Wild Thing’s comment……..
Our troops deserve more than all of this. I just keep thinking how we are not only voting on a President, but also the next Commander In Chief. I can’t not vote when the time comes, when I know how our troops are putting their lives on the line for our country and for all of us every day. But I sure hope and pray as the time passes in these next weeks and months we will have a conservative winning.
Kind of interesting thing Nick and I noticed. All of them thanked their spouces except for Barack Hussein Obama. Not that it has as much to do with love as it does with power hungry ego I think.
On Edwards and this is something I would love a reporter to ask him or a voter to ask him. Since you keep bringing up the Veterans that sleep under bridges what have YOU done John Edwards to help Veterans? Did you start any bills in our government to keep promises to Vets? Did you head up any programs or bills to look into the VA hospitals and the care or lack of care they offer? Have you done anything for Veterans at all? POW’s ? You spend $400 on a hair cut, and I could care less if you can afford it, but if you have such burning concern for our Veterans you could have paid for hair cuts, for a whole floor at a VA Hospital, or you and your wife could have sent awesome care packages to our troops. So you John Edwards are full of crap.
Another thing about last night, I wonder why McCain needed to have a written speech. Weird I think. He is the only one that had a speech he read. If I had to make a speech about something I was passionate about let’s say our troops or Veterans, good lord I could do it in a split second with no notes. And if I was running for President ( yuk no way) but if I was, I sure as heck would not need a written speech just to say thank you for voting for me and thank you to those that worked their glutes off in that primary.
Just some of my thoughts about this latest primary.
So New Hampsherites fell for the “crocodile” tears of Hitlery. Well, that’s just wonderful. And the 2% write ins? Who are the dimbulbs who did that?
I’m sorry, but we don’t need a dummycrap or a RINO in the White House!
People are NOT reading up on where the candidates stand. They are just listening and not paying attention.
May I ask who is going to pay for socialized medicine? There go your taxes up-up-up!!!
And if we cut and run in Iraq? Guess what? More problems than you can shake a stick at. These terrorists have followed us home. They will stop at nothing to kill us if we do the wrong thing and baby, the wrong thing is happening.
Oh Brother, I can’t believe this whiny Bitch got away with this. If anything, she should get an award for acting.
What an act. It’s hard to imagine that ALL the networks gave her the amount of free press coverage they did.
What does Osambo get?
Now she will never shut up, she squeaked out a win by playing the victim card. Clownton keep saying how UNFAIR the media was too the Bitch, and evidently the dems of New Hampshire bought it.
And McClain won which just muddies up the Republican side. None of the above got more votes than Thompson.
I thought the American people were fed up with Illegal Immigration being forced down our throats. During one of the debates McCain defended his stance on immigration, to Romney, and ‘McCain-Kennedy’ bill… So how has he changed… He hasn’t.
So as it stands now, we still got what we got now, So where the hell is the change. McCain has done more to damage Freedom of speech than the ACLU and that is alot.
The democrats want a free lunch and Hillary is promising that, and much more. The republicans just want one of their guys to win doesn’t matter who and the results don’t seem to matter to the RNC.
Same old crap. Some people will believe anything, and McClain is as close to ‘nothing new’ as can be.
It is still early in the primaries. The differences between Iowa and New Hampshire results show that the country is very split. Probably after Super Tuesday we will have a more realistic idea of what is happening.
The slate of candidates don’t have a hell of of a lot of difference among them. The Dems are all very liberal and the Repubs are all Rinos. It really looks like Thompson is not going to be a serious contender. When he talks in terms of trying to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, the other candidates talk in terms of tens of millions.
The commenters at this blog site are not going to be happy with the next president. At best we will get another GW Bush type. At worst, we will get either a Marxist crook, a closet muzzie or a shyster trial lawyer.
Our only hope is in Congressional election reversals of the 2006 fiasco. That also does not bode well.
Buy good quality guns and/or more ammo!
Sorry WT. It pisses me off that assholes like John Edwards and John F’ing Kerry stereotypes the veterans as losers. As you point out Edwards has done zero, NADA, nothing for the veterans or the troops, his bringing up the “Veterans that sleep under bridges” mantra is nothing but a slight to them, pure unadulterated elitist bullshit. It is the same bullshit the left wing sons-of-bitches pulled on the Korean Veterans, the Vietnam Veterans and now the Veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq. Collectively the veterans of all those wars have been maligned as unstable mental defectives, baby killers, murderers, rapists and pillagers and drug addicts. First off those gutless bastards in the House and Senate voted to enter this war, just like they did in the last one and the one before that, they put themselves on an elitist pedestal, absolving themselves from the strife of battle, then they set back and chip away not only at their constitutionally elected national leader, the troops morale, the individual soldier then they take cheap shots at all who have done their past dirty work for them all the while telegraphing their intent to the enemy. Then they want me to address them as honorable, no fricking way!!! I no longer respect the position let alone the person in the position.
Any vote for any of those acrimonious backstabbing ratbastards is a vote for a traitor.
The inmates have taken over the asylum. It is unbelievable that our nation has come to the point where our choice of presidential candidates will be between “worse” and “worser” by an electorate made up in large part of “stupid” and “stupider”. The signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America must be rolling over in their graves in total disgust and disbelief of what has happened to their country and dreams.
I too am from the school of “I can’t not vote”. However, I will have to do more than just hold my nose while voting as there will be tears in my eyes watching our country committing national suicide.
Lynn, I agree, and I am even wondering if people even care enough to try and learn about these people. Or worse yet they know and this is what they want, that is very scary.
Steve, Cry Me a River, yes she and Obama get a ton of free press. Maybe they will start to devour each other since we still have a ways to go.
Mark….I thought the American people were fed up with Illegal Immigration “……I thought so too. It was supposed to be both parties were fed up but what is showing up is it was lie. Only conservatives are the ones really fed up.
Tom, what you said is exactly what is happening. Like watching a train wreck and not being able to stop it. That is what it feels like.
Jack absolutely right, I go back and forth from I have to vote to I can’t sell out again. This is the most important election and at the same time the worst choices ever.
Les, I understand completely. Lots of tears from me already.
Thank GOD the GOP debate on FOX is at Myrtle Beach SC tonight and NOT the Defeatocrats… Hellary in a bathing suit shot on the Grand Strand would make us swim for the sharks! I miss the old duty station there… when our A-10 Thunderbolts would frolic above the surf and bikinis…..And Alabama would jam at the Bowery!
HIPS – 39%
Q TIPS – 37%
In the ‘Live Free or Die’ state 2008?
drstrangeloveb52isok, heh heh good one.