U.S. Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va.
Congressman asks prez to support 2nd Amendment (Rep. Virgil Goode)
‘Administration should reflect right to keep and bear arms’
A Republican congressman from Virginia is asking President Bush to order the Justice Department to submit a brief in a U.S. Supreme Court case that supports the rights afforded U.S. citizens under the Second Amendment.
The request from Rep. Virgil Goode concerns a filing submitted by the Justice Department in a Supreme Court case over the legality of a handgun ban imposed by the District of Columbia.
A similar request already has been submitted by officials for the Gun Owners of America, whose executive director, Larry Pratt, warned:
“If the Supreme Court were to accept the Solicitor General’s line of argument, D.C.’s categorical gun ban of virtually all self-defense firearms could well be found to be constitutional. …”
But worse than that, he said, the new precedent to affirm any and all gun restrictions would be “reasonable,” constitutionally the lowest rung of the qualifications ladder.
“In contrast to other provisions in the Bill of Rights, which can only be trumped by ‘compelling state interests,’ the Second Amendment would be relegated to an inferior position at the lowest rung of the constitutional ladder, should the Justice Department prevail,” said Pratt.
Goode now has weighed in on the issue, sending Bush a letter this week about the arguments submitted in the case.
“If this view prevails, a national ban on all firearms – including hunting rifles – could be constitutional, even if the court decides – on ample historical evidence – that the Founders intended the Second Amendment as an individual right,” his letter said.
“I would ask that you direct the Justice Department to withdraw this unfortunate brief and to replace it with an opinion which reflects the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms,” Goode wrote.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
First of all can you imagine that ANY President would have to be asked to support our 2nd Amendment. God hlep us!!
… rights afforded U.S. citizens under the Second Amendment.
God given rights guarenteed by the Second Ammendment. I wish they would get that right.
Our Founders clearly recognized the ‘right’ of self-defense in forging the 2nd Amendment. They recognized that the 2nd Amendment protects all the other Amendments from governmental tyranny, particularly the 1st, 4th, and 5th. If the 2nd Amendment falls, then so will all the others in rapid succession.
Is there any constituency left in the party that Bush hasn’t stabbed in the back yet?
God forbid we lose the second amendment.
That was put in place by our founding fathers. (Good old George Washington was my 6th great grandmother’s cousin.) They did it for us so we could protect ourselves should something ever happen on this soil again.
If they take that away, then they know they can take any of the others away and we won’t be able do anything about it.
Our founding fathers are probably rolling their eyes in Heaven, going, “Oh my God, they missed the point entirely!”
The Solicitor General is another Bush crony. If this SG guy manages to screwup our our Constitutional gun ownership rights, then I think Bush should end his presidency by living in exile, maybe with his buddy Vincente in Mexico. They can invite Johnny Sutton to move in with them.
BTW. Congressman Goode has been very vocal and active in the anti-illegal immigration movement. Goode seems to be a real conservative and might be presidential material in the future.
The Constitution with all of it’s Amendments is not a Chinese restaurant menu where you get to choose one from column A and two from column B…
Each President recites the following oath, in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
We all know that Hillary Clinton, like Bill Clinton, will have her fingers crossed if we are punished as a nation with her taking this oath of office next January.
I heard Rep. Virgil Goode on the Wallbuilders Live talk radio show before Christmas and he is a patriot in the same mold as Old Virginia’s Patrick Henry! (www.wallbuilders.com)…
He slammed Muslimsoda Keith Sheik Ellison and his Koran swearing in ceremony.
This great represenative is another Zell Miller (Democrat Senator from Georgia in 2004).
Lynn I agree and I heard the dems are out to get Goode like they do with anyone that disagrees with them. Tying to get him out of politics I guess.
Tom yes Bsuh can go live in Mexico I agree completely.
That is neat about Goode thanks for the information.
Les they would mess with it as easily as we breath your so right.
Darth oh wow that is GREAT. Thank you for sharing about him and for the link too.