16 Feb

101st Airborne in Iraq ~ Awesome Video

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank you to all 101st Airbourne! This is such a wonderful video and we are all so proud of you.

TomR says:

The Screaming Eagles. What a great unit with a great and colorful history. Operations D Day and Market Garden and Bastogne in WWII, various ops in Vietnam including Pegasus and Lam Son 719, Desert Storm and now Iraq and Afghanistan. The Division changed from airborne operations to air assault by helicopter.
Always a proud unit with a Rendevous with Destiny.

Wild Thing says:

Tom thank you for your comment about them it means a lot. Some of the Screaming Eagles read this blog and I was so glad when I saw this video.

drstrangeloveb52isok says:

While stationed at SPangdahlem AB during the Cold War we visited Ettlebruck Luxembourg and Bastogne Belgium… still tank traps along the route and a statue of HELL ON WHEELS ****General Patton and a Sherman Tank monument. – “NUTS!” 2008