In election 2008, don’t forget Angry White Man
Aspen Times Weekly
by Gary Hubbell
“There is a great amount of interest in this year’s presidential elections, as everybody seems to recognize that our next president has to be a lot better than George Bush. The Democrats are riding high with two groundbreaking candidates — a woman and an African-American — while the conservative Republicans are in a quandary about their party’s nod to a quasi-liberal maverick, John McCain.
Each candidate is carefully pandering to a smorgasbord of special-interest groups, ranging from gay, lesbian and transgender people to children of illegal immigrants to working mothers to evangelical Christians.
There is one group no one has recognized, and it is the group that will decide the election: the Angry White Man. The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.
His common traits are that he isn’t looking for anything from anyone — just the promise to be able to make his own way on a level playing field. In many cases, he is an independent businessman and employs several people. He pays more than his share of taxes and works hard.
The victimhood syndrome buzzwords — “disenfranchised,” “marginalized” and “voiceless” — don’t resonate with him. “Press ‘one’ for English” is a curse-word to him. He’s used to picking up the tab, whether it’s the company Christmas party, three sets of braces, three college educations or a beautiful wedding.
He believes the Constitution is to be interpreted literally, not as a “living document” open to the whims and vagaries of a panel of judges who have never worked an honest day in their lives.
The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he’s willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought of killing someone who needs killing really doesn’t bother him.
The Angry White Man is not a metrosexual, a homosexual or a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina — he got his people together and got the hell out, then went back in to rescue those too helpless and stupid to help themselves, often as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.
His last name and religion don’t matter. His background might be Italian, English, Polish, German, Slavic, Irish, or Russian, and he might have Cherokee, Mexican, or Puerto Rican mixed in, but he considers himself a white American.
He’s a man’s man, the kind of guy who likes to play poker, watch football, hunt white-tailed deer, call turkeys, play golf, spend a few bucks at a strip club once in a blue moon, change his own oil and build things. He coaches baseball, soccer and football teams and doesn’t ask for a penny. He’s the kind of guy who can put an addition on his house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, weld a new bumper for his truck, design a factory and publish books. He can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal and get it to the power plant on time so that you keep the lights on and never know what it took to flip that light switch.
Women either love him or hate him, but they know he’s a man, not a dishrag. If they’re looking for someone to walk all over, they’ve got the wrong guy. He stands up straight, opens doors for women and says “Yes, sir” and “No, ma’am.”
He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green. He knows that his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner.
He’s not a racist, but he is annoyed and disappointed when people of certain backgrounds exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their race. He’s willing to give everybody a fair chance if they work hard, play by the rules and learn English.
Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job site becomes flooded with illegal workers who don’t pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.
He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock. He recoils at the mere sight of her on television. Her very image disgusts him, and he cannot fathom why anyone would want her as their leader. It’s not that she is a woman. It’s that she is who she is. It’s the liberal victim groups she panders to, the “poor me” attitude that she represents, her inability to give a straight answer to an honest question, his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves.
There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush.
He hopes that she will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is so good, and yesterday Rush Limbaugh read this on his show. It is priceless!
Thank you. I really enjoyed reading this piece. I agree. There are millions of angry white women out here, too.
Speaking of that Chrissie, our friend Vilmar is back to Blogging and just in time with the elections coming up.
November Surprise
I read this article several days ago and should have forwarded it to you WT. It is a surprise that it came out of Aspen, a hotbbed of Liberal celebrities. One of the best replies to this article stated that it should be relabled Angry Conservatives because there were plenty of angry conservative women, Blacks, Asians and others, incl. Reagan Democrat types.
Conservatives are not concentrated enough to make much difference this election year. Plus, we have nothing but liberal candidates.
I think conservatives need a party. The RNC has betrayed us. It will survive financially via corporate backing, but it will suffer from lack of popular support. We Angry Conservatives need a Conservative Party headed by the likes of John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Duncan Hunter and similar conservative stalwarts, even crazy Ann Coulter. There are plenty of potential conservative leaders out there, it is just getting them together. Much like the Continental Congress.
As an aside. I think one reason the globalists want the horrendous influx of illegal aliens and other Third Worlders and then their legalization is to overwhelm the voting power of us Angry Conservatives.
The “Duke” is pi$$ed off. So is Rodger the Real King of France, Leonidas, Eternity Road, Mike the Marine, GOC, Frank J and Harvey, Blackfive, Uncle Jimbo, all of Castle Arggggh, The Rottweiller Empire, The Barn Army, Jawas, hell even ol’ try not to be too Political Wollf is pi$$ed. There isn’t room in your comments to list them all, not to mention the Ladies…..
I loved the article. I hate the Politicians.
We are hopelessly outnumbered. We cannot win in the voting booth. Democracy is a numbers game. You’re looking at sixteen years of the Obama dynasty if America can last that long. Get old John McCain to act like old John Wayne and maybe there’s hope. Gen. Tommy Franks, I think, said, “Hope is not a strategy.” Seems like he said it to Hillary Clinton, who is pretty well history now and out of hope. I hope she makes it (never thought I’d say that.)
If you believe in prayer, you should be hard at it.
Horace might be right, but McCain won’t win by a change of strategy.
Obama magnified something that was already loose in America; he didn’t create it, and that’s very troubling. I think he was surprised by it himself, and being the egomaniac he is, he swoons as much as his admirers.
The tepid leadership gruel that Bush dished up to us for eight years did a lot to create the starvation for SOMETHING meaningful, ANYTHING that defined the nation besides open borders, luxuriant liberal spending, and a leader who stumbles over words like “nuclear”.
Let me say this. Any major leader who publically misuses a word that is easily corrected, but doesn’t, presents himself as a careless, unreliable buffoon without enough self-respect to speak properly.
It’s deflating, annoying and demoralizing, and I think the mania for Obama is, in part, due to the purposeless vacuum created by Bush over the past eight years. Even the Iraq War was never widely rationalized because leadership and purpose was lacking everywhere else.
When the Ship of State is rudderless; you wonder what the captain has in mind, if anything, and this discontent spreads through the crew like a germ.
They have hated Bush since the 2000 election. Gore started all this with the challange in Florida, and he lost and then claimed he was cheated. This is not new. The hate on the left won’t go away, Whether it was all caused by Bush is debatable. They just love to hate Conservatives who Bush turns out to be not one of us.
But this is all doomsday talk. We can not be beaten in the voting booth, if we all vote for conservative Congressmen and Senators.
The whole congress and 1/3 of the Senate is up for Re-election. If we can pack either one of these, Obama, Hillary or Whats his name will get nothing done.
So just because some Left wing nut is drawing all the attention , so what, we will still be holding all the cards.
Americans have lost the nation to the Eastern States power Bloc, it doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat or a Republican who is in power when our sovereignty as an independent nation is handed over to Socialism. We have a “Rockefeller Republican” as our candidate “of choice” where Republicans with these views are now simply referred to as “moderate Republicans” or, more pejoratively, as “RINOS (Republicans in Name Only)”.
In August 1940 Pres. Franklin Roosevelt appointed Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller(PDF file) as coordinator of inter-American affairs and assistant secretary of state for American republic affairs. What was that? A prelude to today’s NAU. In 1944 the Reockefeller brothers formed the trusts and foundations, one of which gave the UN a home.
Rockefeller left the FDR government in December 1944 but was called back in 1950 to be the chairman of President Truman’s international development advisory board. In 1953, President Eisenhower named Rockefeller to head a presidential advisory committee on government organization, a group that ultimately recommended the plans that resulted in the establishment of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the U.S. Information Agency, and reorganization of the departments of agriculture, defense, and justice.Rockefeller was elected governor of New York in 1958 and reelected three times. He inaugurated a dramatic growth in state services in the areas of education, transportation, health and welfare, housing, and environmental protection. His administration was responsible for substantial tax increases. Does that sound like the GOP’s conservative platform of smaller government and lower taxes?
After repeatedly denying interest in the presidency, Nelson Rockefeller made it known that he would accept a draft if the 1960 Republican convention offered him the nomination. Richard M. Nixon, however, was already assured of the nomination. Hmmmn, like maybe McCain had already been assured of the nomination.?
Kennedy won that election.
Rockefeller emerged as the clear favorite for the presidential nomination in 1964. His divorce and remarriage in 1963, however, brought about a decline in his popularity that he was not able to overcome. Nevertheless, he announced his candidacy in late 1963 and campaigned hard against Sen. Barry Goldwater, the leader of the Republican conservative wing. Goldwater won the nomination on the first ballot but was defeated in the general election. Rockefeller’s third campaign for the presidency, in 1968, was marred early in the campaign by indecision. When he finally announced, his late start and his vacillation seriously damaged his effort, and he was not able to overcome the lead in delegate strength that had been built up by Richard Nixon. That campaign ended his presidential quest. Reminiscent of Fred Thompson’s late start and early withdrawal and lack of enthusiasm. With Richard Nixon’s VP Spiro Agnew’s resignation Gerald Ford became VP, then Nixon resigned ascending Gerald Ford to the presidency, the nation had lost both the president and vice president in one term, Gerald Ford selected Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice President, they held similar views.
The GOP has been in a defensive position since the 1940’s and has played the go along to get along game of putting successively more Socialist candidates up for election. Eisenhower certainly wasn’t a conservative, he was a war hero, as was Kennedy and they both capitalized on their war records. Slowly the twin rails of the tracks of freedom have merged left to the monorail we are voting for today with only the Rockeffeler Republicans being selected to counter the Democrats where the Eastern block selects the candidate long before the rest of the nation has the opportunity to voice their opinions. Like Clinton,Ike, Kennedy and Carter, Rockefeller had his trysts similar to the Bill Clinton – Monica Lewinsky case as was in evidence upon his death that invoked the name of 27-year-old Megan Marshak, whom, they say, was at the side of former Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller when he died on January 26, 1979. Which side? Unfortunately a taste of the Marxist whip like Cuba has tasted or like what is going on in Venezuela is what is needed to bring the country back, I have my doubts. There aren’t enough pissed off voters to support a third party. Mark has the right solution we have to vote out the RINO’s and take back the party or succumb.
Tactically, it makes sense. I got a call from the RNC this week. When the lady on the other end told me who she represented, I said I wouldn’t be donating anything this year. There was a long, long silence, and I hung up.
Jack’s right about the Northeast, too. Our only Conservative from here was Rob Simmons, who lost his last Congressional bid to some pasty-faced lib worm. You need to live here to understand how repellent these people are, and how little they think of us. It’s automatic.
But, beefing House and Senate up takes time, and we’re going to be bloodied. I don’t think McCain has a chance against Obama.
Bush’s responsibility might be debatable, as Mark says, but this much is true. A President who, for three years, had an approval rating of around 30% might have shown some curiosity about the reasons for it, and have paid some attention to the continuity that upholds party politics.
“Screw-you-I-do-what-I-want” is not a political philosophy; when approvals are that low, you get widespread restlessness and dissatisfaction, especially among the stupid. It spreads like cancer, and lends credibility to a vapor like Obama when he promises “change”.
I have bashed Bush a lot here. But he deserves it. He has done a few really conservative things like fighting terror overseas, tax reductions and pursuing anti-missle technology. His spending habits are deplorable, his immigration policy has been treasonous and his globalist policies have been truely socialist.
But he has also been an absolutely terrible leader. He has made no attempt to lead, guide or unite the nation. He has conceded at times to leftists(No Child Left Behind BS)in a weak effort to stop criticism. Bush has almost completely abandoned the conservatives who helped put him in power. He wanted the job, then wimped out.
During his reign the Republican Party has self destructed. He is the figurehead of his party and he completely dropped the ball. He also picked a VP who would not even be making an attempt to carry the dim torch further, leaving Republicans to start this 2008 race from a weakened position.
Like Rhod states, Bush never seemed to understand that there was meaning and a reason for his low approval rating. He is spending this last year in office doing more damage to his party and his country as he seems to be aiming for some sort of a legacy. That legacy search seems to be spending my tax dollars on feel good deeds, pushing for a Palestinian state at Israel’s expense and avoiding the immigration issue he was so soundly slapped on.
He seems also to be doing nothing to help Republicans in the 08 election, except he did back a rino over a conservative in a congressional race. The incumbant rino lost. That may be GWB’s legacy.
NO , …What I said, Bush’s responsibility as far as the hate generated from the Left toward Bush that is debatable. He did well in the first four years otherwise, everybody here would NOT have voted for him or worked so hard getting hin Re-elected.
I know Rhod did and so did I, so don’t, but don’t lump me in, at this point, with the 30% or less that still support Bush.
When the democrats were elected in 06, you could clearly see, Bush making a left turn, the day after the election Bush threw Rumsfeld under the bus. Since then it has been full speed ahead to the left. And when he was pushing to get his little brown brothers from ‘Me he co’ here as a freebie, that’s is when I said enough is enough of this Liberal garbage. Then the House passed the Fence bill and Bush signed it, the next year he says it probably won’t be finished, and his justice department jailed two Border Patrolman for doing their jobs.
Hence since the 06 election Bush has ceased to be a leader and has been following the lead of Reid and P’lousy. The only thing he has maintained, is his support for the troops. And that I am grateful, otherwise he has become a first class putz.
I think this whole election, as far as the left is concerned is STILL all about getting Bush… They have not come to terms with the idea that Bush is NOT running for anything. They figure Obama is the complete opposite of Bush and what better way to get even with the Neo-cons and Hard core conservatives is to go for Obama. Obama is the Elmer Gantry of the 21st Century.
“… You bet your *ss so saddle up and MOVE OUT!”
– Sands of Iwo Jima
Lynn I agree we white women are angry too.
Bob,I am so glad. Thank you for the link to his blog.
DD2, yessssss
Tom, this…..
” think one reason the globalists want the horrendous influx of illegal aliens and other Third Worlders and then their legalization is to overwhelm the voting power of us Angry Conservatives.”…..
I agree that has a lot to do with it. The illegals are not going to vote Rep. even with Bush and McCain kissing up to them. I met a man from Brazil that had just become a citizen he is the man that cleans up at the gym. He told me he is voting for Hillary.
I told him America is the land of opportunity and not because of Democrats but because of the way Republicans think and how they are for a person being the best they can be and not keeping them down and needy like the Democrats do. He said I was a liar. LOL Oh my gosh!
Wollf yes wouldn’t it be awesome to start all over again with all fresh new and conservative politicians.
I plan on working hard to get the congressional base conservatives elected here in Florida.
Horace yes I have been praying harder then ever for our country.
“Gen. Tommy Franks, I think, said, “Hope is not a strategy.” “
Gen. Franks is right. Hope is not an action.Thanks Horace.
Rhod that is something how the call went from the RNC. I honestly think they don’t want to know the truth of how we all feel and our disappointment. I wonder if they even care at all right now. Maybe one day they will.
These last 4 years especially after Bush gave us the middle finger so to speak with his quotes back to we the conservative base about his amnesty bill cut deep. It showed so much how he no longer cared or respected his base and darn I worked so hard to get him elected both times.
Jack I agree……“we have to vote out the RINO’s and take back the party or succumb.”
I believe we can do it.
Mark……I agree!
“The whole congress and 1/3 of the Senate is up for Re-election. If we can pack either one of these, Obama, Hillary or Whats his name will get nothing done.”
I agree this is my plan, I am not giving up, I know any President has to have the ok from the House and the Senate unless he does Executive Orders up the wazzoo like Bill Clinton did a lot. So there is still a chance to stop any of the three that whoever might be President with the things they want to put through.
I worked so hard for Bush with my Sorelooserman sign, then I worked hard for Bush the second term with the things I did with the Swift boat guys getting the word out and rallies etc.
I agree so much that after the 06 election Bush made a hard left and it has been downhill ever since. His bashing his conservartive base was so huge for me after all the bashing I took from the left to get him elected…sheesh.
Then for him to outright lie like he did when he was told how upset we all were about the amnesty bill and his saying he had no idea. Oh my gosh an outright lie!!! I was so shocked he would lie like that.
I also agree too it is all about how the left totally hates Bush. Not once through either term have I heard one single media TV person call him President. Not even one time. Their hate is shocking really how they keep it going, feed on it, sleep with it, breath with it. And they do it 24/7 never stopping. I have seen it nightly on theh political talk shows, and on Sunday morning talk shows, in the newspapers etc. They have even take their narching orders from the Move on etc. for their talking points for the talk shows on TV. It might be one line to say or a phrase and we hear it repeated by each person from the left. Whew two terms of this hate it has an effect on our country too.
Sorry I went on so long. haha