America is ‘Just Downright Mean’
Two weeks after making her disdain for the nation clear during a campaign speech for her husband in Wisconsin, Michelle further debased America by saying that we’re a country that is “just downright mean.”
Given how media made excuses for her comments in Wisconsin, it will be quite interesting to see just how much of her interview in the March 10th edition of The New Yorker.
“Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!”
“You’re looking at a young couple that’s just a few years out of debt,” Obama said. “See, because, we went to those good schools, and we didn’t have trust funds. I’m still waiting for Barack’s trust fund. Especially after I heard that Dick Cheney was s’posed to be a relative or something. Give us something here!”
The Obamas’ financial standing has risen sharply in the past three years, largely as a result of the money Barack earned from writing “The Audacity of Hope.” In 2005, their income was $1.67 million, which was more than they had earned in the previous seven years combined.
“The life that I’m talking about that most people are living has gotten progressively worse since I was a little girl. . . . So if you want to pretend like there was some point over the last couple of decades when your lives were easy, I want to meet you!”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Keep her talking. LOL Michelle is all about gloom and doom. ‘Give me something.’ Great, a perfect First Lady she’d make. NOT!! And I think the ‘mean’ she is seeing is in her.
If Michelle were to look in her (Obama Mirror) she would see the true racist.(Herself)
“Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime.”
Jammed up? What kind of talk is that from someone wanting to be First Lady.
B. Hussein Obama`s rallying cry – “Yes, we can!”
Michelle Obama`s rallying cry – “Give me something!”
Can’t they think of one nice thing to say about America?
Look, she’s rich. She has money–she can shove it in her mouth and maybe that will shut her up.
It’s gotten worse because people like her aren’t giving back to those less fortunate unless it makes them look good for publicity.
They talk a big talk, but they don’t walk the big walk.
And people are hanging on their every word?
He’s got the “blame America first” crowd.
If you don’t like it, there’s the door.
No one said you had to stay.
Sadly Martin Luther King is rolling over in his grave! And this is what MLK marched for and died for: The Obamessiahs? Love how millionaire Obamas and John Kerrys / Edwards types represent THE POOR and lower classes of Americans and illegal aliens. Michelle’s mouth will be Barack’s downfall and Hillary & the press will exploit her militantcy.
WOW, she’s already out of debt!! I sure wish I was and I’m over 50.
It’s funny how she never mentions this fact:
In 2006, the Chicago Tribune reported that Mrs. Obama’s compensation at the University of Chicago Hospital, where she is a vice president for community affairs, jumped from $121,910 in 2004, just before her husband was elected to the Senate, to $316,962 in 2005, just after he took office.
That’s a lot of money to be paid as a Vice President of Community Affairs. I wonder how much the President of Community Affairs gets paid? I bet not as much as her. No wonder health care costs are so high.
She has an attitude just like the Katrina bunch. An attitude of anger and a demand that someone owes you for “something?” just because you are Black.
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, youse owes it toos me. Is she willing to share her good fortune out of pocket with the great unwashed? Nope, she wants you and I to do it for her. Michelle,a Marxist like Barbara Lee would like to impose the same Marxist ‘post slave’ self rule that rules Liberia on the nation with the same proven self rule results. Barak Obama is living proof of their little head rule, in his case a muhammenan one, where the little head rules the big head irresponsibily. Pastor James Manning’s discription of Obama and his blind followers wanting more irresponsibility is spot on, she is Michelle ” Mack Daddy” Obama. I could support the clear and level headed leadership of Harlem’s Thomas Sowell who is pro American.
That is the key to this whole bunch, entitlements, a free lunch. They are basically buying votes from the Illegals and the laziest of the society. Sure must be an awful lot of them.
Michelle Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. A racist and ungrateful trash America bigot with a chip on her shoulder who can’t keep her mouth shut.
Hillary Clinton had the cajones to shut Bill up. Does Barack Obama have the cajones to shut Michelle up?
Lynn, it sure seems she only likes America when they are winning otherwise she hates it. She has so much hate in her she must be one miserable person.
2bornot2b? , your oright, this Michelle will stir things up, and in an ugly mean jealous way. They should be proud of America, there are so many things to be proud of.
I would ask her too what about all the blacks, heroes that fought in our wars and wanted to serve our country they were proud of America.
Bob she is a real piece of work, she is the kind of person that is so filled with hate and rascism she will never be happy. Even if they win this election she will still be spewing her hate. That is who she is.
Tom, yes both are very similar.
Jack I agree, that Pastor James Manning’s sermon hit the nail on the head with both Obama and his wife.
Mark, the DNC should change the name of their party to the entitlement party. Their speechs are loaded with promises, anything to get elected. Amazing how the voters don’t think where is that money coming from.
Les good point. It sure appears that Obama can’t tell his wife to shut up. He has to see that she is only hurting his campaign with at least some of those that would vote for him.Others probably agree with Michelle. hahahaa
This is why Barack has large African elephant sized ears… cause Michelle’s mouth is just as big as their trunks! TUSK… TUSK… TUSK 2008!
Darth, LMAO so funny!