontation to kill them all. On the other extream is total surender now and avoid all violence (untill they start choping off heads a punishment). We have several vioble paths inbetween. One is be nice, show the fair weather followers an alternative to islam (and also a safe place to be able to leave it and turn to another religion) and turn them into alies of ours or at least neutral bystanders in the war. A wise cource of action is to not make too many open enemies at a time. George seems to be following the stragety of be nice but wage war when you can. There is defantly a lack of open communcation on the long term plan to stay free of violent confrontation here at home. That would include a total stop to all immigration of followers of mohomad, close down all mosques, deport any follower of mohomad that even talks about any form of jahid. Then there is the international aspect, which I do not have time to even start discussing.
Tom yes, she was a hopeful and promising. But no longer, no way.
Lynn, I agree, I know they have to be diplomatic and all but to make these kind of statements goes way beyond what is needed to say. It is wrong in every way.
Mark AMEN ditto and Amen again!!!
John, yes and like Mark said it leaves us with none of the above. We really have no good choices at all.
And yes John I agree, I have yet to see or hear a Muslim be outraged as we are.
Jack I agree with you one thing to say.
Odin, yes there is that too.
I can only go by the Muslims I have met and each one of them loaths Jews, Israel and said we had no right to go in and take Saddam out. They are not dedicated Muslims, they do not pray 5 times a day, etc. but their beliefs run deep and of the three Muslims I have met each one also said several times how one day America would be mostly Muslim, in population and in our government. These were Muslims I used to have to work with. I stopped working at that company because of them. I had asked them to please stop talking to me of their hate and they would not, so I stopped working there. LOL I had enough of their BS and propaganda. These were doctors, educated people saying the things they said. Amazing hate they had. I am not Jewish but they knew how I was pro Israel so maybe they did it to try and push my buttons I am not sure. hahahaa
But I always stayed calm and never got into it with them, no way in a work place should that happen.