Yeager, in backing Hunter, cites candidate’s experience
New Hampshire Union Leader
Chuck Yeager says Duncan Hunter has “The Right Stuff.”
So when the Republican’s supporters felt wronged that their candidate was excluded from recent debates, the aviation legend took action. He teamed up with former U.S. Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., on Saturday to host a radio talk show for Hunter in an effort to reach thousands of likely voters.
“Duncan is the only one I know who is running for President who is not trying to buy his way into the White House,” Yeager said in a telephone interview last night from his home in California.
Hunter, a congressman from California, is soldiering on in the grassroots spirit of the New Hampshire presidential primary.
“Mike Huckabee has his Chuck, I’ve got mine,” Hunter said in Manchester. “He’s got Chuck Norris on the ground. I’ve got my Chuck at 30,000 feet.”
Hunter is a long-time member of the House Armed Services Committee, and past chairman. Despite being kept off stage in the ABC and Fox News debates this weekend, he placed third in the Wyoming GOP caucus Saturday.
Yeager has known Hunter for decades. His son served with Hunter in the Vietnam war. Despite his candidate barely registering in polls, he is not considering others at this point. Not even Sen. John McCain, another veteran with foreign policy experience.
“John McCain cries and whimpers too much,” Yeager said. “No one has half the experience as Duncan Hunter.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
We all know the left truly are the enemies of our country and it’s future. There are only two conservatives left running against the dems, Thompson and Hunter. It isn’t over yet for any of them, I just keep hoping things turn around and one of these leads the way. Hunter would be awesome as my first choice. Thompson would be ok too.
This election will effect so many things, our country, our military, our strength in the world, small business, big business, our borders, our security the list goes on and on. There are moments of throwing in the towell, with the media doing there best to mess with this election, keeping people out of debates etc. But until we know who we end up with there is still that ray of hope.
Hunter took 3rd in the recent Wyoming Republican caucus which vaulted him from obscurity to the top tier of candidates with whom he expects to appear at the next debates following being excluded from the past two.
There is also an excellent letter here……Why Chuck Yeager supports Duncan Hunter………
Good old Chuck! I love him to pieces. I felt so bad when he didn’t make the Mercury 7.
I’m glad he’s backing someone with a backbone and who has integrity coming out of every pore in his body. When I took the Glassbooth.com quiz, I came out most like Duncan Hunter, even though he’s my second choice. My hubby and I would love to see a Thompson-Hunter ticket. That would be smashing! Two true conservatives.
Duncan Hunter was on the Andrea Shea King show last night (WDBO AM 580) and was absolutely impressive. Hunter mentioned that his son (a Marine) just got back from Iraq and is now running for Congress as he is out of the marines now.
Andrea is asking everyone to email or call ABC and Fox to let them know how wrong it is to shut out any candidate still in the running.
Yes, we, as a free nation, need the Press but NOT to decide our next President for us.
Here’s Andrea’s link where you’ll find the info for ABC and Fox:
Just keep scrolling down.
She also has good info on contributions to the candidates made by owners of the news organizations.
Then there’s that little thing of the Saudi Prince who owns a lot of stock in Newscorp, ie Fox News (Murdoch) and how much sway he apparently has there.
google “News Corp + Alwaleed bin Talal”
Free press?
I love what he said about McCain crying and whimpering too much. He’s hit the nail right on the head.
I still believe Thompson and Hunter are our two best bets for having Conservatives in the White House.
What an endorsement! Chuck Yeager. While so much of the country is fawning and falling over Oprah and Obama, the real heroes are pretty much ignored. This election is a circus with clowns and very bad ringmasters. Undefined “change” is the popular word of the day. Issues are seconded to personalities.
Hunter and Yeager are above most of that gutter crap. They are both men who have proven their courage and honesty. They have also risked their lives in the service of America. Sadly, that is less important now to too many Americans than who the couples are on Dancing with the Stars. Nanny state promises of “free” services and goodies are the issues being debated by the “top tier” players.
Hunter is another Ronald Reagan type. But Reagan was now a generation ago. We have had fun loving, feel good Bill Clinton and two bumbling Bushs. Why should the Presidency be taken seriously by large numbers of voters! Even 9-11 was six years ago and who remembers that far back? Duncan Hunter is too serious and not a cult figure type. I think America wants popularity, tabloid type scandal and fun back in the White House. And the MSM feeds that frenzied fantasy. 2008 is looking bad.
No nonsense Chuck, he sure doesn’t mince words, I wish Duncan Hunter had more support, especially amongst our kind, the rules are observed differently and the game is played in an honest manner and openly.
I watched the ‘debate’ last night, I thought Thompson handled himself quite well, McCain tried his personal attacks as usual and had his head handed back on a couple of occaisions.
Our democracy is based, in part, on the concept of “one man, one vote,” and a vote by a secret ballot, free from the judging eyes of neighbors and the media, free from bribery, and free from the influence of political activists.
During the Iowa Caucus why did Illinois Senator Barack Obama and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson have a pact in precincts where Richardson had a local official loyal to him, and if Richardson wasn’t viable, then Richardson would tell his organizers to move his supporters over to Obama en mass. Conversely, in precincts where Obama had more than enough supporters, he would lend people to Richardson to ensure Richardson a fourth place? The same deal was cut with Joe Biden but Biden refused and has dropped out of the race. Is that not packing the polls?
Overnight ours, The United States Navy had an open provacation with the Iranian Navy in the Strait of Hormuz with the bold affront from the Iranian Navy’s dumping ‘boxes’ in their path. With the sole purpose of government being to protect it’s citizens from harm internally or externally.
Read the transcript from last nights debate and you’ll see what the response from our “Democrat Diplomat” from New Mexico will be, he’s the only one running with state department credentials.
Here is a transcript of the discussion with Bill Richardson had with Charlie Gibson at last night’s New Hampshire Debate: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Vote2008/story?id=4092530&page=1
TomR, I was thinking of your comment of Regan being a generation ago just the other day concerning our military. Their aren’t any career military personnel with less than 20 years who served under Ronald Reagan.
It seems to me that anyone who has OUR best interest, and not taking care of us, doesn’t even get a ripple in the main stream media.
Duncan Hunter would get my vote in a new york minute, sadly he is not even allowed into the debates, this is a travesty. Because we are missing out on a rare opportunity to vote for someone who genuine cares about the United States as a Sovereign nation.
Lynn, a Thompson/Hunter ticket would be so awesome.
Yankeemom, thank you so much for the link and the information.
Bob, I agree, maybe things will turn around for the conservatives, I pray it will.
Tom,your right, the public sure loves the tabloid type instead of substance.
Jack thank you for the link to the transcript. We watched the debate too, but I wanted to send something from it to some relatives so this is great that you have it.
Mark that is so true, they just want to push the rino’s.