19 Jan

The New Marine Commercial

The Commercial and The Rest of The Story

“We traveled to 10 different states and 15 locations across the U.S. to create the “America’s Marines” commercial. In the process, we captured so much incredible footage, we made the extended version featured here. If you haven’t watched it yet, please do, and then come back to this blog when you’re done.
The commercial includes amazing locations, powerful images of proud Marines and the discipline that makes them The Few, The Proud. We hope that you feel equally proud that these noble men and women are defending our nation.
But the America’s Marines story is much bigger than 60 or even 90 seconds of video can describe. So we are using this web site to gather, collect and share individual stories of people we met and events we attended throughout our tour. From former Marines to relatives of Marines, and from combat veterans to proud Americans, the people who came out to meet us made it abundantly clear that the Marine Corps is much more than a branch of the military – it is a way of life. “

Wild Thing’s comment………
Their website has a lot of videos of Marines telling why they enlisted and how they feel about being a Marine. It is a wonderful website. Our.Marines.com

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

This is the commercial where San Fransickos objected to traffic being stopped while it was being filmed last year… Too bad, eh Leathernecks? Very beautiful and WE came a long way protecting this nation over the last 231 years since our 77 patriot minutemen took on 700 Red Coats at the Battle of Lexington & Concord on April 19, 1775! LIBERTY ISN’T FREE!!

Mark says:

Gotta love it,
God I love it
Marine Corps , all the way.
Semper Fi do or die

howlsatmoon says:

Aye that, Ms.Chrissie.
No need for fancy stuff. Beautiful commercial.
Semper Fi,
Wollf 41

Les says:


Jack says:

A powerful statement. Thanks WT.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, isn’t that awful how they tried to stop it like that. Then they go and live in the freedoms these men are fighting for.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, (big smile) it is great.

Wild Thing says:

howlsatmoon, so glad you got to see it.

Wild Thing says:

Les, yes they did a wonderful job on this.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, I agree it is powerful. I hope they show this a lot so all of America can see it.