Cousin Freddy is a true conservative. He grew up dirt poor in a small town in Tennessee. He’s gonna be more conservative than others. He learned early on that a penny saved is a penny earned.
And yes, Jeri is a beautiful lady, both inside and out. She’s a very normal girl from right here in Nebraska. They make a lovely couple and those little ones are just darling!
… and Jeri Thompson is one Heavenly angel! and click on ‘The First Lady’s Luncheon’….. WOW!
Cousin Freddy is a true conservative. He grew up dirt poor in a small town in Tennessee. He’s gonna be more conservative than others. He learned early on that a penny saved is a penny earned.
And yes, Jeri is a beautiful lady, both inside and out. She’s a very normal girl from right here in Nebraska. They make a lovely couple and those little ones are just darling!
Dittos to what Rush said.
Darth, those photos are great, thanks for the link. She would make a classy First Lady.
Lynn that is so neat,thanks for sharing about them both.
Les, from me too. giggle