I just wanted to thank you all for your support for this blog, and for being a part of Team Theodore. I look forward to 2008 and you all have a lot to do with that.
Thank you too for your emails, cards, gifts and the tips in the tip jar. The Care packages to the troops from Team Theodore arrived in time for Christmas, and I am hearing back from the soldiers a little at a time. They are very busy and I truly don’t even expect a reply, it is just so wonderful to know the packages got there ok.
I have some idea’s for the New Year of sending more packages to the troops and also to the wounded. I am getting some names a little at a time so the packages can go directly to the soldier right from all of us.
Also and most of all thank you for your friendship, I love you all.
The world has gone mad to a certain degree, there is tremendous hope our country will survive, and we will continue to live in the land of the free. But it once again comes at a cost to our troops and the support they get is so important. Plus having a blog a little home online, a place to come and share, laugh, shed a tear, and talk to one another of the things that tick us off as well as cheer about things has meant more to me then I can say.
NIck doesn’t use a computer although it was his idea that I get one. haha But he does love to read the posts I do and the comments from all of you. He is very supportive and sometimes has even hand written a post he wanted to put here for me to type it and post it for him. I believe he sent one email in his entire life, that he typed and I showed him how to click send. He got up and said ok that is about it for me I am more comfortable having you do it. giggle
But he knows who you all are and asks about how you are doing often. So he is very much a part of this place as well in his own way.
Thank you and a BIG hug for each one of you.
It’s a shame the waterboarding CIA tapes of Ramadan Rosie were destroyed! WE demand an investigation… Gutes Neues Jahr 2008 from the Death Star II crew! GO USAFA Falcons. BEAT Cal Berkeley to a pulp in the Armed Forces Bowl!!
Show these left coast liberal lunes no mercy what so ever…..
Why you thanking us?? It’s us who Thank You for hosting this blog where those of us with like minds can come together to support our military and nation. You just need to get Nick more comfortable on the computer so he can do some posting too.
I pray God’s Blessing for both you and Nick.
Theodore’s World is like a second family. Your support of the troops makes you one of the troops. I know that all of us mostly agree on most subjects, but that does not make us clones. The difference of opinion is also food for thought.
I don’t know when(if)you ever sleep Chrissie. This blog and all it’s research, graphics and preparation must take a lot of effort. Your work on this site is appreciated. The thanks really go from us to you.
Ditto the comments of Darth, Bob and Tom, it is you Chrissie, that makes the desert bloom. Your generous effort and hosting give us the platform to exchange views, vent frustrations and share the common interests we have. Many thanks to Nick for his understanding and sharing, I do wish Nick would post more often, he has a hidden talent that we all appreciate. Thank you for everything you do, may the upcomng year be even more joyous and productive.
Love you both.
Happy New Year
You are a Great supporter of Our Great country!
Cheers to you Chrissie and my best to you and yours in 2008!
You bring hope and love to America’s Greatest!
Your views are right on!
I read about you Nick and proud of your work!
Go Navy!
Dittos to all of the above comments. Chrissie rocks! Thank you for all you do and bringing us all together. How many people think that she should get Nick his own computer? Wouldn’t it be a blast if he got “hooked”?
((((((((((((( hugs))))))))))))