18 Jan

Chicago Lawyer That Damaged Marines Car Goes Before Judge~ OOHRAH Judge!

Chicago Lawyer goes before judge for damage to Marines car. Judge is a former Marine.
Regarding: Anti-Military Lawyer Damages Marine’s Car on Eve of Deployment
The lawyer Jay Grodner arrested, pled guilty, has 30 hours of community service and a $600 fine to be paid to the Semper Fi Injured Marine Fund.

“The case was called at 13:33, and the Defendant did not show up. There were 2 heavy hitter State’s Attorneys here to handle it. The Judge increased his bond to $20,000.00 or 10 percent cash, and put out a warrant for his arrest.
The Defendant called at 13:40 to say that he will be a half an hout late and was waiting for the media to leave. The Judge said in open court that if he does shows up he will be taken into custody, and if he doesn’t he is fair game for any law enforcement agency that wants to pick him up. Will report further developments as warranted.”

The presiding judge is a former Marine. Circuit Court Judge William O’Malley was a lance corporal in the early 1960s and is known around the Chicago Courthouse for wearing a Marine Corps pin on his lapel and celebrating the Corps’ birthday each November.

“The update: At 1400 hours the defendant showed up, and was told that he was half an hour late. The Judge stated on the record that the defendant had done the same thing during the previous court date, and he said that the defendant called and said that wanted to wait for the media to leave. The Judge said “That is not the way I run my courtroom.” He increased the bail and took him into custody and told him to try and work out a deal with the State. About 25-35 marines and assorted military were there.
The case was recalled at 14:22, and the State said that the defendant had asked for permission to put his belt and such back on. The Judge said, “Treat him like all the other prisoners.” The defendant was brought out and the plea deal that they had worked out was entered into the record.
The Judge asked him if he had committed the specific acts he was accused of. The defendant hemmed and hawed, and the Judge raised his voice to make him say yes or no. The defendant agreed, and the Judge read the facts into the record. Several times, the Judge said if there were no deal, he would be given a court date just like any other defendant, and he could try and make bail soon.
The deal: 1 year Social Service Supervision, restitution of 600 dollars to be paid to Social Services and which would go to the Injured Marine Semper Fi fund, to be paid by February 25th, 2008, and $50/month in supervision fees.
The Judge then, in as angry a voice as I have ever heard him use, scolded the defendant, saying that the Marine license plates the complaining witness had were not vanity plates or about ego, but the proceeds go toward the Marine and Navy scholarship fund for the children of fallen soldiers, sailors and marines. These Marines protect his very existence “so people like you can enjoy their freedom.” He further said that the reason there were so many in the courtroom and so much public interest is that the Marines have a tradition since 1775 that “No Marine gets left behind.” Several Hoorahs in the courtroom.
And then the deal was done, and he was taken away by the sheriffs to be released later.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This makes my day! I love, LOVE this, Judge a Marine how cool is that!!! S hearty OOOH-RAH!! Semper Fi to Marines everywhere!!!! God bless this Judge and God bless Sergeant McNulty!
The write up was done by wp91 a commenter at Blackfive.
Thank you soooo much!

Mark says:

This is great news. The good guys finally win one.
I hope this loser lawyer gets everything he deserves and let that be a lesson to those left wing Pieces OS and finally learn you don’t F*** with the Corps. Because payback is a bitch.
Semper Fi to the Judge.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Leathernecks – 1
Jay Scumbag Grodner – 0
He’ll no doubt be hired by the ACLU shortly!

Les says:

Great news! Does anyone know if the State Bar is investigating Jay Grodner for any disciplinary action or even disbarment? He should be disbarred or at least have his sorry ass caned for what he did.

Wild Thing says:

Mark as soon as I saw it I just had to post about it. I was so excited.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, good one. Yes he is perfect for one of those ACLU lawyers.

Wild Thing says:

Les, the information about this lawyers on the internet shows he is a real slime kind of guy. He has been in trouble before and is now as well for even other things.

Dr Scott says:

I was there!! I am so proud of the marines for finally bringing this scum bag to justice. As a son of a marine, I have an even greater apreciation of the community my father belongs to. Three cheers for Judge O’Mally for not letting this guy turn the tables. Grodner “slinked” out of the court like a snake back to the bar for another round of drinks!! Stay vigilent, he has 364 days to screw up, and he will. Then O”Mally can put him behind bars for a year where he truly belongs.
God Bless the MARINES

BT in SA says:

Is the $600. restitution what it cost for the car to be repaired – new paint, scratches buffed out? Who paid for that, if the $600. is going to the Injured Marine Semper Fi fund? Just curious…
But, Yeah!!! for the Judge who prosecuted like he should have!!!