Pfc. Alexander Cesario of Somerville, N.J., a forward observer with A Co, Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, displays his father Adam’s American flag on a rooftop in Baghdad’s Suleikh neighborhood.
As a Soldier in Vietnam, the elder Cesario flew the flag every day – including a three day period when he was missing in action – and his son now carries it with him on patrols in Iraq. Photo by Sgt. Michael Pryor, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs.
Flag of My Father: Paratrooper Keeps Flag Carried by Dad in Vietnam
Story by Staff Sgt. Mike Pryor, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs
Like any Soldier, Pfc. Alexander Cesario always makes sure he has all his essential equipment before he goes outside the wire. For Cesario, that means his weapon, radio, and night vision goggles, as well as one special, personal item – an American flag his father brought home from Vietnam.
Cesario, a Somerville, N.J., native serving as a forward observer with Company A., Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, has carried his father’s flag with him on every mission since being deployed to Iraq a year ago.
The flag was first acquired by Cesario’s father, Adam, 61, when he was a young paratrooper serving in Vietnam. The elder Cesario never let a day go by without unfurling the flag, no matter where he was or what he was doing.
“(My dad) flew that flag every day, even if he had to put it up on a radio antenna,” Cesario said.
At one point, a mission went wrong and Cesario’s father was cut off from the rest of his platoon. For three days, he had to hack it out of the jungle alone, with the Vietcong in hot pursuit. But even on the run, he still managed to raise the flag each day.
“He didn’t stop moving at all for those three days, except to fly that flag,” Cesario said.
When Cesario’s father returned from the war, he put the flag into safekeeping. He was so protective of it that even family members were rarely allowed to handle it.
“It was like his prized possession,” Cesario said.
Nothing could make the elder Cesario part with the flag until Alexander, 19, was deployed to Iraq this year. After he began patrolling the streets of Baghdad, Cesario decided he wanted to carry on his father’s tradition. After some arm-twisting, he convinced his dad to mail him the flag.
The flag arrived with step-by-step instructions on how to take care of it, Cesario said. He recalled the final step with a laugh: “If you lose it, don’t bother coming home.”
Despite the threat of exile, Cesario takes the flag with him everywhere. It is his way of paying tribute to his father, he said.
“I wanted to honor him,” Cesario said, “It meant a lot to him, and because of that, it means a lot to me.”
Cesario keeps the flag tucked into the front flap of his body armor, close to his heart. He said he’s looking forward to redeploying and returning the flag – now a veteran of two wars – to its rightful owner. Eventually Cesario, who is single, said he would like to pass the flag on to his own son, when he has one. There’s only one problem.
“I’ll have to pry it away from my dad first,” he joked.
Wild Thing’s comment………
I love this story, it made me cry, our country has such totally awesome troops and Veterans. We are so blessed!!!!
Now here’s a boy with his head screwed on right.
He knows what it means to Honor thy father and mother.
good for him.
If Clinton, Obama, or Edwards were Commander in Chief they would probably see to it that he would no longer be able to carry the flag with him as it is offensive to some of our citizens and illegal aliens.
We still have some really awesome young men in this country.
Paratrooper Carries the Flag His Father Carried in Vietnam
Pfc. Alexander Cesario of Somerville, N.J., a forward observer with A Co, Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, displays his father Adam’s American flag on a rooftop in Baghdad’s Suleikh neighborhood.
Lynn, yes it is a wonderful story.
Les, I bet that is just what they would do too.
Beth we sure do, they are all awesome.
“That ragged old flag” sure has come a long way in 231 years!” I doubt if Barack Hussein Obama wears one or carries one or knows how to salute one, eh? I love Johnny Cash’s “That ragged old flag” big time!
Darth, me too it is so wonderful.