Hillary Clinton’s campaign responded Sunday to charges from rival Barack Obama that the New York senator “flip-flopped” on the issue of torture during her presidential campaign, saying she held strong positions against its use by government officials.
When President Bush vetoed a bill Saturday that would have prohibited the CIA from using harsh interrogation techniques, Obama used the occasion to criticize his Democratic presidential opponent.
“We need a Commander in Chief who has never wavered on whether or not it is acceptable for America to torture, because it is never acceptable,” said Obama. “While I have consistently opposed torture, in the course of this primary campaign Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped from her past position of tolerating torture. …
“When I am president, the American people and the world will be able to trust that I will outlaw torture, because unlike Senator Clinton I have never made an exception for torture and I never will.”
Obama was making a reference to Clinton’s decision late last year to rule out any use of these techniques in interrogations, after a meeting with a group of retired generals who opposed their use. Earlier, Clinton had said they might be an option if authorities suspected their use might help prevent an imminent attack – a position that was also held by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The Clinton campaign responded with a statement that said her “strong position opposing torture” had led to her endorsement by Gen. Antonio Taguba, who wrote the official report on the military’s Abu Ghraib scandal.
Wild Thing’s comment………
How about waterboarding both of them and see who wins. hahaha
Obama’s kind of leadership sends a nice warm and fuzzy hug to the terrorists that we have no spine, we are weak, we will cater to them and just say pretty please tell us what you know. Oh you don’t feel like it, ok, want to just sit here and play backgammon? Sheesh!!!!
I am a huge believer that our government our CIC should never ever say NO to what would be done or not regarding torture. I don’t think we should ever say what we would go for or not go for. Only the military should know these kind of tactics and it is no business of the enemy to be hearing about this kind of thing.
But we do have a problem Houston since all three candidates are against torture. ( shaking my head )
Looking at Mr. Ed in those ugly pantsuits is torture…
Well, Obamanation, you’re torturing me with all your lies and deceitful behaviors!
Outlaw yourself!
I think we are all in agreement that 4 years of Obama would be considered cruel and inhumane treatment to anyone!! The fact that he keeps coming out and saying he didn’t vote for something or that he voted against it should prove to everyone that he is about as worthless as you can get!!!!!!!!!!!
Just where is their condemnation of the methods used by the Islamo-fascists and the followers of Ho, Mao, Marx and Stalin? I don’t believe for a second that our interrogation techniques are anywhere near approaching the brutality of the good friends of Herr Komrad Clinton and muhammed’s turd blossom Komrad Obama.
What happened to the human rights of the following Americans Missing In Action who died or were declared dead in Iraq at the hands of their Islamo-fascist captors?
Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. Michael Speicher
Army Sgt. Edward J. Anguiano,
Marine Lance Cpl. Thomas A. Blair
Army Sgt. George Edward Buggs
Marine Pfc. Tamario D. Burkett
Marine Cpl. Kemaphoom A. Chanawongse
Marine Lance Cpl. Donald J. Cline, Jr.
Air Force Capt. Eric Das
Army Master Sgt. Robert J. Dowdy
Army Pvt. Ruben Estrella-Soto
Marine Pvt. Jonathan L. Gifford
Marine Pvt. Nolen R. Hutchings
Marine Sgt. Brad Korthaus
Army Spc. James Kiehl
Marine Pfc. Francisco A. MartinezFlores
Army Chief Warrant Officer Johnny Villareal Mata
Marine Staff Sgt. Donald C. May, Jr.
Marine Lance Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon
Marine Lance Cpl. Patrick T. O’Day
Marine Sgt. Fernando Padilla-Ramirez
Army Pfc. Lori Piestewa
Marine Sgt. Brendon C. Reiss
Army Sgt. James Riley
Army Pvt. Brandon Sloan
Army Sgt. Donald Walters
Air Force Maj. William Watkins
Marine Lance Cpl. Michael J. Williams
Let’s think about them instead of protecting their butchers.
I referred to the November 2008 presidential election as the equivalent to playing Russian roulette in a previous post. We have three presidential candidates, two of which will be on the ballot in November, who openly proclaim that as President and Commander-in-Chief they WILL NOT do all in their power to protect the nations security and possibly prevent the loss of lives that may number in the tens or hundreds of thousands.
Somehow, I don’t see the logic of, on a very limited basis, not using strong interrogation techniques if it will prevent the torturous maiming and killing of thousands of people. That is not taking the high moral ground. It is pure stupidity and dereliction of duty.
Right on Post….and Jack, salient as always.
I personally adhere to the Jack Bauer platform on “torture”. Waterboarding can be withstood if you “logically” understand that you’re not really drowning……
Knee-capping cannot.
I put you in the Wollf Pack, Miss Thing. Hope that’s all right with you.
Wollf…..sadly back in So-Kal
Darth, LOL I forgot about that show.
Lynn, sure hope that Obamanation never comes to be in Washington. grrrr
John he sure is worthless. I never in my life knew the masses that go to his speeches would be so easily led like they are. It just shocks me.
Jack thank you so much for the list of names.
Les, yes that is what I don’t get, I want to know measures would be taken to find out whatever possible of future attacks or names taken etc. And I don’t see a prisoner just offering information for the fun of it. Lives will depend on finding things out.
Wollf, thank you yes it is great with me.
Calif. is a beautiful State, I love it’s coastline more then any I have ever seen.