McLean, VA – Senator Fred Thompson today issued the following statement about his campaign for President:
“Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
During the Clinton administration I sent a snail mail to Fred Thompson. It was the year I got my first computer 1997, and during the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee investigation led by then-chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN). I also wrote to Jesse Helms, both letters hand written were about Americia, integrity and honor and my disgust with the Clinton’s.
I never thought I would hear from either one of them. My letter was just to be supportive and let them know there were citizens out here in we the people land that were extremely concerned with what was happening to our counrtry due to the Clinton’s.
Within less then two weeks I received letters from both of them. They were not form letters but well thought out personal letters. They discussed what I had written about as well as their concerns as well. Their love for America and added personal touches in their letters.
I mention this now because to do this was very special. To take the time to write me back and in such a personal way said something about each of them.
We have had two men now, Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson pull out. Both men, especially Duncan Hunter good conservatives.
Unfortunately, the values of the Republican Party as witnessed in the last decade plus, are more populist in nature and geared around the acquisition and maintenance of political power, at any cost.
I believe we are approaching some more cataclysmic changes in the journey of our Republic. Many of us knew that the world as we have known it changed, with many, many unknown consequences to follow on September 11, 2001. The consequences of that change are still effecting us and the world and no one but God Almighty, knows where we are headed.
I believe, most emphatically that we are approaching the time our forefathers had in mind when they penned the Declaration of Independence and put the following philosophy into it very early on:
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
George Washington warned in his farewell address about political parties. The following is a quote from that speech.
“All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.
However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
The two parties keep offering us populists that barter for our votes with benefits from them that stifle individual responsibility and achievement.
Always remember this is “our” Republic – Not Theirs!!!!!
To me, it seems, running for President has become a “millionaires only” club. Poor folk need not apply.
None of the remaining RINOs have the best interest in America at heart and none of the dummycraps either.
Our primary is in May. I’m writing in Fred Thompson.
More than half the nation didn’t get a chance to vote for him.
The media pushed him away.
Our only hope is that one of the front runners takes him as a vp.
Thompson as VP would be great!
Fred Thompson was the most conservative of the Republican front runners. Unfortunately, he did not really place an effort towards his bid.
I don’t know that he didn’t put every effort into his campaign, I think he did. But as Lynn pointed out it is tough to run a campaign today on a limited budget.
During the campaign he was struggleing to raise money for local ads, and did manage to come up with enough to put out a few commercials. When he was able to do this he surged, a little but the it was too little.
With Fred out, we are left with Romney as the only viable alternative as a quasi Conservative. Duncan Hunter would not support Romney because of a chinese deal he had worked on. So that leaves, McCain, Huckleberry and Guilliani.
Of the first two we may as well run a democrat for the Republican side. Guilliani is a physical conservative but his domestic policies are basically liberal.
So where are we ? I think we are on the verge of another clinton administration with open borders, a downsized Military and if they follow their liberal base we will be the next best thing to a third world country.
McCain is not on the ballot in Pennsylvania and I am working hard to keep it that way.
I feel that we’ve been disenfranchised by the GOP. Long gone are the days of Lincoln when a poor candidate could run and win on ability and integrity alone, today we have a situation of he who has the most money has the best chance to win and only if the media promotes them. Being just South of Red Square I have little choice but to write in when my turn at the ballot comes. The RNC is more and more like the trade union which is controlled by a few and makes decisions that affect the rank and file, tapping the resources and foisting their choices upon the constituency and not that of the popular vote. Lynn is right, they have become a “millionaires only” club.
Thompson played games and it cost him, and us. He may have thought that it would be an easy ride and he seemed to put little effort in it. I am angry at him and have been from the start of his charade. I wonder if he may have cost Tancredo or Hunter a better shot.
That being said, I think Jack nailed it on the head in his comparison of the RNC to a trade union, run by a clique of thugs and crime bosses. As far as I can discern the two-party system is dead. The partys are basically the same socialistic, globalist oriented entities mostly fiananced by the same wealthy interests. Even though personalities may differ greatly, the people we get in high office seem to mostly follow the same now beaten path to socialism. The recent public flap up over illegal immigration is an example. All presidents since Ford have turned a blind eye to this, even Reagan supported the 86 Amnesty Act. The voting public is against illegal immigration, but the politicians have been told by the globalists that it will continue, so it continues.
At least Reagan did not get along with the Republican Party elites and he showed a lot of independence from them. That endeared him to the voters. The two Bushs and Clinton have seemed to move in lockstep with their partys and were well endorsed by them. The present field of candidates we have left seem to almost come from a common mold. There is so little difference other than the degree of socialism they expouse and vanity they suffer.
WT’s comments are really spectacular in their reality. The Republic is changing drastically from it’s original morals. Probably since WWII, but even more so since LBJ’s Great Society and Vietnam failure. There seems to be a concerted effort to socialize America, diminish our natural independence, dillute/destroy our Anglo culture and turn all of the World into one large factory/consumer entity with a fabulous elite’ at the top. The winner of this Presidential election will be a bought supporter of those elite’s.
Lynn, yes if we could get a good conservative as a VP then he could also plan on running after 4 or 8 years if that could happen anyway.
Patrick I think so too. But if he is with too much of a rino it may not help. There are so many things involved., it makes a person worn out. hahaha
Robocop, he would have been good. The first thing they though was his contact with the show Law and Order. He had to fullfil his contract obligations and could not legally run for office being on a TV show.
They consider that advertising or something. But still yes he entered so late and that had to make it harder too to get on a roll.
Mark that is interesting about McCain not being on the ballot there. I am so glad, I hope xo much it can stay that way.
Jack, we voted early so our vote went to Fred. OH well, lilke they say life is a bitch. The actual vote day is the 29th here in Florida.
Tom, yes, it is like the Rep. is not the old Dem party from long ago and the DNC has gone totally off the charts to the left.
This whole long drawn out presidential primary process has become a sick farce with candidates promising the stupid and the gullible big welfare government programs that they can’t deliver. A dysfunctional Congress writes and passes all legislation which the President can sign or veto.
Democrats controlled Congress for over 40 years, Republicans 12, and now Democrats 1 past and at least 3 more ahead. Isn’t it interesting that most of the problems of those years are still problems today despite all their promises to fix them if people just voted them into office.
Well, if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Most of the people running for President and Congress who were, and still are, part of the problem for all these years are the ones promising change and solutions now. As I mentioned in the beginning, and for most of the candidates, people have to be stupid and gullible to buy this crap again, but they do.
So, next November, the country will be heading deeper into an unsustainable welfare state and new Third World status.
LindaSoG had a great statement on her blog yesterday.
“Whoever said: The message of the Republican party to its voters this year seems to be: “Vote for us because our democrats are better than their democrats” was right.”
The Republican Party does not have a unified conservative message and no amount of pairing of President and Vice President candidates with such different track records and philosophies will convince a welfare state mentality country to elect them to the White House. Game over!
Les, thank you, that was all so true. Game over is right. Thanks for the quote too from Linda’s blog.
Tonight I see where Duncan has said he is behind Huckabee. That pretty much did it for me as far as my last trust of even conservatives. He did’t have to say anything and leave it alone, but he had to say Huchabee. It made me feel totally sick to my stomach.
Historian and Christian David Dalton’s series ‘Our American Heritage’ says it all WT and bear nation. Our 250 patriot Forefathers would have supported Fred Thompson – big time;
http://www.wallbuilders.com and see how secularists and atheists and deists have re-written our American history and traditions! GOD SAVE US NOW MORE THAN EVER!! I hope Fred does get selected for the GOP VP candidate… I have a feeling we’ll see a Hitlery – Opee Edwards ticket for the Democraps.
darth – The VP candidate for both parties used to mean something for picking up some key regional or state support. However, that is no longer true. VP choice predictions and recommendations are a media/pundit game to make themselves try to appear more important than they really are.
The general election these days are decided on the Presidential candidate alone and, if anything, the VP is a downside. Neither McCain nor Huckabee will get the Republican nod. That leaves Romney or Giuliani. I can’t see Thompson taking a weak “conservative” figure head role for either one of them. Neither one of them will let him be a Cheney in their administration.
WT – Duncan Hunter supporting Huckabee is a major disappointment. I hope that Fred Thompson stands by his conservative values and doesn’t endorse anyone. He should campaign for conservative congressional candidates and maybe help minimize what could be a Republican bloodbath in both houses.
Hi there, I’m Wollf. I have to toss off my rose colored glasses for a moment……cuz everything is not great.
We….the global we of Conservative Americans, have to dig deeper into the remaining Candidates, and find one that we can support.
We can’t roll over and give the election to the Liberals of this Country. Don’t give up, Folks…find someone that fits as closely as possible to your beliefs…….vote!
Wollf…..37, or 38….crud.
Darth, love othe “GOD SAVE US NOW MORE THAN EVER”…I agree.
Because our voting day is Jan. 29th here in Florida, Nick and I voted early. So our vote has already been cast, we voted for Fred Thompson.
It would be nice if what you said would happen. But I think Fred is done with the whole thing. Just a gut feeling I have.
Les, I agree, Hunter picking Huckabee really disgusted me. Huckabee really gives me the creeps.
Hi Wollf, good to see you, I agree, my husband and I already voted early here (Florida) for Thompson. My choices have been Hunter first, Thompson my second choice.
If we had not voted early and with Thompson pulling out too, Nick and I talked about who it might be we would vote for. It is important to me to vote, I don’t want Hillary or Obama to win. Yes our party has all rino’s left now, just some less of a rino then others.
The damage that the dems will do if given a chance as President is horrendous. We are still not over it from having Bill Clinton as President. The damage he and Hillary did is so evil and against America.And it will happen again even more this time as they have anger in them from the last time with his impeachment.
I understand why people do not want to vote I am disgusted too, and have written about it. It isn’t even the lesser of two evils anymore,it is either vote for someone that will keep America as close to being alive verses someone that will destroy us completely and finish us off as a Nation. Obama and Hillary would surely destroy us.
The only person imo that has not been a globalist in my lifetime has been Reagan. That is a hard reality to face and it is happening every day before our very eyes. Inch by inch taken into the land of oz by our leaders that have it as their goal. It can’t be stopped but we can vote for a person that would slow it down I hope, someone that is not as dedicated to the socialist agenda as the progressives are.
For me our troops don’t want to serve under the Clinton’s again, no way. I would never forgive myself if that happened because I did not vote. And the same with if Obama won too.
I vote keeping our military in mind always and I pray it will be someone they can salute with respect returned to our soldiers as they deserve.