08 Jan
Les says:

Duncan Hunter really gave it to the TV Network execs that banned him from their debates. Check it out.
Duncan Hunter Press Conference

TomR says:

Fox News is too much like the RNC. There is little left of the Republican Party for me to have faith in or support for. Duncan Hunter may not get very far, but he has had zip support from the RNC. No other candidate has the conservative credentials or actual conservative record that Hunter has, and that includes Fred Thompson. Yet, the powers that are, ignore him for the headline makers with very dubious records. Fox News and the RNC are more in show business than in serious political policy business.

Wild Thing says:

Les wow, thank you for the link.

Wild Thing says:

Tom you re so right, I never dreamed I would see the RNC treat conservatives like they have treated Duncan Hunter. And Fox really has disappointed me big time.