January 20th, 2008, Lubbock, TX
The Cactus Cuties Sing The National Anthem
About them:
The Cactus Kids, Cactus Kiddos, and Cactus Cuties are mentor programs created and directed by Terri and Cami Caldwell. The idea, born out of the Cactus Theater in Lubbock, Texas, is to develop future “Stars of West Texas.” These young and talented entertainers perform all over the West Texas area for various community events. Their ages range from 4 to 17 years old. The Cactus Kids feature a variety of music, including Nostalgia from the 1940’s through the 90’s, Country, Patriotic, and Holiday songs.
Andi Kitten – 11
Baylee Barrett – 13
Madeline Powell – 8
Tatum Lowe – 11
Blaire Elbert – 10
Directed by Cami Caldwell
Wild Thing’s comment…….
I love this and God bless these kids. Patriotism is alive and well and it makes me so very proud.
…..Thank you Tom so much for sending this to me.
Texans learn the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner at YOUNG ages, unlike in the 19 blue states of socialism. True ‘Yellow Roses’ of Texas!
What adorable little girls!
How precious.
They are good.
Notice how all the folks you can see are showing respect by standing with their hands over their hearts? It’s too bad president wannabe Obama refused to do likewise.
BobF, that was my first thought also. Lubbock Texas is often referred to as the heart of America. I am a very proud Texan and have good friends out in the Lubbock area. They are solid American citizens. They respect and believe in the Star Spangled Banner, unlike the unproud and unpatriotic Obamas.
God Bless Texas!
Thank you Tom, I share WT’s sentiment: “Patriotism is alive and well and it makes me so very proud.” Me too!!!
I trust my instincts and every fiber in my body screams out against Obama. He has all the hidden agendas and the secrecy of FDR and none of the patriotism. I keep reflecting on his financial fixer Tony Rezko and the money from General Mediterranean, owned by Iraqi billionaire, Nadhmi Auchi. It’s that Mediterranean influence that has me concerned. Concerned infidels need to ask tough questions.
drstrangeloveb52isok, your right.
I wish all our States were red and not blue. Or better yet red/white and blue patriotic.
Lynn they are just adorable. I agree.
Bob your right I noticed that too.
There is such a hgue difference like you said in the Obama couple America haters and these fine Americans.
Tom I love it, and agree, God Bless Texas.
Jack, for sure it is going to be one of those follow the money and it isn’t pretty.
That performance, and those girls, are the perfect picture of why men and women are willing to put on a uniform and pick up a rifle. Our anthem is a very challenging song (ask any professional singer). When you add four-part harmony into the mix it gets even more complicated. There’s no doubt these girls put long hours of practice into this performance. WELL DONE!
oh my God drstrangeloveb52isok! you are a lemming! and Wild Thing – you don’t want diversity? then you should be in a Communist country. Ya know, they don’t allow free thought, they want to squash other people and disallow other ideas to be heard., just like your statement. You rant that you are the solution. no! you are the problem. Encourage dialog and different ideas. That’s what makes us Patriotic, not one opinion!
The Cactus Cuties are an incredible talent. They don’t understand patriotism, though. Four year olds just can’t! Understand they are just really great voices! I agree, best rendition of the National Anthem I ever heard.
But open up your minds!
BTW, Texas is not the USA! It’s only 8% by population. that means that 92% of the country think you are insignificant! and Bush is the worst Fascist we haver ever had. when you are struggling to make your mortgage payment (if you have a mortgage), sent that idiot a thank you card!
oh, censure this! go ahead!
Brian Germain, hi Brian nice to meet you. You are absolutely right, it is so great to see people that know why we live in the land of the free and at a young age like this it is so important.
I have a brain!, LOL what a false name you use to comment. You obviously do not have much of a brain if at all. You are stupid, and anti-American and a waste of my time. I let your comment through just so I could tell you what I think of a low life like you. Not much!
Now you can take hate and lies somewhere else where your kind hangs out.