Here is his website
Glenn Beck
“Glenn Beck” airs nightly on Headline News on CNN at 7, 9 and midnight ET.
From his site:
A Note from Glenn
“Well it all started out fine. How it all ended with me in the hospital for 5 days and sent home with patches they give people (I found out later) who are at ‘end of life’ for pain is a journey I would like to forget, but know I won’t anytime soon. Today, New Years Day, is the first time since Christmas that I have been able to even attempt to play with the kids so, needless to say, I am not going to make it back for broadcast this week.
My best friend Pat will be filling in on Thursday and Friday. I hope to be back on Monday and we’ll all have great laughs at my expense. … but maybe not … as I told my doctor today that I was feeling a little better, he said, “You know, in 10 or 12 weeks you really will have gotten past most of the pain and will be able to laugh about all of this.” My response? “10 TO TWELVE WEEKS???? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! YOU MAY BE GIFTED AT MANY THINGS — BEDSIDE MANNER AIN’T ONE OF THOSE THINGS”. 🙂
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Prayers he will be ok.
Glenn is my favorite commentator. I’ll tell you why–he’s serious and he’s funny and cute. You just can’t not enjoy his shows.
He brings out things that other shows won’t. It’s the only thing I watch on Headline news. All the other news, I’ll go to fox.
I hope he is feeling better soon and that he heals quickly and doesn’t have to worry about pain. Pain is something I deal with every day due to a car accident and the doctors not being able to find anything out of the ordinary. They all say it’s all in my head.
Get better soon, Glenn. We love you here in Nebraska!
Prayers from here too! We so need your voice, Glenn Beck!!!
I am very interested in hearing what his medical complications are. We have excellent doctors and hospitals in America, but we also have too many error prone physicians and facilities that cause a lot of discomfort and sometimes death. I have experienced medical practice that was superb and some that was criminally inept. Sadly, the medical profession refuses to police itsself, so the bad apples just keep going.
It is possible that Glenn Beck underwent re-surgery to correct a botched surgery. It happened to someone near and dear to me. The surgery entailed spinal fusion after two previous major surgeries to correct a symptom, one where theyt left gauze packing in the wound causing infection. That’s three exposures to the grim reaper, two at the hands of incompetent surgeons and staff. The hospital whisked the surgeon away and the AMA hid him, somewhere in Minnesota. Like Tom said the medical profession is like the legal profession, they refuse to remove the incompetent amongst them selves. Rest assured that if our paths ever cross bad things will happen to that surgeon. Just shuttle them along to another unsuspecting neighborhood like they did this one. Get well soon Glenn, you and Zell Miller are about the only two I can respect in the entire Left Party.
I heard the first part of his show this morning and Wow is all I can say, no one should have to go through that kind of treatment. If anyone had reason for a law suit Glen has a good case against the whole Hospitol and against the whole HMO system.
If this is any indication of how Nationalized Health care is going to go, then I am saving one bullet because this sounds like something out of Nazi Germany when they were experimenting on people as guiniia pigs, this is just pure lack of sense or no sense at all …
Lynn, I believe you, and I am so sorry you are in pain like that. I hate it when doctors do that when the pain is real like you have. Too many need to be patients for awhile and see how it feels, how patients are treated.
Yankeemom, he was saying with tears how his wife hd saved his life now twice. Very touching as he spoke about her.
Tom, I think they should do that too, police themselves.
Jack wow that story about that doctor at the link you included is horrible. What a terrible doctor.
Mark,I hate it and because of Nationalized Health care in England and Canada, I have lost a friend in each country because of it. grrrrrrr