12 Mar

Afghanistan – “The Coldest Winter” (Mar.2008)

Wild Thing’s comment………
So many lies to our troops, if ithey have weapons or not, how old the weapons are that they do have when our soldiers find them, and the patience our troops show these people. Amazing!

“We have to look constantly at ways to do it better and do it differently”, states Woods.

Prayers for our troops, for their safety and thank God for every single one of them.

TomR says:

Counter insurgency, counter guerilla warfare. Shades of Vietnam, just a different climate. And nearby Pakistan serving as a haven for the Taliban, shades of Cambodia and Laos.
These soldiers have a very tough mission. It is admirable that they stick with it and believe in the goals of the mission. The Col. is right when he says they have to evolve with thesituation. Flexibility is a critical element for success.
God Bless our troops.

John says:

Drat…..darn computer isn’t showing what the Coldest Winter is. Just a blank spot on the page with your comments below it. Happens every once in awhile.

Jack says:

I echo Tom’s sentiment, it is eerily the same as what we faced in Vietnam. Anyone who has served in the field in the winter can appreciate the absolute misery of just living at -22°F,-30°C, these guys are miserably cold, not like at home where you can come in and spend a night in warm surroundings either. I have winter camped for a week at a time at -36°F in a tent and it does test your mettle, I’ve bounced around in a Tank in sub zero weather, 2″ of -20°F steel isn’t a good heater, the cold does slow the bruising, foot marches are no cakewalk either, your feet and face get frostbit. I have nothing but admiration for these troops, the hazards they face and their inevitable equipment problems. God bless them,they are one tough lot.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, yes, it sure is a telling video showing the things they have to deal with besides all the other things we know about. I wish we could tell everyone of them what they mean to us and how we are praying for them.

Wild Thing says:

John oh no I am so sorry.
I was running into that yestersay at YouTube, nothing would show and at the same time I could hear the video playing, it was so weird.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thanks for sharing about that, to even think of being in a tank even when it is so cold, with all that cold metal around and the other things you shared about,has to be horrible.