Happy Birthday to you Jack from everyone here at Theodore’s World.
And all the best wishes and many healthy, happy years into forever.
Thank you for being a part of Team Theodore and thank you for havig you blog Conservative Insurgent.
Happy Birthday to you Jack from everyone here at Theodore’s World.
And all the best wishes and many healthy, happy years into forever.
Thank you for being a part of Team Theodore and thank you for havig you blog Conservative Insurgent.
Happy Birthday, Jack!
You mean “… I will be here safely in my cave poking camels on my dates?” Happy Birthday Jack and many many many more.
Woo Hoo!! Happy Birthday big guy!
That Zawahiri is a card. He’s pulling his OWN finger!
Happy Birthday, Jack!
Happy Birthday. Enjoy the day.
I quit having birthdays. That way I don’t get older. Hard to fool DMV or Mother Nature though.
Happy Birthday Jack!
Oh good lord!!! Another one has crept up on me. You are too kind and considerate, thank you WT and thank you all! That graphic is awesome. My idea of a party would be taking live shots at that bump on that particular muzzies fore head with my .45, but why stop there?
I’m always taken aback at each milestone as I reflect on past birthdays and count my blessings of reasonable health and questionable sanity. I struggled briefly for a proper response, I was born on the morning of a very important flag raising a long time ago.
More importantly today is the 63rd anniversary of the Marines hoisting the U.S. flag over Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima, the first foreign flag to fly on Japanese soil on the fourth day of the 35-day battle. This sort of audacity enraged the Japanese. The fight for Iwo Jima was the only Marine battle where the American casualties exceeded those of the Japanese, with American casualties on Iwo Jima being greater than the total Allied casualties on D-Day. Of the over 21,000 Japanese soldiers, 20,703 died and 216 were captured during the battle. The Allied forces suffered 27,909 casualties, with 6,825 killed in action. I always remember them on my birthday and pray for their souls and for their surviving families. Please join me in their remembrance. Thank you everyone.
Thank you Marines.
Semper Fidelis
Today is Jack’s birthday ? well… surprise, surprise.. I thought you quit celebrating them Jack. You know too many candles , fire hazard and all, but ok then…
Happy Birthday Jack.
Happy birthday, Jack. I had breakfast today with three old 5th Marine Division boys to celebrate. They were on Iwo…not many of them left.
I and some other Vietnam vets are helping them with their reunion next Aug. in WASHDC. I will be HONORED to be with them. G_d bless them all…and, of course, you.
Semper Fi,
Thank you all, I had a great day, the weather cooperated, we had a picnic barbeque at a park table surrounded by immediate family, then a long hike on the beach until the tide chased us off, followed by cake and icecream at home. All in all a superb birthday. I’m plumb tuckered out. Love