31 Dec

The 1st Cav

…..Thank you John 5 (VN69/70) for this video.

TomR says:

I would be proud to serve in the 1st Cav!

Wild Thing says:

Tom and the 1st Cav would be honored to have you too. I mean that!!

Jack says:

Thank you John 5 and WT. It is gripping, “Common men uncommon valor”, I love them all. They were everywhere in the RVN, each man doing the task of the battalion, sharing in many multi-unit missions and they are still carrying on that role. It was the 1st Cav soldier who turned down rides in my truck and I in turn, refused to walk in their footsteps, both of us thinking our’s was the safest mode of travel, it was you who challenged me for travelling the unswept road, God bless you for the patrols to make those roads passable.
It was my unit’s mission to support the 1st Cav, the 82nd Airborne and elements of the 3rd Marines, and to ensure they had all the necessary materiel to accomplish their mission. There are many outstanding men in that fine organization, a few like Mark Hostetler who enlisted to learn a trade and legendary 1st Air Cavalry Division pilot Ron Alexander “Mini-Man” or MOH winner Bruce Crandall, not to forget all those 1st Cav foot soldiers who weren’t so ‘Airmobile’, the enlisted and drafted men who had to face the enemy on the ground. It has been my honor to have served in support of such honorable men. Thank you.

We are blessed with such greatness!

Les says:

Patriots! Plain and simple.

Wild Thing says:

Jack wow thank you for shairng this. Awesome.

Wild Thing says:

Patrick, I am constanly in awe of our troops.

Wild Thing says:

Les your right they sure are Patriots.