Obama’s Troubles Mount — Just in Time for the Latest Primaries!
New York Mag Daily Intelligencer
Barack Obama must be wondering how the worst press he’s received practically all campaign season came down just before today’s primaries — his chance to close the deal. He can look inward for answers.
The big story, of course, is the meeting an Obama advisor, Austin Goolsbee, had with a Canadian official about NAFTA. After Canadian TV reported that Goolsbee had assured the Canadian official that basically all Obama’s tough talk on NAFTA was political maneuvering, the Obama campaign denied the meeting ever took place.
Then, on cue, a Canadian memo surfaced confirming that the meeting did take place. The Obama campaign’s evasive answers and qualified denials have failed to placate a press corps determined to prove they’re holding Obama accountable.
At the same time, a former Obama supporter, Antoin Rezko, begins his trial in Chicago for influence peddling. While nothing unethical or illegal has been proven about Obama’s relationship with Rezko, the fact that new details are still emerging raises doubts about Obama’s previous claims that he has divulged everything about their association.
None of this meshes well with Obama’s claim to be running on a new kind of politics, and, from looking at the polls showing a Clinton rebound, voters are taking notice.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Will his devout followers care I don’t think so, mostly because they seem to be in some kind of la la land with their chanting and fainting and reaching out just to touch his hand.
There are so many things about Obama that move he is a dangerous man for our country. We could almost have our pick of what is wrong with him.
Obama’s Troubles Mount
Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!
Just another dirty politician with his hands in his own pockets.
That’s all he is.
Why people think he’s some sort of Messiah, I will NEVER know.
I guess I’m just not a lemming–I can’t be easily led off a cliff!
No way the Clinton campaign had anything to do with the memo surfacing…yea, right.
This is good. People need to know he’s a lying POS.
What!? There’s some tarnish on the ol’ halo, methinks. His cultists will just call this mud-slinging and put their heads back into the sand, but those who are just getting the Obama itch may be put off by the lies. (Well, they’re Democrats…maybe lies are OK to them.)
Wonder if they ever heard the old saying….”Where theres smoke, theres fire”. I could use another old saying but that would not be politically correct!!!!! Wonder if he is going to pull out the hanky now and play the tears game?!?!
Is it just me or are his ears getting bigger?!?!?! Maybe it is the Pinocchio Syndrome or the Dumbo Syndrome!!!!!
Dumbo Syndrome! Good one John. I am still waiting for that old Clinton smear machine to really crank up against Obama. Now that Hillary has some more spark after a few primary wins, maybe her crooks will really get vicious. I want blood!
Clinton’s resurgence is great, this puts the pressure and the focus on Obama and his sanitized past, he can’t close that door and just move on at this point, his antics last night were like Al Gore’s, where he filed a lawsuit to hold the Ohio polls open for his benefit. Let’s all hope it drags out until November for the pair of them.
We know the media will not investigate the Rezko affair during Rezko’s ongoing trial and it is highly unlikely it would happen if he wasn’t on trial, it involves the wrong political party. Is Auchi the only ‘Obama Investor’ lined up for favors from the senator and potential president? I doubt that he is the only one. Muslims are not immune to Communism and Communists are not immune to Muslims, there are too many similarities, it’s that old ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ routine, Obama is too familiar with both factions for my comfort level and his record as the most liberal Senator proves it.
I want blood also, a shrunken head with big ears would be nice too!!!
Lynn exactly we won’t and can’t be led off some cliff by these that think we are not paying attention.
Bob I think more will come out in the future I sure hope so. The media ihas been pushing Obama from day one, covering up for him to the max. Now maybe they will see he might not win and they better start to play equal time with their dem candidates. hahaha
PeteSuj,hahaha yes his halo is tarnished and he is not happy people are finding out.
John, LOL ….”Dumbo Syndrome”…..that is good.
Pinocchio Syndrome that reminded me of that old graphic of Bill Clinton that was aniimated and his nose would grow. haha
Yes his ears do look bigger a little, this photo was right off the reuters photo list. hahaa How funny.
Tom hahahha I agree, I want blood too!
Jack, lmao that works for me. hahaa
“I want blood also, a shrunken head with big ears would be nice too”