Wild Thing’s comment……..
Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are the only real conservatives. Depending what happens with Hunter between now and then, I will vote for Fred Thompson. Please God bless our Nation with a conservative for President.
The Republican Party is fractured. It’s falling apart at the seams. When the party no longer respects its own vaunted principles and or no longer represents the views of the majority of its base, then it’s all over but the crying. Either the members select a conservative nominee or forget about claiming to be a conservative party supporting life and liberty. Also forget about ever winning another election.
On a lighter note:
Hillary was on a flight to Texas. There was a Cowboy sitting next to her on the flight. She told the Cowboy that the flights go faster if you strike up a conversation with the person next to you and asked if it was ok if she did with him. He said, ‘I s’pose’. She asked if it was ok to talk about Iraq. He said, ‘sure, but do you mind if I ask you a question?’. She said sure. He said, ‘OK, deer, cows, and horses eat the same thing. But deer leave pellets behind, cows leave patties behind, and horses leave muffins behind. Why is that?’ Hillary looked at him dumbfounded (you know, that normal look she has on her face) and said she did not know why that is. The Cowboy then says, ‘how are you going to tell me something about Iraq, if you don’t know $h!t?’
Fred and Duncan would be a GREAT ticket in November! The islamo wackjobs would shake so fast their candles would blow out inside their caves!!
The way things look, neither Hunter or Thompson have a chance.
Hunter and Thompson are my choices, write in or for real. Thanks for posting that comparison WT, not many are looking at the facts. The minions are blinded by the stage lights of the celebrities and the promise of an entitlement. Hey!!! It’s a free country.
Brittany spears has all the attributes they want in a president, and she would surely do less harm to the nation or we could run that other Jackson, the pedophile one, and satisfy all the minority votes too. “Yabba-Dabba-Doo!”
I think that unless Thompson pulls a surprise victory out of Super Tuesday, he will be insignificant in this primary. Hunter may be hanging in there only for a shot as a running mate for whoever wins the primary. The 2008 elections will not be a happy time for true conservatives. Reagan is crying in his grave. The RNC, RINO Congresspeople and a globalist president have suffocated conservatism. Unless another strong, true leader like Ronald Reagan emerges from somewhere, conservatism will almost have to form a third party or be the forgotten step child of the Stupid Party.
All right first there are 27 primaries ahead of us and Fred and Duncan Hunter still are in it for the long run.
There are a lot more conservatives in South Carolina than there are Libs.
Second, Obama got the kiss of death for his campaign today, Hanoi John endorsed him today. So as far as he is concerned he’s probably done.
I heard this could even go into a brokered convention in August, so there aint nothing decided yet.
Darth I agree they would be an awesome duo. But my gut says it just is not happening and it is breaking my heart.
Bob,yes, and I hate it. waaaa
Jack, LOL ” Brittany Spears” yikes. But I know exactly what you mean, that is how shallow they are looking at the canidates.
Tom it feels like that now…..”forgotten step child.” deep sigh from me.
Mark wasn’t that something. LOL Kerry for Obama. How rich is that. heh heh
Yes we still have a long way to go, I can’t believe what I saw tonight, a great debate. Thompson did a great job. Then oh my gawd Mark, as of right now this late hour at night they arfe saying Ron Paul won the debate in their stupid idiotic poll. helloooooo world has it gone mad? hahahaha